Zeus Trading Investment – Options Trading Guide


Dividend On Fire – Options Selling Roadmap
A comprehensive learning hub for passive income seekers wanting to learn how to sell options. It’s an online, video and written-based, study at your own pace course.
Can you imagine the satisfaction of consistently generating an additional monthly income stream from learning how to sell stock options?
You Are Here

You’ve heard of selling options, covered calls, cash-secured puts, the Options Wheel Strategy, but you don’t know where to start?
Are you frustrated with other people making passive income from selling options and feel you could learn this skill as well?
Do you dream of making an extra side income, or better yet, leaving your 9-5 to trade options full time?
Would you like to learn how to grow your hard-earned investment portfolio by 12-24% each year or more?

And if you’re already an experienced trader – and before you bounce from this page – I want to stress that this course is not a fluff piece or the same generic options training drivel you read all over the internet or hear about in YouTube videos or even get “training” from your online broker.
What You’ll Learn In Options Selling Roadmap

Beginner to advanced guides on every topic that moves the needle and allows you to start making money.
Strategies for understanding and utilising options that aren’t taught ANYWHERE else. No generic fluff or the same generic options training drivel you read all over the internet.
Actionable strategies to scale your portfolio and passive income, and when to do each step.
All This (And More!) Is Yours With The Options Selling Roadmap:
Short videos so you can absorb the content in a digestible way
Actionable steps that you can implement straight away and get rapid results
A copy of my Options Campaign Manager spreadsheet so you can record your trades, manage your P&L, and review your average cost prices and % annualized returns.