Zero to Docker – Gourav Shah


With Docker at its core, open containers eco system is changing the way software is being built, shipped, delivered and orchestrated. If you observe closely, you could clearly see the tell-tale signs that its set to be the next big thing. All big cloud players and technology platforms alike have released tools and services around containers. Leave Google’s and Amazons of the world who are already using containers in production, multitude of companies globally are either contemplating a container strategy or already in process of adopting to it. If you are a IT practitioner, you should not miss being part of this revolution, and be ahead of the game by adding this shiny new skill of today and essential skill for tomorrow to your portfolio.This course is part of the bite sized devops learning series by School of Devops, and is a pragmatic learning path to master building, deploying, delivering and managing softwarewith containers and docker.This course will begin with an introductory section which will give you a good conceptual understanding by answering all of the questions below,What Containers are and how its different than VMsWhats under the hood ? What makes containers possible?How is Docker Changing Software DeliveryHow does Docker fit into a devops workflow ?What is Open Container Eco System and what are its Components ?The introductory section is the only theoretical section, which is then followed with a scenario based, hands on sessions, which emphasise learning by doing. Each of the section includes quizzes and follow up nano projects, and troubleshooting exercises.By the time you are done with this program, you should be able to ,Run, launch and manage containersManage and control resource limits and container propertiesPackage a software application, build docker images, and publish on registry with DockerfilesDeploy micro services stack with Docker Compose in Dev and StagingOrchestrate docker deployments at scale in Production with Docker SwarmArchitect fault tolerant, high available systems and achieve zero downtime deploymentsCourse CurriculumAbout this CourseWhy learn Docker ? (2:25)About Instructor (2:38)Course Outline and Methodology (2:51)New LectureIntroduction to DockerSection Intro : Introduction to Docker (1:13)Zero to Docker in 5 minutes (6:12)Worksheet : Zero to Docker in 5 minutesThree Ways – Containers, VMs and Bare Metals (12:34)Whats under the hood – Namespaces, Cgroups and OverlayFS (10:12)Portability, Density, Consistency – The Key Features of Docker (12:44)The Docker Evolution Story (8:17)Docker Workflow and Components (8:32)QuizNew LectureSetting up the EnvironmentSection Intro – Environment Setup (1:45)Docker for Mac/Windows (2:02)Setting up Docker Toolbox (2:43) – Setting up learning environment without Installing a Software on your System (5:54)Getting Started with DockerSection Intro (1:17)Testing Waters with Docker (4:05)Launching our first Container (6:02)Launching Container Like a VM with Interactive Mode (2:38)Namespaces in Action – Learning Whats contained and whats not (4:09)Making Containers Persist (4:45)Connecting to a Running Container (3:35)Pause, Stop Remove (4:23)QuizContainer OperationsSection Intro (1:01)Port Mapping Primer – Launching and Connecting to a Web Application (5:30)Renaming, Top, Attaching and Detaching (2:34)Inspecting Containers and Foregrounding (2:47)Limiting Resources – Memory and CPU (6:32)Setting up Restart PoliciesQuizDockerising your own AppSection Intro (1:26)How to package an application into a Docker Image (7:54)Building Docker Image the Imperative Way (3:58)Launching and customizing a Container (6:47)Committing the container into an Image and Validating (6:32)Troubleshooting Image Builds, Publishing to Docker Hub (6:36)Automating Image builds with a Dockerfile (6:15)Image build cache, Dangling Images, Image Tagging (6:04)Lab : Building Docker Image Manually – the Imperative ApproachDockerfile Cheat SheetNano Project: Dockerizing Facebook Clone AppQuizDocker NetworkingSection Intro (0:48)Docker Networking (2:39)Inspecting the default Bridge (3:49)Creating Networks – Bridge, None and Host (4:19)Multi Host Networking and Overlay (2:10)Lab : Docker Host NetworkingQuizConnecting Micro Services with Docker ComposeSection Intro (1:27)Section Intro – Defining and Deploying Micro Services Application Stack with Docker Compose (1:27)Launching and connecting services Manually (3:39)Using docker links for discovering and connecting services (8:20)Launching Application Stack with Docker Compose (5:59)Lab: Deploying a Instavote Microservices AppNano Project: Setting up Monitoring with Prometheus and GrafanaNative Container OrchestrationSection Intro (1:49)Need for and key features of Container Orchestration Engine (6:33)Docker Swarm Key Concepts (10:01)Provisioning 5 nodes Swarm cluster with 3 managers and 2 workers (11:37)Provisioning a high available replicated Service manually (10:05)Exteding docker compose to deploy in Production with stack deploy (5:26)Adding deploy and replication configuration for voting app (5:17)Container and Node fault tolerance in action with Swarm (7:14)Zero Downtime Deployment and Rolling Updates (6:57)Lab: Docker Swarm with Compose V3 and Stack DeployGet Zero to Docker – Gourav Shah, Only Price $47Tag: Zero to Docker – Gourav Shah Review. 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