Zak Slayback – Cold Email Master


(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)Welcome to Cold Email Master. In this module, we’ll look at what you’ll learn in this course and what you can expect to take away going forward.File Size: 755.83 MB

Zak Slayback – Cold Email Master

What You’ll Learn
How to Write Outstanding Subject Lines

You’ll learn how to write and test subject lines that make you emails stand apart from the noise and make busy, important people open them.

Exactly How to Structure Your Email

You’ll learn exactly how to structure your email. We’ll step into the mind of a busy person and counter any objections or questions before they come up. You’ll walk away with a checklist that you can use on every email you write.

Exactly How to Clearly Ask for What You Want

You can write an email that gets opened and read, but if you don’t clearly ask for the right thing, you won’t get a reply.
You’ll learn several tested “reply triggers” that are clear, compelling, and easy to reply to. You can use these in almost every cold email.

What to Do if the Conversation Goes Dead

You’ll learn how to follow up if you don’t get a reply the first time and you’ll learn how to follow up if you do get a reply but then the conversation goes dead.
You’ll walk away with a clear flow chart of which next steps you should take.

The Goods:
Welcome to Cold Email Master

Welcome to Cold Email Master. In this module, we’ll look at what you’ll learn in this course and what you can expect to take away going forward.

Module 1: Great Cold Emails Are Not Spammy

In this module, we’ll look at what makes an email a great cold email instead of a terrible spammy email.
You’ll learn about the psychology of very busy people and how they think about new emails in their inbox. By putting yourself in their shoes, you’ll learn how to write an email that’s clear, compelling, and easy to reply to.
Finally, you’ll learn how to address each of the core email questions in turn, so you’ll leave the course with a clear checklist you can follow when writing a new cold email.

Module 2: How to Convey Your Value Proposition

Your cold email should not simply not look like spam, but it should also offer enough value to the recipient that they feel compelled to reply. In this module, we look at some of the strategies you can use to convey your value proposition in your email clearly.

Module 3: How to Send Follow Ups

You need more than just a reply, you need a commitment.
In this module, we look at how to tastefully send follow ups that make your recipient want to reply to you and commit to your initial ask.
We look at both how to follow up when you don’t get a reply (and how to troubleshoot your initial email to learn for the future) and how to follow up when you get the initial reply but then get radio silence.

Module 4: Putting it All Together

Let’s walk through a check-list of how you can write a fantastic cold email, how you can follow up, and how you can grow your network.

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