XLT Stock Trading Course


Quantamentals – The Next Great Forefront Of Trading and Investing

What is Quantamentals?
Quantamentals is when you combine high performing quant strategies, with high performing technical analysis strategies, along with high performing fundamental strategies.
The objective is to take the best of all three worlds and combine them in order to create high performing trading and investing strategies.
Here are various examples of Quantamentals:

Fundamentals + Technicals + Quantitative Analysis = Quantamentals
Value Investing + Trend Following + Momentum Trading = Quantamentals
Earnings Growth + Mean Reversion + Low Volatility = Quantamentals
Return on Equity + Trend + Momentum = Quantamentals

Each of these by itself has proven to have edges. What Quantamentals does is take the best of these edges and combining them together to gain the highest edges and returns possible.
This is the heart of Quantamentals – ”You’re Stacking Proven Edges!” This means when it’s done correctly you have better strategies and have the increased opportunity to achieve significantly higher returns.
Do you understand this? Do you like this? As you can see, this is the next generation of professional trading and investing!
Here is a simple example of a Quantamental’s Strategy Combining Fundamentals, with Technicals, with Quant
We published this on August 14, 2019 in the Connors Research Traders Journal.
The Power of Quantamentals
Quantamentals is your competitive edge!
For the first time you will now be able to combine technical analysis, with fundamental analysis, along with quantamental analysis, taking the best of all worlds and combining them into one methodology with the objective of trading stronger,and more robust strategies.
Going even further, when Quantamentals are properly applied in a professional, disciplined, and structured, manner, it leads to high performing, new portfolios that look like this
What You’ll Learn In The Next Great Forefront Of Trading and Investing?

Week One: Putting The Quantamentals Base in Place
Identifying The Best Indicators To Build High Performing Quantamental Strategies.
Week Two: Strategy Development – Part One (Long Strategies)
Combining The Best Quantamental Factors To Build High Performing Trading and Investing Strategies
Week Three Strategy Development – Part Two (Short Strategies and ETF Trading Strategies)
Now that you have the knowledge from Weeks one and two you will learn strategies for rising markets, declining markets, and for the times when markets go through times of stress.
Week Four – Combining The Very Best of Quantamentals
In Week Four we will be combining the best strategies in order to build new robust portfolios, with the goal of performing in any market environment.

Who is The Next Great Forefront Of Trading and Investing for?

To get the full benefit of this course, you should have a 6, 7 or 8-figure account that you’re managing.
Because the course material is in-depth, ideally you will have at least 3-5 years of successful trading or investing experience.
Everyone in the class will be required to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Due to the fact that this knowledge is not in the public domain, everyone will be required to sign a non-disclosure before being allowed in the course. This is to better assure that the concepts and the historical edges you’ll learn do not get spread throughout the internet.