Xcode 6 – 14. Dice game app in Swift


Course CurriculumFirst Section01. Introduction to the gamling game (2:38)02. Setting up the scene part 1 (4:25)03. Setting the design part 2 (5:31)04. Adding the IBOutlets to the Swift file (4:19)05. Adding in IBActions (3:01)06. Adding in variables and talking about ballence (3:46)07. Setting the dice type for the computer (3:10)08. Random numbers and variable scope (4:43)09. Accounting for the Zero dice roll (3:19)10. Testing the difficulty level (1:05)11. Adding in victory conditions (5:13)12. Adding in the stepper logic (3:14)13. Adding in the bonus modifer (3:22)14. Fixing a programmer error (2:06)15. Setting the money label at the start of the app (2:33)16. Adding in the betting logic (3:03)17. Printing the money to the screen (3:26)18. Adding in a reset game button and logicmov (6:45)19. Fixing a textbox issue (4:59)20. Chosing the color scheme (5:27)21. Adding in the fonts (3:07)22. Testing the app and changing the black to an off black (1:45)23. Making the player reset the game after they have no money (1:31)24. Course conclusion (1:00)Get Xcode 6 – 14. Dice game app in Swift – Anonymous , Only Price $25Tag: Xcode 6 – 14. Dice game app in Swift Review. Xcode 6 – 14. Dice game app in Swift download. Xcode 6 – 14. Dice game app in Swift discount.