Wysetrade – Wysetrade Trading Masterclass XVII


Investopedia Academy – Advanced Options Trading

Learn the benefits of trading in Futures and Options (F&O).
Learn how and when to choose to buy and sell options for consistent and regular income.
Learn how to trade in Futures with limited downside risk and huge upside profit potential.
Breaking the Myth that F&O trading is risky by learning advanced risk management techniques.
Learn to Hedge your stock portfolio from adverse market conditions.
Learn Basic and advanced options strategies and when to choose which strategy based on the market conditions.
Learn to earn income from your existing stock portfolio while it is lying idle in your Demat account.
Learn how to make money in falling or declining markets by going short in the F&O market.
Options trading requires very low investment. Learn to take advantage of this opportunity of making big profits with small capital.

What You’ll Learn In Advanced Options Trading?

Introduction to derivatives
Types of Options -CALLs and PUTs and when to choose what Option?
How to make money when the markets are falling using futures and options (F&O).
Moneyness of options
Option Greeks
when to buy Options
when to sell Options.
Various Options trading strategies and when to choose which strategy based on market conditions:
Directional strategies for trending markets
Non-directional strategies for range-bound markets
Delta Neutral Strategies – How to make money irrespective of whether the price goes up or down.
Volatility-Based Strategies – How to make money by taking advantage of price volatility.
Regular Income Generating Strategies – Learn how to generate regular income by selling Options.
Hedging Strategies – Learn how to hedge and protect your stock portfolio from falling markets.

Who is Advanced Options Trading for?

Traders – Looking to earn consistent income or profits from stock markets with very little investment. Traders who want to earn higher returns with smaller capital. Traders who are risk averse and would like to participate in the stock market with limited downside risk but big upside profit potential.
Investors – Looking to earn consistent income on their existing stock portfolio without having to sell their portfolio. Looking to hedge (protect) their existing stock portfolio from potential losses due to adverse (falling) markets. Investors who want to purchase stocks at discount to build their portfolio.