Wynn Westcott – Numbers. Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues


The first edition of this little book has been long out of print, and for several years, I have been asked to enlarge it, but until the present time sufficient leisure has not been found to collect the additional matter which seemed desirable.
Wynn Westcott – Numbers. Their Occult Power And Mystic Virtues
This essay on Numbers now appears as Volume IX of my Series entitled “Collectanea Hermetica,” of which it seem to form a suitable part, and I am hopeful that it maybe as well received by students of mystic philosophy as the previous volumes which treated of Alchemy, in the Hermetic Arcanum, Hermetic Art, Euphrates and Aesch Metzareph; the Dream of Scipio and the Golden verses of the Pythagoreans, the Pymander of Hermes and Egyptian Magic.