Wyckoffanalytics – Roman Bogomazov – Upgrading Your Trading Plan (2018)


Wayne Gorman – How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading Strategies – Course 1 Vertical Spreads

Course 1: Vertical Spreads
Learn the vertical spread strategies designed to exploit sharp price movement and discover how you can combine the strategies with Elliott wave analysis.

Format: On-Demand Course
Instructor: Wayne Gorman
Level: Intermediate Course 1 Vertical Spreads

Learn how to capitalize on fast-moving price action
This long-awaited course is the first in a multi-part series of options trading courses that will teach you how you can use the Elliott Wave Principle to improve your options trading.
Senior Tutorial Instructor Wayne Gorman looks at vertical spread strategies that are designed to exploit a sharp price movement, including:

Bull Call Spread
Bear Put Spread
Bear Call Ladder
Bull Put Ladder

What You’ll Learn In How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading Strategies – Course 1 Vertical Spreads?

Which wave patterns provide the highest-confidence options trading opportunities – and which do not
Which wave positions provide you with the optimal entry
Which time frames work best with each options trading strategy
How to apply Elliott wave rules and guidelines, including Fibonacci ratios
What type of Elliott wave structure should precede your entry point and why
Where and how to set entry, target and exit levels
How to achieve the optimum risk/reward ratio
When to hold a position until expiration
How to manage uncapped risk
How to fine tune strike prices and expiration dates

About Instructor
Wayne Gorman – Former Senior Trading Instructor
Wayne Gorman, CEWA-M, is a 40-year veteran risk manager and trader. He started out at Citibank, where he managed trading positions in money markets and derivatives. He traded full-time with his own capital for almost five years before. In 2013, Wayne co-authored the Amazon best-selling book Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading, published by Bloomberg Press. Wayne is also the author of multiple EWI trading tutorials.