Writing Great Leads — Erase Your Copywriter “Blank Page Panic” for Good! – John Forde


Imagine this …You just got your first big copywriting gig. The deposit on your fee is already cleared and you’re ready to write!Your excitement builds as you sit down at the computer with your favorite coffee mug and open up a brand-new document. You daydream for a few minutes how you’re going to spend all the royalties this sales piece will make you …With fingers poised on the keyboard you take a deep breath and then — that’s when it happens, that one little phrase starts to rattle in your head …“I’ve got no idea how to start!”Your mind is completely blank.You know those first few paragraphs are critical. Botch them and you risk losing the reader — and your client — for good. But what should you write to grab your reader’s attention?Now panic sets in. Your income and your reputation are on the line. And instead of typing — you’re stuck … just sitting there, racking your brains … staring at the blank page …Does this sound familiar? If yes, then first off …Relax — because it happens to everybody …Even great copywriters with long careers have to go back and ask that very same question, with every new sales letter they write. In short … how to begin?The difference is, they already know what works. That comes from years of experience … Of writing sales letter after sales letter.Wouldn’t it be great if you had a shortcut for making those choices too? A shortcut that eliminated all your worries and panic and showed you exactly how to start your letter?That is, what if you had a step-by-step lead-writing blueprint you could turn to, time after time? Not just a way to sidestep your own doubts about how to start … but a tool you could use to perfectly craft those opening lines?Well, here’s the good news.There is such a simple, methodical secret. It’s a unique tool, developed after two years of polish and research … and built on decades of testing, using real results drawn from hundreds of winning controls and multimillion-dollar sales letters.Countless pros already use this systematic approach to lead-writing. It’s what they turn to almost every time they turn on their computers.Now you can use it too. No more hard choices about how to write your opening lines. This does the work for you. It’s almost as easy as following a checklist.And yet, it’s more powerful than any checklist could ever be because this is no set of generic templates. Rather, it’s a way to custom-tailor the opening paragraphs of every sales letter you sit down to write. So it’s original, professional, and perfectly targeted to the audience you hope to reach.Take a look at just a few things you’ll find in this direct and comprehensive video walk-through of the entire headline and lead writing process …The ONE simple question every copy pro asks when it’s time to sit down and write. Knowing the answer to this question is key to launching every sales letter with full confidence and total ease …How to narrow your choices to just one of six powerful headline types … and be able to reach any kind of audience, regardless of whether you are writing for the health, financial, or Business-to-Business markets …Have you ever noticed how some headlines and openings work great with one audience and flop with others? There’s a hidden reason why. Master this and you’ll know which headline and lead to use for every project you undertake …How to craft the perfect opening sentence so your target reader finds it irresistible to scroll down the page …The real reason what you say, in those first seconds of your sales letter, makes such a huge difference … and the real reason generic, one-size-fits-all openers really don’t work for everybody …How to use a time-tested copywriting formula and make your copy sound refreshingly original …And so much more.Think of it this way …Great chefs always know which knife … pot … or pan to reach for in the kitchen to make their dishes really stand out. A pro golfer always knows which kind of club to grab to drive the ball where they want it to go.It’s the same with great copywriters. They know exactly what headline to use, what lead to write to get their sales letters read by customers. They spend years mastering those choices too.And now, this newly-developed video program boils that entire headline and lead writing approach down to a few simple, powerful steps.We call it Writing Great Leads.If you’ve been struggling to come up with the right headline and lead, then Writing Great Leads is the perfect solution. With it, in a matter of just a few days, you’ll able to eliminate the frustration, worry … even panic when it comes to writing those precious first few sentences and paragraphs.Every step is broken down into exact detail. Every time you land a project from a client, and are ready to begin, all you need to do is watch Writing Great Leads. It’s that easy.In Writing Great Leads, you’ll discover …How to use the “Power of One” technique to lock in reader focus at the outset … and then sustain it through the rest of your letter. As an added bonus, this technique makes the rest of your sales letter much easier to write.How to choose the right kind of lead every time, no matter what you’re trying to sell. This is the secret to quickly tapping core reader emotions …How to spot the difference between GOOD ideas and GREAT ones — This ONE insight could easily make or break your copywriting career …How to write the perfect opening line, any time you hope to open your sales letter with a compelling story. Hint: Hollywood does this all the time …A simple practice that can help you “lock in” the sale in as little as 3 seconds — do this right and your prospect will scroll right to the order page.Here’s the most important “perk” of all …Once you learn how to pick the right lead for the right audience, everything else in your sales letter — right through to the end of your order form — falls into place.Now I should point out, this was originally intended as a private training device for one of the world’s most successful direct-response marketing companies. Every one of their copywriters has used this training program. It’s responsible for generating upwards of $500 million in sales.This systematic approach has been used to craft countless multimillion-dollar controls, many which have become sales letter icons. Behind closed doors, it provides the lexicon many pros use to discuss which kinds of sales letters they’ll write.And yet, this is the first time this “sales letter blueprint” has been made available in video for the public. It’s powerful yet simple. Virtually anybody — even new copywriters — can use it, with any kind of sales letter they typically write.It’s a gift for experienced copywriters too, because they can use it to enhance every sales letter they write. That’s because it’s filled with proven insights and tips on mastering writing headlines and leads. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s included in Writing Great Leads:9 step-by-step lead-writing videos — Each video builds on the next, outlining the process for writing 6 types of leads that’ll win the heart of your prospect each time …A Writing Great Leads Pop Quiz — Test your skills! Identify the right lead and see if you’re on your way toward becoming a master lead writer …A personalized checklist on buying triggers — How to tap into the natural instincts of your prospect and get them to say, “YES”!Targeted exercises and worksheets to sharpen your lead-writing skills …I’m confident that by the time you finish spending this time with John, you’ll have the tools — and know-how — to write copy your prospect enjoys and masterfully lead him to the action you want him to take.Each and every time you sit down to write — your blueprint is right there to help you pick the perfect lead and instantly begin crafting a winning sales piece.Writing Great Leads is timeless. You can use this blueprint over and over again until all your anxiety and doubts completely fade away — and writing great leads becomes second nature.Now, when John provides this level of training for private clients, his fee typically starts at $3,500 … just to walk in the door. But that’s not what you’ll pay for this one-on-one video program …The price for Writing Great Leads is set at just $497.And there’s still more.See, when you order Writing Great Leads — you’ll also get 9 additional resources designed to build on the foundation of the video courses.These exclusive PDFs are full of expert advice and tips — compiled by John himself — to help further guide you in mastering the art of writing winning leads …Extra resources like …25 Secrets Behind Promotions That Sell — These are the moneymaking secrets that come from billion-dollar advertising genius, David Ogilvy!Creative Prompts for Accelerated Brainstorming — You get a complete “kit” of creative prompts to stimulate well-targeted creative thinking …John’s Reading List for Writing Great Leads — Build on the Writing Great Leads foundation by digging deeper into ALL the concepts of lead writing — written by more AWAI top-level copywriters …The 5 Things Your Reader Really Wants — Targeting desire is the soul of the Big Promise — this article teaches you how to reach the heart of your reader to make the sale fast!Writing Great Leads is designed to build your confidence in writing strong … well thought out … control-worthy leads. It can help shape — and even save your copywriting career.If you act now and order today — you’ll have 90 days to start using your blueprint — risk free — for just $497.You get the videos … worksheets … quizzes … exercises … and worksheets for a fraction of what John charges for just 1 day of training!And if for whatever reason you’re not 100% completely satisfied with Writing Great Leads — we’ll refund every penny!Get Writing Great Leads — Erase Your Copywriter “Blank Page Panic” for Good! – John Forde, Only Price $27Tag: Writing Great Leads — Erase Your Copywriter “Blank Page Panic” for Good! – John Forde Review. Writing Great Leads — Erase Your Copywriter “Blank Page Panic” for Good! – John Forde download. Writing Great Leads — Erase Your Copywriter “Blank Page Panic” for Good! – John Forde discount.