The larger Shift that is underway requires that we access ancient wisdom, powerful prayer lineages and healing practices to help us address the crises of our modern world – and bring greater harmony and sustainability to our communities, our people and our planet.Purchase Wisdom of the Grandmother courses at here with PRICE $297 $85 Wisdom of the GrandmotherBy entering into this virtual global circle with the 13 Grandmothers, you can:Receive greater guidance from your dreams and visions.Pray more deeply and effectively – benefiting yourself, your family and the world.Expand your capacity for compassion and forgiveness.Heal and open your heart in deeper ways.Enter into sacred ritual time, and respect natural flows of energy, attention and time.Discover how you can be a channel for healing in your own community.Connect profoundly to Mother Earth wisdom through ritual and ceremony.Renew your hope for our future, and understand the unique role you play in it.Connect with a global family of people who are committed to this holistic way of life.For 7 weeks, Immerse Yourself in the Ancient Wisdom of the Grandmothers…The larger Shift that is underway requires that we access ancient wisdom, powerful prayer lineages and healing practices to help us address the crises of our modern world – and bring greater harmony and sustainability to our communities, our people and our planet.The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers offers a remarkable chorus of insight, stories and guidance. They are the fulfillment of many prophecies, and a remarkable example for our world. Together, they have created a worldwide alliance that shares a common vision – offering a source of great inspiration and healing, reminding us of deep spiritual truths and calling our attention to what is most important.You now have the opportunity to connect directly with the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in this virtual gathering – one session per week for 7 weeks – to share in the teachings of our ancestors, and light our way forward.What You’ll Receive During These 7 WeeksWhile the Grandmothers have every intention of teaching on the subjects below, it is also part of their way to follow the guidance of Spirit, and to respond to the needs of the moment. So as participants offer their prayers, insights and questions during each session, the subjects may shift. Our goal is to provide a powerful healing, learning and awakening container in which you can engage the Grandmothers – and trust that Spirit will do the rest.Week 1: Sept 18thProphecies Revealed: The Mission of the CouncilGrandmother Agnes Baker PilgrimGrandmother Rita Pitka BlumensteinThe International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmother was set in motion by common visions and prophecies, seeded decades ago in many people around the world. Some of the prophecies were held for generations by the Grandmothers’ peoples. Some of those visions were held by members of the Center for Sacred Studies (CSS), who convened the Grandmothers in 2004.In this opening session, Grandmothers Rita Pitka Blumenstein joins Grandmothers Agnes Baker Pilgrim, sharing the prophetic spiritual messages that gave birth to this global movement – and sharing what is at the core of their work. You’ll learn how these elders see our current times, and how we can answer the larger call for us to transform our relationship with each other and the earth.“We are here to let the beauty, love and joy continue, so when you walk through this journey, the earth is the better for it. We can give back love, generosity and forgiveness when we ’see’ rightly. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is our gift! What part will you play today?!”–Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim‘The universe does not belong to you, you belong to the Universe.’”–Grandmother Rita Pitka Blumenstein, Yup’ikWeek 2: Sept. 25thUplifting the Soul: Building Respect Between All NationsGrandmother Ambassador Pauline TangioraWe all live within a global planet. However, we need to accept that we are not all the same. Over the past hundreds of years, there has been oppression of peoples who live in a natural world – receiving what Mother Earth and Sky Father provide for our daily existence, and making it possible for the generations who follow to care and carry on to the next generation. This has meant that transmigration, whether by force or accident, has deprived indigenous nations of their place in their country – and therefore their society.Week 3: Oct. 2ndReciprocity: Reviving Traditional CeremonyGrandmother Agnes Baker PilgrimGrandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy DanceThe Grandmothers come from lines of prayer and ceremony that restore and renew our relationship to Creation, and to one another. This session will focus on truly living ceremony as a powerful way to heal relationships, create bonds of mutual trust, and access great energies that are not available on our own. From ceremony, we learn about the importance of mutuality and reciprocity.“I started the Blessing of the Salmon Ceremony in ’94 on the Applegate River. I wanted to restore our ritualistic way so people would understand, be respectful and be careful of what they’re doing to the earth.”–Agnes Baker Pilgrim“Our people know that the land and the language are one. If we lose one or the other we are no longer who we say we are.”–Grandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy DanceWeek 4: Oct.9thRelationships: Walking in the Path of Our AncestorsGrandmother Mona PolaccaRita Long Visitor Holy DanceThe Grandmothers follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, and bring that wisdom to share with all of us. Indigenous traditions revere ancestors, and you’ll understand from this session how to create a deeper relationship with your physical and cultural lineages. This gives a sense of place, of rooting and grounding, as well as cultivating a state of deeper gratitude for life itself.“The Sundance is very sacred to our Oglala Lakota peoples. As you support the ceremony in a respectful way, something good will come to you and your people as well.”–Rita Long Visitor Holy DanceWeek 5: Oct 16thResponsibility: Water as a Human RightGrandmother Agnes Baker PilgrimGrandmother Mona PolaccaOne of the key teachings of The Grandmothers is to take responsibility for peace in our communities and peace in our hearts. Part of this is developing a deeper relationship with the natural elements around us. By entering into this reverential relationship, we begin to know water, for instance, as the source and the mother of life.Listen as the Grandmothers share about their relation to this primary element. Learn to connect more profoundly with the water inside you and around you – which leads to a real shift in how you move through life.“My elders said, ‘Know where your water comes from. Know your fire. Know where you are going to find your food.’”–Grandmother Mona Polacca, Hopi, Havasupai, Tewa“We are Water Babies. Do not to forget to say thank you every day for the water you drink, the water you bathe in. Without our Mother Water we would not survive.”–Grandmother Agnes Baker PilgrimWeek 6th: Oct 23rdA Future of Hope: Educating our YouthRita Long Visitor Holy DanceGrandmother Julieta CasimiroThe heart of the Grandmothers’ prayers are for the next seven generations – so that the ways of life continue. As we educate our children in the ways of peace, harmony and balance with the earth, and with one another, we grow a world of hope. For our children will carry the action of peace forward into the future.“Everything I do, I do for the next seven generations.”–Grandmother Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance“Every morning I get up and I pray for all sentient beings…humans, animals, even birds – they all need happiness.”–Grandmother Tsering Dolma GyaltongWeek 7: Oct. 30thCelebration and Healing: Giving Life to the Prayer Through Sacred SongGrandmother Julieta CasimiroFor all peoples, throughout all times, sacred songs have given voice to the deepest connections with Source. Songs open hearts and heal bodies; they call on spirits and banish negativity. Grandmothers Maria Alice Campos Freire and Julieta Casimiro use sacred song and chants in their healing ceremonies. They will share their songs and the wisdom of this sacred medicine of sound.“Everyone lightens. Each one of us is moving and vibrating as we become one as the light beings we are. All of us have been called. All of us feel the change and know the urgency of becoming One.”–Grandmother FlordemayoSalepage : Wisdom of the GrandmothersPurchase Wisdom of the Grandmother courses at here with PRICE $297 $85