
Willny Guifarro – Flipping Acres 101 – The Key To Massive Margins

Original price was: ₹82,751.00.Current price is: ₹3,750.00.


From: Willny Guifarro
Houston, TX
As the founder and CEO of Equity of Texas, I have the rare opportunity to see and solve the problems of many real estate investment companies that come to me asking for help।
I get to see what’s working and what’s not
Recently I spoke with 25 of my close friends in the industry, They do very well but I was trying to find out what is preventing them from grossing a million or more every year and why they think that is
Then something cool happened…
I found that it had almost NOTHING to do with:

Having Having more leads
Having more employees
Having more systems

But instead, it had everything to do with:

Low ROI Marketing campaigns
Lack of knowledge when it comes to underwriting deals
Not thinking big enough
Quantity over Quality

Finding this out, I structured an outrageously fruitful course called “Flipping Acres 101”
This course is for you if …

You want to learn how to properly market to vacant land owners
You want to learn how to analyze these huge vacant land deals
You want to learn how to close MASSIVE wholesale fees while not increasing your marketing budget – Just by redirecting your marketing efforts

So if you’re ready to commit, get your hands on this course right away!

Save Yourself Years Of Trial & Error By Using My Blueprint To Land You MASSIVE Real Estate

Why struggle along, trying to figure things out for yourself? I did this exact thing and It took me 8 months to get my first wholesale deal back in 2015. Use my blueprint to learn to analyze every land deal that comes in your pipeline. It could be a 5,000 sqft lot or a 50 acre development deal.
Are you ready to change your life by learning how I close multiple 6-figure vacant land deals on the regular? Than my grab my masterclass ASAP

Who Is Willny Guifarro?

Willny Guifarro is a Real Estate Investor originally from Pompano Beach FL. He is a very passionate man with a hunger for finding the NEXT BIG DEAL.
He has experience owning and managing millions of dollars in Multi-Family real estate as well making millions of dollars through his wholesale company.
He has taught 100s of people the business throughout the years and is very passionate about bringing people into the industry