William R Clark – 427 No Cost and Low Cost Marketing Strategies, Tactics, and Tips


(Download available within 12-24 hours)You’d actually have to crazy not to get this book if you own or associate with businesses and are always looking for ways to improve and increase revenue.

William R Clark – 427 No Cost and Low Cost Marketing Strategies, Tactics, and Tips

427 No Cost and Low Cost Marketing Strategies, Tactics, and Tips
This book is incredible. You need to get hip to ALOT of marketing quick? Here’s the source. The title is self explanatory. But this guy has obviously studied Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy and others.
You’d actually have to crazy not to get this book if you own or associate with businesses and are always looking for ways to improve and increase revenue.
Here’s the Table of Content, I’ll let it speak for itself:

1. Marketing is a process, not an event
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2. There are only three ways to grow a business

3. Marketing is the best way to gain the highest leverage

4. Don’t try to tell the market what it wants – let the market tell you

5. Changing and developing your mindset

6. Non-traditional marketing

7. Develop a flexible marketing plan

8. There is no “right” or “wrong”

9. U.S.P. – unique selling proposition

10. Demand measurable results from every ad you run

11. Don’t stop doing what works

12. Lifetime value of a customer

13. Avoid the 17 most common marketing mistakes

14. Get a computer for business use only

15. Holding a customer’s check until they are satisfied

16. Background Radio Versus Foreground Radio

17. A “tax-sheltering” marketing technique

18. Tell your prospect exactly what satisfaction looks like

19. Direct mail

20. Referrals

21. Educate the consumer

22. Listening – be Interested Rather than Interesting

23. Risk Reversal

24. Write copy to one person at a time

25. The best way to learn is by doing

26. Current customers

27. A Great Line to Add to Your Mailer

28. Write a book

29. Study marketing books, tapes, etc. – always keep learning

30. Realize that BizLearning is Both an Audio and Video medium

31. Give a Monthly Bonus to Your Top Producers

32. Exactly who is your ideal potential customer/client?

33. Become a preferred provider

34. The Best and Worst Pages on the Internet

35. Overcoming buyer’s remorse

36. Save “White Mail”

37. Never Underestimate the Intelligence of the Reader and

38. New Ideas From Strange Sources

39. Revelations come to different people in different ways

40. Don’t Let Graphics or Pictures Overpower Your Message

41. Testing

42. Sell a customer what he needs, not what you want him to buy

43. Always state an expiration date for your offer

44. Having Passion About Your Business

45. Use marketing combinations

46. Psychic satisfaction can be more motivating than financial gain

47. Diversify your marketing

48. Realize it’s the profit which counts – not the profit margin

49. One-step versus two (or more) step marketing

50. Make every marketing effort pay its own way

51. Develop a mastermind network

52. Offer free information reports

53. Rent or joint venture your own mailing list

54. Optimization

55. Lock in sales in advance by using GTC

56. Stress the benefits, not the features

57. Targeting

58. Understand and address

59. Computer global search and replace

60. People will read long copy

61. Never run “institutional” or image ads

62. It’s about 6 times as expensive to get a new customer than to resell a prior one

63. What’s in it for me?

64. Use simple words

65. Discover the hidden assets within your business

66. Partial Payments

67. The “assumptive” letter

68. Follow up on all leads

69. Breakeven on the front end to get the back end

70. Use Confirmation Emails on on-line Auctions

71. Address What Customers Are Frustrated

72. Creative “scarcity”

73. Check Out On-line Auction, Classified Ads, Used Bookstores, and Yard Sales for Used Marketing Books, Tapes

74. Teaser Copy

75. Door hangers

76. Use “tie-downs”

77. Self Publishing Tips

78. Use specific facts and figures, not generalities

79. “Spying”

80. Study other ads, sales letters, etc.

81. Use flip charts for your presentations

82. When it Works Don’t Change it

83. Non-active customers

84. Home pages on the internet

85. Catalogs

86. Realize that life is like a moving parade

87. Hold a private customer sale

88. Bumps and upsells

89. Position yourself as an expert in your field

90. Testimonials

91. Put a “Hit Counter” on your Webpage and Each On-line

92. Background Radio Versus Foreground Radio

93. Employee incentives

94. Try a mail-merge computer program

95. Interview your customers

96. Avoid 7’s in prices

97. No Fancy Offices are Needed For Mail Order

98. The Best and Worst Pages on the Internet

99. A Great Line to Add to Your Mailer

100. Listening – be Interested Rather than Interesting

101. No Fancy Offices are Needed For Mail Order

102. Implementation is the key

103. Don’t Be in a Big Hurry

104. Give a Monthly Bonus to Your Top Producers

105. Complaint/comment box

106. The more you give, the more you gain

107. When you say you will do something – do it

108. Subscribe to trade publications

109. Learn to listen and observe

110. Use Pictures Rather Than Line Drawings

111. Never rush marketing

112. Sales training

113. Be interested, rather than interesting

114. Consider using temporary help

115. Spend more time on headlines than on body copy

116. Attach Stamps Crooked to Your Promotional Mailings

117. Use a PS in every sales letter

118. 80% of people who inquire never hear from a salesperson

119. Reply Coupon Size

120. Never Underestimate the Intelligence of the Reader and

121. Profit Margins

122. Learn From Others Mistakes

123. Join Internet Forms & Newsgroups

124. Advertorials

125. Senior Citizen Discounts

126. Open hours

127. Try the word “because”

128. Trade names with other merchants

129. Joint venture deals and host-beneficiary relationships

130. Use a coupon/order blank as an additional sales tool

131. Gift or card on customer’s birthday

132. Personalized letters

133. Pricing

134. Write down a benefits list

135. Self-mailers

136. Write a newsletter

137. Having great service

138. Fax on demand

139. Is a picture worth a thousand words in marketing?

140. Constantly be open to new ideas

141. Advertising specialties

142. Consistency

143. Publish a Book Without Actually Writing It

144. It’s just like having a merchant credit card account

145. People buy results, not products

146. Trade Shows

147. Good service is

148. Make each customer feel unique

149. Factoring

150. Try “third person” writing

151. The most powerful words and short phrases to use in selling

152. The value of a product or service

153. Are there products a customer may buy

154. Loss Leaders

155. Is there another firm which would benefit more

156. Record your sales person’s sales pitches

157. Statement stuffers

158. Email

159. Past successes

160. Bulk-Rate Versus First Class Mailing

161. Motion displays

162. Save “White Mail”

163. Start an “information hot line”

164. Professional ethics

165. Print a flyer for another merchant – your ad on the back

166. Know your competition

167. Reprint ads for a flyer

168. Commitment

169. Trial periods & samples

170. New Ideas From Strange Sources

171. Find multiple uses for your marketing materials

172. Swipe file

173. “Regional editions” of national publications

174. Sales at slow times

175. Gift certificates

176. Offer an internet newspaper subscription

177. The purpose of graphics

178. Slowing customer attrition

179. Lead prospects step by step to the next selling procedure

180. Do not exaggerate

181. Dress a person in an animal suit

182. People are silently begging to be led

183. You are really in three businesses

184. Offer in house financing

185. Have someone review your copy

186. Make a “mock-up” of your complete sales package

187. The Greatest Ideas in the World Won’t Work Unless you work them

188. An Interesting Way to Write a Book Without Actually Writing It

189. Audio tapes

190. Special events

191. Car door signs

192. Party plan

193. Any excuse for a sale is ok – just tell the people why

194. Creative emulation

195. Classified ads

196. Internet chat rooms

197. It only takes one idea to make something worthwhile

198. Your copy must be long enough
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199. Barter

200. Let your sub-conscience mind work

201. Mention a slight disadvantage in your sales letter

202. Window signs

203. Radio talk shows

204. Rolodex review

205. Be Very Careful if You Hire People on a Contract Basis

206. Subscribe to no cost internet marketing ezines

207. Have everyone in your organization thoroughly know your products/services

208. Phone demeanor

209. Use Key Words When You Submit Your Webpage to Internet Indexes and Search Engines

210. Database marketing

211. You Have An Advantage over IBM

212. The use of other sales representatives

213. You must value and respect yourself and what you offer

214. Video tapes

215. Hold your own seminar

216. Instill customer confidence in your company

217. Movie theater ads

218. Customer discount card

219. Accept credit cards

220. Answer all Inquiries Promptly

221. Don’t be afraid to eliminate marketing methods which are not working

223. Quality

224. Treat marketing as an investment, not an expense

225. Surveys

226. Mentors

227. Bonus offers

228. Who else may be serving your target audience?

229. Using free gift certificates to promote your business

230. Contests and drawings

231. Establish a specials/sales board

232. Answer all Inquiries Promptly

233. Marketing on phone hold

234. No Fancy Office Needed for Mail Order

235. Flea markets

236. Avoid the esthetics of white space in advertising

237. The change in BizLearning advertising

238. Competitiveness

239. Free internet classified advertising

240. The Purpose of Advertising is Not to Entertain

241. Christmas cards/letters

242. Combination sales

243. Card decks

244. Donate a product(s) to a PBS fund-raising auction

245. Invoices and receipts

246. Business cards

247. Using your distribution channels

248. Matchbooks

249. People really want to solve problems

250. Daily specials

251. Use Upper and Lower case letters in headlines

252. Excitement, enthusiasm, and passion

253. Read your copy aloud in order the check the “flow”

254. Become a guest speaker

255. Don’t just cut the price – tell the people why

256. Delay invoicing

257. Home study courses

258. Use sales scripts – test and compare

259. Create your marketing calendar

260. Stand up when doing a radio interview or making a recording

261. Review your idea jogger often

262. “Dots” are the only permissible graphics for lists

263. Co-op advertising funds

264. There are no rules

265. Persistence

266. Point of purchase sales

267. Use short paragraphs in your copy

268. Direct mail postcards

269. Right hand versus left hand print page placement

270. Conference calls

271. Telemarketing

272. Use a thesaurus when writing your copy

273. In sales letters don’t end a page with a period.

274. Don’t burn your bridges

275. Sell notes of another person’s seminar

276. 800/888 Numbers

277. Gift baskets

278. Rebates.

279. Clowns

280. Restaurant placemats

281. Put your address and telephone number on audio and video tapes you produce

282. Space ads

283. Establish a club or organization

284. Offer information on a computer disk

285. Refreshments

286. Remove sales signs promptly upon expiration

287. Add more back end products/services

288. Answering machines/services

289. Is your business seasonal?

290. Use serif typefaces

291. Never argue with a prospect

292. Explore the possibility of using “bird dogs”

293. Change from being reactive to proactive

294. Honor other store’s coupons and ad prices

295. Turn negative comments and returns into sales

296. Second prize winner in a contest with only one winner

297. Profit Margins
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298. Consignments

299. Tie in with holidays

300. Ice cream socials

301. Manufacturer’s coupon board

302. Don’t use words instead of numbers in

303. Thinking outside the box

304. Your sales force

305. Conventions

306. Inserts

307. Movie theater ads

308. BizLearning advertising

309. Stationery

310. Sidewalk sales

311. Write the same way people talk

312. Renting mailing lists

313. Product demonstrations

314. Develop and use a daily action list

315. Logo

316. Roadside stands

317. Restroom ads

318. Using “soft” dollars in barter

319. Per inquiry and per sale advertising

320. Multiple pillars of marketing

321. Using non-profit organizations

322. Ads on benches

323. Remnant space advertising

324. Smile

325. Don’t Let Graphics or Pictures Overpower Your Message

326. Bulletin boards

327. Use applied common sense

328. A Christmas party for your customers

329. Streamers and banners

330. Overcome procrastination

331. The internet levels the playing field

332. Inside signs and displays

333. Consultations

334. Licensing

335. Ethically exploit other’s centers of influence

336. Balloons

337. Gaining pre-emptive advantage

338. Bulletin boards

339. Make the transition from limitation to possibility

340. Hold a workshop or lecture

341. Write a column for a newspaper

342. Endorsements

343. Your market niche

344. Speed in filling orders

345. Is a webpage or a website for you?

346. Publicity

347. Tie in with a new movie

348. Your competitors are not your “enemies”

349. Study and use one (or more) of the best headlines

350. Yellow page ads

351. Customer Empathy

352. Print your own coupons

353. Carry a tape recorder and/or a pen and a notepad

354. Listen and have others listen to your audio tapes before duplicating them

355. Take one boxes

356. Fairs

357. Outside signs

358. Public domain information

359. Hold a charity event

360. Can you cut your overhead?

361. Cash flow

362. Keep track of you key codes

363. Always use a P.S. in every sales letter

364. T-Shirts

365. Window signs

366. Impulse sales

367. Having Passion About Your Business

368. Send a letter with your brochure or catalog

369. Issue rain checks with a bonus

370. Sponsor a team

371. Realize that BizLearning is Both an Audio and Video medium

372. Use Pictures Rather Than Line Drawings

373. People buy on an emotional, not a rational, basis

374. Radio advertising

375. Does your business have excess capacity?

376. Your clerks are extremely important to your success

377. Review the yellow pages

378. The best day to run space ads.

380. Use “bullets” in ads and sales letters

381. Visit other stores

382. Closeout/special tables/bins

383. Tie-in with sports

384. Use a VCR for in-store promotions
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385. Outdoor billboards

386. Create a specials board

387. Free web pages on the internet

388. A person with a shopping cart,

389. Set up an “in-house” advertising agency

390. Sales of slow moving and overstocked merchandise

391. It does not matter where an idea comes from

392. Learning by repetition

393. Customer “hot buttons”

394. Stay in touch with your best customers monthly – automatically

395. An Easy Yet Powerful Introduction

396. You may use our back end information products

397. Certified mail

398. Complete the “Marketing Audit”

399. A great source for marketing information

400. “Teaser copy” versus “non-teaser copy” on your envelopes

401. People have a desire to collect

402. My favorite mentors, gurus, and networkers

403. “Thank You!” adds so much

404. Can you expand your product?

405. Fedex and other overnight delivery services

406. A great way to cut down on buyer’s remourse

407. The best and worst days and times to mail sales letters

408. The last person to impact your customer or potential

409. Three line versus four line addresses

410. Recognize possible objections

411. Copy others ads and letters by HAND

412. Don’t give the customer or prospect too many choices

413. The dollar bill letter

414. As postal rates go up – direct mail results may just get better

415. Post Office Box versus a street address

416. The easiest way to increase your business with very little risk to you

417. Each person has his/her own way of keeping records

418. Mail an acknowledgement when you receive an order

419. Your offer can never be too long – only too boring

420. When writing copy, ask “So what … who cares what’s in it for me?”

421. “BS” versus “quality information” seminars

422. “False” guarantees

423. A possibly strange sounding ad or letter:

424. Using the power of “pessimistic” selling

425. People want to belong

426. Overwhelming your customers and prospects

427. Most people need a “push”
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