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FuturesTrader71 – Webinar Series (4 webinars)
About FuturesTrader71
First and foremost, I’m a trader. This site was created as a result of a need to centralize the knowledge I have been sharing publicly about trading. I recognize that there is a real need for no-nonsense trading information that is applicable to the market; rather than theory or diversions. I have found that when you help others, you in turn help yourself. I’ve always said, “Give what you want more of.” That has held true with this site.
I created this website for a few reasons:

I wanted to give voice to different perspectives on the market and what we do as traders. This is a clearing house of views, so to speak.
I also wanted to give good resources to online traders. This is information that should be made public.
Finally, I use this site like a journal. I can look back and see how I’ve grown and do things differently than how I once did. We are all growing and adapting. This is my chance to look back and review.

What You’ll Learn In Webinar Series
Webinar 1: Basics of Market Profile

The basics of Market Profile and my proprietary twist that brings this market auction approach to more simply and consistently be in the direction of the move. A comparison of MP and Volume Profiling is discussed as well as day types, opening types and the tools needed to do this

Webinar 2: Intermediate market Profiling

This video covers the implications of day types. Profile shapes and what they say, relationships of profiles across several days, volume nodes, a narration of a developing profile and the importance of composites

Webinar 3: Beyond the Technicals

This is a crucial video that looks at the most important aspect of trading…YOU! It details the differences between a trader who is consistent and unattached with a typical trader who is struggling to achieve consistency after many chat rooms, books, courses and approaches have been exhausted. If anything, this is the Webinar that will make the highest impact on your trading whether you follow our approach or use someone else’s. In the end, execution is the same

Webinar 4 : Homework & Analysis

This video covers the process of establishing the plan for the next trading day. In this video, a detailed approach to the next day is shared with you in order to assess the “areas to do business” where the best opportunities or the most likely positive outcome can be determined