WildFit Quest – Digital


The Wild Way To Get In ShapeDiscover How The WildFit Quest Permanently Transforms Your Body In Just 90 Days: No Diets, Exercise, Or Major Lifestyle Changes.Why This ProgramThe WildFit Quest harnesses today’s best behavioral psychology and nutrition science to change the way you eat, permanently. You’ll experience profound, safe, and lasting breakthroughs in your weight and fitness – all through a fun 90-day journey filled with delicious meals, a supportive community, and lasting results. How much better will you look and feel when you no longer crave substances like sugar, salt, and alcohol – and instead gravitate effortlessly towards healthy nourishing food? Become a WildFitter now and let’s find out.What Happens When You Become A WildFitterOptimal Body WeightFinally achieve and sustain your optimal body weight – no diets, gruelling exercise, or drastic lifestyle changes.Boundless EnergyFill your body with nutrition that optimizes your organ functions and replaces lethargy, stress, and midday crashes with boundless energy to work and play harder everyday.Optimize Your MetabolismOptimize your metabolism, turn back the clock, and slow down the aging process – your friends and family won’t know what happened.Mental PerformanceEnhance your mental performance – think faster, be more productive, have better memory.Unhealthy CravingsBreak free from unhealthy cravings – no more mindless sugar, alcohol, or late-night snack binges.Forget Bland Diet FoodForget bland diet food – savor healthy, delicious meals you’ll look forward to eating everyday.Wake Up RejuvenatedSleep better at night and wake up rejuvenated by calming your nervous and hormonal systems.Healthier Libido, Feel SexierHave a healthier libido (and feel sexier too when you see yourself in the mirror).Why It Is So Hard To Lose Weight?According to WildFit founder Eric Edmeades, there are five fundamental myths that society teaches us about food and diets:Myth #1: Calorie lnf Calorie OutAs a student of human evolution, Eric observed something interesting about the tribes in Africa that he spent time with: they never dieted. Still they had great muscle tone, amazing energy, and incredible levels of fitness. It occurred to Eric that the fundamental ideas about why we eat no longer make sense. For example, counting calories is meaningless: your body is not a simple input-output machine.Myth #2: Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)There is no daily recommended diet. Our bodies are evolved to eat annually. We go through different stages and are require different foods throughout every season.Myth #3: You Need A Personalized DietNo. Human beings have not evolved enough for each of us to need a different diet. Yes, some of us have special needs – but for at least 80% of us, the rules of nutrition are universal.Myth #4: The Food Industry Wants To Make You HealthyWhile this may be the most obvious myth in this list, billions of people are being misled by the food industry’s claims and promises. The truth is, food manufacturers tell us blatant lies every day – and the especially harmful American diet is designed to keep you in a cycle of overeating and unhealthy cravings.Myth #5: You Must Exercise To Be In Good ShapeExercise is great for health, but it doesn’t have as big of an impact on your weight as most people think. Modern science shows that up to 95% of your body shape and weight is due to the food you eat and not exercise.But What Happens When You Look Beyond These Myths?A System For Long-Term Change In Your Food Psychology With No Change In Calorie IntakeAnyone can create short-term changes to their eating habits – but you deserve better than that.WildFit is a powerful and effective health and fitness methodology that harnesses fields like evolutionary and functional medicine, nutritional anthropology, and uses behavioral psychology to create lasting change in your brain’s association with food, including its response to the Six Human Hungers (which includes genuine nutritional hunger and unhealthy patterns like emotional eating and confusing thirst for hunger).When you recalibrate your mind in this way, nothing can hold you back from craving food that’s actually good for you – not midnight hunger pangs, not social pressure, and certainly not the food or diet industry’s advertising dollars.The result: a fitter, healthier, more youthful body. A mind that’s firing on all cylinders. And the freedom to work, play, love, and explore to your heart’s content.Best of all, these changes happen through an easy, step-by-step 90-day process that transitions you into a healthier body from a space of joy and freedom – but never hunger.A Special Case Study From Vishen Lakhiani, Founder and CEO of Mindvalley“Results with NO change in Exercise and NO change in calorie intake”WildFit is the eating program based on Evolutionary Biology that I used to completely “hack” my diet. Here are my before/after pics. Note: Key here is NO change in exercise and NO change in calorie intake.As you can see, prior to this I wasn’t overweight, but I also didn’t have a body that I was proud to show off at a beach party. During the two months I tried WildFit, I went from 22% body fat to 15% body fat – the normal accepted rate for a male.It was unreal what it has done to my energy levels. I was sleeping better… I had more energy… Where I previously didn’t enjoy eating vegetables that much, I now can’t stop eating them… My alcohol consumption went down… My coffee intake went down… I didn’t have to completely cut off anything really. But I was naturally being healthy.Prior to this, I tried all kinds of fitness products… I tried BeachBody, products like P90X, etc. I found that 95% of your body shape has to do with the foods you eat. Not exercise.Here’s the remarkable truth about the transformation: it happened easy, it happened fast and it happened with no change in exercise. I did not change my exercise routine at all. I always did about an hour of exercise a week. I did not change that. I also did not count calories or change my food intake at all. This was the most surprising thing about the WildFit Quest.And I’ve tried many, many health and nutrition programs. Nothing has changed my body and my life… and everything else from my intimacy levels to my energy to my happiness levels… as much as WildFit.”Instructor ProfileMeet Eric Edmeades: The  Extraordinary Man Behind WildFitEric Edmeades is an international speaker, author, and the architect of several renowned seminars, workshops and retreats around the world.Eric has been a serial entrepreneur involved in several big businesses including the Lucasfilm spin-off and Kerner Optical – but in the world of evolutionary biology and nutritional anthropology, he was an accidental hero.Read More About Eric EdmeadesSuffering for most of his teens and early 20’s with severe allergies, sinus troubles, throat infections and acne, he was only weeks away from a surgery to take out his tonsils when a friend urged him to attend a personal transformation seminar. That seminar ended up not only clearing up 10 years of chronic symptoms, but also changed everything he believed about health and food.Since then it has been Eric’s mission to help people wake up to the reality that, in terms of health, most of us are off course. And that the human and financial cost of our current way of life is far too great.Eric founded WildFit as an easy and accessible system anyone can use to attain lasting physical health and fitness – and in turn a long and happy life.6 Things You’ll Love About WildFit1. Solid Health PrinciplesWildFit is a Paleo-influenced, health methodology that draws heavily from evolutionary history and modern-day hunter-gatherer communities. A key principle of WildFit is that ‘every living thing has a diet’ and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. These principles are known to have existed for at least 5 – 6 million years.2. No Starvation And No ExerciseWildFit is carefully designed so that you will NOT be hungry and there is no requirement to exercise. This program is about nutritional balance and getting your diet, energy levels and sleep on track so that, when you are ready, you will actually enjoy your exercise. You’ll not dread it like you used to.3. Designed For Results In 90 DaysFor the most part, people already know (or think they know) what they should eat and what they should avoid to achieve their health goals; the problem is that they often fail to stick with them. They make exceptions and these exceptions slowly become the rule. The optimized 90-day structure of WildFit, on the other hand, breaks most people’s conditioning long enough to deliver lasting change.4. Powerful Behavioral PsychologyWildFit creator Eric Edmeades has been a professional speaker and executive business mentor for the past two decades. He understands behavior and how to create lasting change in you. WildFit’s structure is based on powerful behavioural psychology techniques that help you implement the changes you want, quickly and easily.5. Work With The Six Human HungersMost people eat either far more or far less than they need, and often they do both. They eat too much of what they should and not enough of what they must. In WildFit, we work with the six core human hungers to help people translate the messages they get so they can really listen to their bodies.6. No Special Foods RequiredDuring your WildFit experience, Eric recommends that you eat healthy. Healthier, organic foods can sometimes cost a bit more, but there are no special shakes, supplements or anything else to purchase. We are fundamentally against diet programs that are designed to get you to pay extra for “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. WildFit creates a lasting fundamental change, and you are never obligated to buy anything from WildFit again.Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Quests Learning PlatformThe Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.The World’s Best Teachers On One PlatformFrom philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.Deep Transformation In Just 20 Minutes A DayNow used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.We’re All In This TogetherThe Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.Here’s Why WildFit Is Wildly PopularExplore The WildFit Quest CurriculumA 90-Day Guided Real-Time Coaching Program To Return You To Your Most Natural State of HealthPART I – Discovering what your body truly needsWeeks 1 and 2: Learning about your body and nutrition so you choose the right foods.The first two weeks are the foundation of your future, healthy self. You’ll receive daily coaching videos by Eric . This phase of the program is focused on educating you about your food and your attitude toward food.You will also learn about the six core hungers of the human body and how to identify them as they arise in you. The result is that your unhealthy cravings start subsiding like an evening sunset.Includes: PRE-RECORDED COACHING, VIDEOS, Q&A and Group MastermindPART II – Allowing your natural human diet to take overWeeks 3 to 10: Recalibrating your belief system so you automatically crave whats right for you.This second phase of the program involves gentle changes to your diet that follow the natural needs of your body. Eric will be there to guide you through the changes with two videos each week. Plus a pre-recorded coaching session to help you make gradual changes in tiny increments you’ll barely notice.By letting the body decide what it needs and making changes to accommodate it, you’re actually allowing the natural human diet to gently take over your lifestyle. Suddenly, you’ll realize there’s a day and night difference between what you used to eat and what you are eating now. And there’s absolutely no struggle involved.During this phase, you’ll also see major results like better sleep, increased energy and vitality, improved focus, fewer mood swings, weight correction and an overall increase in happiness levels.Includes: PRE-RECORDED COACHING, VIDEOS, Q&A and Group MastermindPART III – Releasing Weight Rapidly and Keeping it OffWeeks 11 to 13: This is when the weighloss starts.This phase of the program is about making sure the changes you have just made stay with you for life. You’ll learn how to work with seasonal changes, and how to use seasonality to deeply integrate the principles of WildFit into your life.Plus you’ll receive pre-recorded coaching with Eric to cover your questions, concerns and special needs. The idea is to equip you with all the tools you need to handle the unique problems that life may throw you at some point in future.You will continue getting better and better results during this phase and your health has only one way to go: UP.Includes: PRE-RECORDED COACHING, VIDEOS, Q&A and Group MastermindWildFit Is Not Just A Weight Loss Program – It’s A Lifestyle ProgramImagine, as you go through the 90-day challenge, you receive comments from people saying how you look much younger than your age and another day you realize you’re more flexible than you’ve been in years.You realize that you have complete trust in your body for doing what it is supposed to do. You don’t worry about getting sick. Your improved lifestyle actually has decreased your risk of major diseases. You feel alive and free.Just weeks into the program, you wake up in the morning just like how you used to wake up on Christmas Day as a child — with the utmost vigor and excitement. You’ll look forward to the health and joy each day brings.Whereas once you dreaded seeing your reflection, you now look into the mirror and feel blessed to have this body. Skin breakouts are history. No signs of inflammation. Weight gain has reversed.Even the results have spread to other key areas of your life without you even realizing it. You have more than enough energy to tackle professional and personal challenges with the most infectious smile anyone had ever seen. You have more time and energy for your friends and family. Your relationships are thriving. Your network of influence is exploding.WildFit Is Your Ticket To A Brand New Life – With A Brand New BodyHere’s What People Say About WildFit“Wildfit for me was just amazing journey”Watch What Happened When Wildfit Was Introduced to the Mindvalley CommunitySpecial Discount For Masterclass Participants: Enroll Now & Enjoy $800 OFFWe’re glad you made the time to join us on the WildFit Masterclass. Your commitment to a fitter and healthier body did not go unnoticed! So as our way of rewarding you – and to celebrate this WildFit intake – we’ve activated an exclusive Masterclass-only discount for you on the WildFit Quest.Just enroll before August 6th and enjoy $800 off the regular WildFit Quest fee.The Last Weight Loss & Wellness Program You’ll Ever Need – We Guarantee ItOur goal at Mindvalley is to spread only the absolute best wisdom in personal growth and wellness – and if WildFit was just another weight loss program or fad, we wouldn’t be sharing it with you.Eric’s approach to optimal weight and wellness has transformed thousands of lives in our community – including our own team at Mindvalley HQ (and trust us, we’ve tried a lot of other programs in the past).The airtight science, the life-changing results, and the permanence of WildFit are truly unlike anything we’ve ever seen.And through this Quest you’re getting everything: the training, the coaching, and the passionate community support you need to experience a tremendous lifelong shift in your weight, health, and vitality. You even get a 30-day guarantee to try it all out before deciding it’s for you.So enroll now and together let’s get you in the best shape of your life, for the rest of your life.Click The Add-To-Cart Button Below To Try WildFit QuestWhy Order Today: Four Powerful Advantages Only Available NowBy becoming one of our students in Eric Edmeades’s WildFit Quest, you’ll get FOUR special opportunities that will never ever be available in the future. Here’s what they are and why…1. The Lowest Price This Will Ever Be Offered AtThe usual price for a coaching program like this is $1,895 (Note that one-on-one sessions with Eric starts at $5,000 per person). However, for attendees of the Masterclass, and to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, we have dropped the price to only $1,095 – this is a $800 discount… when you order today.Another reason for the $800 discount: is that we want to get your feedback and comments on the course and your results… so we’ve made the investment as low as possible. All we ask is that you email us back (we’ll reach out to you) at the end of the program to share your story.2. Join Hundreds Of Other Students on August 6thWildFit is sort of like an obstacle race, where the obstacles are your eating habits and the programing about food you received growing up. That’s what makes it one hell of an effective program. However, Eric Edmeades does not conduct this challenge very often. You’re just in the nick of time to participate in this and if you pass this chance, you may have to wait a long time for the next challenge. So when you enroll today, you’ll be starting the race with hundreds of other participants on August 6th.3. Our 30-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back GuaranteeWe know this works – Vishen himself had tried this WildFit Quest, and he experienced one of the most remarkable transformation in the 90 days. However, in the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the course, even if you just don’t like the color of the cover, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund.Our support team at Mindvalley has been ranked one of the TOP CUSTOMER SUPPORT teams in the world by Nicereply.com so you can practically try this at no risk and get a full refund if this does not meet your full expectations.4. Gain Access To Eric Edmeades HimselfFor this batch of enrollment, Eric Edmeades, the founder of WildFit, will be providing pre-recorded group coaching sessions where he’ll hand out his LATEST, MOST UPDATED WildFit STRATEGIES and assist you in overcoming challenges in your life.Here’s everything you get when you enroll:Complete 90-day course designed to return you to your most naturally healthy state.Start the race to your fittest self on August 6th with thousands of others.You get 18 pre-recorded group coaching calls with Eric.Plus weekly pre-recorded video coaching and other supporting materials.Community support and group mastermind with a vibrant group of like-minded students on our peer-to-peer learning platformAn unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can be sure this course is the perfect fit for you with no risk on your part.And award-winning customer support whenever you need help, so you know you are always taken care of.Get WildFit Quest – Digital – Mindvalley, Only Price 97$Tag: WildFit Quest – Digital – Mindvalley Review. WildFit Quest – Digital – Mindvalley download. WildFit Quest – Digital – Mindvalley discount.