Wholesale Coaching Group Calls – Preston Ely


The VIP Coaching group goes for like 5-6K a year.Preston and his Real Freedom Inc. colleagues do a once a month (or so) call.  Plus they bring on other guests and people from time to time to interview (more so in the mini side).The VIP stuff comes from the S3 GiO Wiki bucket…want the link to rip it yourself it’s in the comments on another one of his torrents.Mini-mentoring I did myself…had an account, let it go, tried recently and found out I could still get inCleaned the S3 bucket up as best as I could quickly.  FLV’s I joined into one, couldn’t find for some reason a good MP4 joiner, and it was taking WAY too long to convert down into another format to try and shrink this a bit.  So, it is what it is.The PDF’s and MP3’s in the Mini folder are the same (so you could just grab the transc ripts if so inclined)Focus is primarily on wholesaling in Real EstateTag GioWiki.com: wholesaler masterminds. internal wholesaler tips. wholesaling inc reviews. wholesaling inc podcast. cody hofhine. real estate wholesaling mentor. wholesaling inc price.