Wendy T. Behary – Disarming the Narcissist


Twenty years ago, I, like you, was frustrated with the lack of treatment progress I was having with narcissistic clients and tired of feeling irritated, intimidated and defeated. I would check my schedule

 Wendy T. Behary – Disarming the Narcissist

Origins of Narcissism and Treatment

Conceptualization of narcissism and early unmet needs
Assessment tools
Narcissism DSM® and Schema Theory

The Spectrum of Narcissism

Entitled types
Full-blown character pathology
Sociopathic profiles

The Narcissist in Treatment

Unmet needs
Coping styles
Imbedded states of mind
Using specific assessment tools to guide treatment
Modes and schema of the narcissistic client

Overcoming the Challenges in Treating the Narcissist

Traits, states, and coping styles
How the narcissist provokes the therapist
How the therapist’s schemas and modes can sabotages treatment
Gaining leverage
Meaningful consequences
Keeping the narcissist motivated
Working with the narcissist’s spouse or significant other

Interventions and Strategies for Change

Establish agreements regarding mutual respect
Imagery, for linking new thinking and behavior with early maladaptive experiences
Confront the detached modes in order to access the lonely child
The power of candid “realness” to build trust
Break through intellectual and approval-seeking barriers
Confront overcompensating grandiosity
Effectively tackle aggressiveness
How to remain the credible, compassionate expert that you are

How to Implement Interventions: Demonstrations and Role Plays

Video presentation/case discussion
Cognitive and emotion-focused chair work
Mode work
Empathic confrontation
Therapy relationship
Limit setting

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From Wendy Behary…
Twenty years ago, I, like you, was frustrated with the lack of treatment progress I was having with narcissistic clients and tired of feeling irritated, intimidated and defeated. I would check my schedule, and when his name was there in bold font at 4:00 PM, I would feel a dreadful pit in my stomach…but no more! The techniques I am going to give you solved this, turned my life as a practitioner around and effectively changed my client’s self-defeating patterns.
I’m talking about the challenges of dealing with an “involuntary” client. The one forced to come for therapy by a loved one fed up with his arrogant, self-righteous, and obnoxious behaviors. He had recently lost a relationship, had a disciplinary problem at work and was in legal trouble all because the “rules didn’t apply to him”. He would strut into my office – first trying to amuse me, then defiantly refuse to engage in my “touchy feely” strategies.
I found the key to effectively working with narcissistic clients.
Since then I have honed this innovative therapeutic approach to help move these clients beyond their self-destructive behavior, transforming the lives of numerous clients and their families. This approach will revolutionize your practice and drastically improve your outcomes with your most difficult clients (not just narcissistic ones, since it works well with any challenging or resistant client).
I have gone on to write a book “Disarming the Narcissist,” as well as teach this approach around the globe and now have, in conjunction with PESI, created a special workshop to help you learn and incorporate these methods into your work.
Sign up today, to get the secrets to my success and help you transform your approach. No boring talk and theory, rather we will walk through step by step, the key strategies in my approach. You will learn how to engage these clients effectively – and confidently address their most frustrating behaviors.