Wendi Friesen – Addiction Freedom


This course is available now – Download it nowSame author: Wendi FriesenCourse : Training the subconscious mind is completely ignored in most drug and alcohol rehab centers, and as a result, their FAILURE RATE is over 90%.All will be sent via email after you sign up.Purchase Wendi Friesen – Addiction Freedom courses at here with PRICE $149 $39Wendi Friesen – Addiction FreedomAddiction Freedomgeographical region Panther games, and I am usually asked to be the selected Driver. Ironic once various DUIs. Even after I am not paying attention to the sessions, I often hear Wendi’s sweet voice telling me to be happy with the person I have become. I’m extraordinarily proud of myself and happier than I have ever been. Thanks, Wendi I actually can’t thanks enough. Ken Claffey (Note from Wendi- Ken found his dream life as a competitive athlete, currently traveling the globe in Iron Man competitions. In our psychotherapy sessions, he saw the spark of one thing he needed to accomplish. then he is!)WHAT YOU WILL EXPERIENCEFeel the transformation as you release fear and doubt, and operate from a totally new identity.POWERFUL- NOT POWERLESS. Meet your powerful self that emerges after addiction. Discover the aspects of yourself that are unique and and strong. Start living and loving your new extraordinary life.TRIGGERS. Strengthen your new core values. A powerful, positive trigger is easily created. Your new power will drive you to the right decision in every moment.INVENT YOUR FUTURE. Experience your future self to become that person now. This will create and reinforce that you are a strong, healthy and amazing person living a life you loveYOUR SUBCONSCIOUS HOLDS THE KEY. Rewiring the brain’s neural pathways is proven to permanently affect your behavior and stop the cravings caused by emotional and mental triggers. The most exciting part of this therapy is the immediate freedom and change that you will experience.FIND YOUR LIFE FORCE. You will experience this hypnotic bliss that activates every cell in your body with the commitment to a healthy life. You will feel your new power every day.Course curriculum1. Testimonials• Testimonials from some very happy people!2. Getting Ready- What you need• Wendi Friesen-Addiction Freedom Intro• Getting to know you• Intro To Course• Attempts at quitting• What has been the hardest thing about staying clean or sober? What makes you relapse?3. Day 1- Your Brain Health• Addiction Freedom – Nutrition• Video- Beliefs about yourself at 1 week in the future• Brain Health, Journal and Hypnosis Sessions• Your Journal Download• Future Time Line, 1 week- Alcohol• Future Time Line, 1 week- Drugs• Sleep- Sacred Serenity• Wake Up Happy Session• What did you feel in your future vision? What did you feel was the most important thing you got from this?4. Day 1- The Big Decision• How much do you want this? Let’s find out• The Fork In The Road- Split Timeline Session• Blissful Deep Sleep• Wake Up Happy- Infusion Words• Fork in the Road – While you were on the path to the left, what scared you the most? On the path to the right, what made you most excited about living a great life?• How ready are you?5. Day 2- Future Timeline• How do we create a future and make it real?• Your Future, Create a Powerful One!• Future Timeline Intro• Future Timeline Drugs• Future Timeline Alcohol• Sleep Blissful• Wake Up Happy – Healthy and Strong• Future timeline questions6. Day 3- Beliefs- Past Time Line, Swish• Addiction Freedom Day 3• Day 3- Your Past Timeline, and the Swish• Past Timeline Alcohol• Past Timeline Drugs• Swish Intro- How to Use This Session• The SWISH session• Sleep- Sacred Serenity• Wake Up Happy- Gratitude• questions- swish7. Day 4- Identity, Addiction Zapper• Addiction Freedom Day 4• Your Identity- Who are you now?• Meet Your Future Self- Session• Addiction Zapper Intro• Addiction Zapper Drug• Addiction Zapper Alcohol• Sleep Confidence• Wake Up Happy- Conscious Creation• question new beliefs8. Day 5- Self Sabotage and the real reason you fail.• Self Sabotage- Find out why you fail• Addiction Freedom Workbook Day 5• Parts Therapy Alcohol• Parts Therapy Drug• Sleep Patience• Wake Up Happy – Energized and Alert• question new values9. Day 6- Thoughts are Things! And your Integrity• Thoughts are Things! And Find Your Integrity• Addiction Freedom Workbook Day 6• Self Talk Intro• Self Talk- What to Say When You Talk To Yourself• Integrity• Sleep Dream Programming• Wake up Happy – Worthy of Wealth• What was one of the negative things that you were saying to yourself repeatedly? What did you change it to? How does that feel now?• Integrity- Honesty and trusting yourself10. Day 7- Find Your Truth• Day 7- Find Your Truth• Addiction Freedom Workbook Day 7• Find Your Truth• Infusion Love Whisper• Wake Up Happy Gratitude• What will be the biggest challenge in being truthful in your life? What will be the biggest reward?11. Day 8- Release the Past and Resolution• Your Past is a Thing of the Past• Addiction Freedom Workbook Day 8• Release The Past• Resolution Activator• Intention Health• Intention Power• What events or memories did you release, or bring understanding to? Can you Let It Go?12. Day 9- Triggers! Blow ’em up, clear ’em out!• Day 9- Changing the triggers• Addiction Freedom Workbook• Release Negative Anchors• Clear Plastic Bag• All You Need Is Love – Health• How did that Clear Plastic Bag session go?• The Triggers That Cause Relapse13. Day 10- Kindness. Patience. Compassion• Creating Kindness and Patience• Karma Of Kindness• Sleep Patience• Wake up Happy – Conscious Creation• Question- kindness14. Day 11- The Wisdom You Seek, Today You Find• The Temple of Wisdom• Temple of Wisdom• Sleep Dream Programming• Wake up Happy – Conscious Creation• question describe temple15. Day 12- The Bliss has Arrived!• Let’s Meditate!• Meditation Book• Blissology Meditation• Empty Your Mind• Look Deeper• Lighten Up• Question on meditation16. Day 13- Sweet Surrender• Sweet Surrender• Breath, Relax, Experience• Transform• Heal• Bliss Blast• questions- changes17. Day 14- Forgiveness- the Ultimate Gift• Forgive, Let Go, Love Yourself• Open Heart Forgivness• IAm Love• Infusion Love (Whisper)• Infusion, Love Yourself (lively)• Question- biggest changeGet Wendi Friesen – Addiction Freedom full course with 39 USD. Sign up now to receive your own special offers!For further information, Wendi Friesen course review, Addiction Freedom free download, Addiction Freedom course download, Addiction Freedom course reviewCourse ContentPurchase Wendi Friesen – Addiction Freedom courses at here with PRICE $149 $39