Website Strategy MasterClass – Sean D’Souza


If you don’t have 10,000+ customers on your mailing list, (like all those internet gurus) how are you supposed to run a profitable website business?(And how do you create a website that not only attracts more customers, but actually gets customers to keep coming back and spending larger sums of money each time?)Websites fail because they don’t understand the core of what drives businessImagine going into a restaurant. And just sitting at the table without ordering anything. Or worse, ordering a meal and a drink, and then without consuming the meal, you simply walk away. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?Yet that’s what customers do on websites each dayThey are attracted to a website, by Google or some other search engine; or are referred to a website by a friend or another newsletter; or stumble on a website. And despite being the right target audience, they never buy products or services off that website. Or worse, they buy one product and leave the website, never to come back again.Most websites concentrate on attraction. Yet, it’s consumption that creates the most profit, both in the short term as well as the long term. Learning how to use technology and psychology to create the trio of attraction, conversion and consumption in repeating cycles is what will get you an unending stream of clients, as well a steadily increasing profit.The reason why website strategies fail is because of a lack of understanding of the trio called attraction, conversion and consumption.In order for clients to keep coming back to your ‘restaurant’, and keep eating the ‘meals’ on a regular basis, you need to have a powerful strategy in place.A strategy that guarantees the return of the customer. That will not only get the customer back, but over time, the customer will buy more from you, and buy at higher prices.Higher prices did you say?Let’s face it. Any darned fool can make squillions of dollars over time, if they have tens of thousands of customers. So even if you had 25,000 customers, a measly 2% conversion rate will cause at least 500 customers to buy each month. And if your product/service is just $100, you’ve taken home over half million dollars per annum from a single website.But you don’t have 25,000 customers and that’s the problemWhat’s worse is that you don’t even see yourself having 25,000 customers in the next 2-3 years. So are you just going to curl up in a little ball and cry yourself to sleep? Or are you ready to learn how the trio of attraction, conversion and consumption can attract the right type of customers, who then keep coming back to buy time and time again? And how on earth do you get customers to spend larger chunks of money?Presenting the Website Strategy Masterclass Home Study CourseThe Website Masterclass is a comprehensive course containing audio, detailed notes, and an insider information of the exact steps you need to take to make your website a powerhouse!Most websites struggle for one reason and one reason only. Because they’re built without a foundation of customer psychology.This lack of this psychology means the website owner needs to drive tens of thousands of prospects to his/her website to make the website profitable. And even if you do drive those herds of prospects, there’s no guarantee that they’ll buy anything at all.And this need to have to drive a constant stream of customers, ends up with the website owner doing a lot of legwork. He/she has to be constantly advertising; constantly doing joint ventures; constantly travelling and speaking; constantly working and consequently going a little nuts if everything turns to custard.What you will learn in this homestudy course:1) You’ll learn the core secret on which to base your website (and your business). This secret alone is worth the price of the workshop.2) You’ll learn about specific psychological factors that you need to have on your website, for it to sell and make you all that cash.3) You’ll learn the behind the scenes, step by step system we use to increase attraction, conversion and consumption.PLUS! Don’t miss the bonuses!If you’re doubtful, listen to these testminonials. They aren’t the usual blah, blah. They are deeper and tell you what to expect from this HomestudyThere are over a dozen testimonials, so you can get a range of businesses and examples (and countries too!)Get Website Strategy MasterClass – Sean D’Souza, Only Price 72$Tag: Website Strategy MasterClass – Sean D’Souza Review. Website Strategy MasterClass – Sean D’Souza download. Website Strategy MasterClass – Sean D’Souza discount. website strategy template. website strategy plan. website strategy example. website strategy document.