Wealth Hunter Inc – Simplified Beginner Guide


Seven – Ultimate Stock Market Edge Pack
From -90% on my entire portfolio to financial freedom. I was down to my last $2,500 and had to make a decision. I decided to never quit and keep moving forward. I took what I had left and organically grew to become a 6 Figure Trader in less than a year. Let me show you how. This course bundle experience contains all 3 of my courses ($1,000+ VALUE FOR ONLY $149) and the basics of what you need to know to navigate the stock market effectively.
I recently also added 5 hours of additional bonus content that will serve you throughout your journey. If you are lost on where to begin or maybe want to gain some more clarity, then this is absolutely for you. If you are struggling from temptation trading or trying to recover some losses, then this is absolutely for you. Instead of spending countless hours watching videos and still not discovering solutions, this 3-course entre only needs a small fraction of your precious time.
The Stock Market Lesson in 7 Minutes is a 2 sided PDF. 2 Seperate files, no video or audio included. To Maximize information retention, I highly encourage having a pen and paper readily available.
Now most traders start out making several rookie mistakes within their first 8-10 months of investing in the stock market. This guide contains everything I wish I knew before I pressed that damn buy button. It will help you with everything you need to know to help avoid severe self-inflicted financial pain. You will not find a single trader who has never fallen into one of these tragic circumstances at some point in their trading careers. Sometimes, even more than once.
Some still even fold after 20 years of trading. Some get burned and fall to the shadow realms and never return (Don’t be like this).  From experience, even I lost 80% of my portfolio from these rookie mistakes and had to crawl my way back out into profits. This is where 7 Deadly Sins of Stock Market Trading will be extremely important to digest.
Lastly, to be successful in the market you need to know how to play the hardest game in the world. Might sound simple but I can assure you this game is not like call of duty on Xbox. You cant automatically respawn as some mistakes can be beyond financially and emotionally devastating.  Unfortunately, most people think they understand the intense atmosphere of trading but end up losing more than winning.  You want to put yourself in a position to always have an advantage.
The competition contains arguably some of the sharpest, insider informed, potentially unethical, and the most intelligent minds of the entire world. We also cannot forget how ruthless computers are as well. This final course will contain simple ways to keep odds in your favor as well as a detailed coverage on dos and don’t of trading stocks/options. I also cover having a routine game plan, establishing non-negotiables in detail, and a step-by-step process to discovering your edge. This course is designed to take your entire trading career to another level, no matter how much experience you have.
What You’ll Learn In Ultimate Stock Market Edge Pack

Basics of the Stock Market
Getting Started
Basic Options Trading
Basic Fundamental Analysis
Basic Technical Analysis
9 Videos: 1 Intro, 7 Deadly Sins & 1 Outro
The most common rookie mistakes every investor makers & how to avoid them
The psychological armor to being a profitable trader
Discipline to not FOMO ( Fear of Missing Out) trade- into the Shadow Realms
Guidance on how to break those frustrating losing streaks
List of Trading and Charting platforms