Walter Peters – Small Account Big Profits Live Trades


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Walter Peters – Small Account Big Profits Live Trades

Is it possible for a tiny trading firm to grow faster? Account Use
“Trade-Level Compounding?”
The little trading secret that no one wants you to know:
Your trading system doesn’t matter…
Walter Peters, PhD
From the stand-up desk of Walter Peters, PhD.
Sydney, Australia…
If you have ever wondered how it is possible to quickly increase a small trading accounts, this is the best thing you will read today.
In a moment, I’ll explain why…
First, a warning: Most of the “get rich quickly” Trading stuff out is a lot of crappola.
Forex robots that won’t lose, Ivy League PhDs sharing “secret sauce” Formula developed using quantum computers…
As you and me know, a lot of the information out there is balderdash.
I will be the first to admit that what we are doing here isn’t for everyone.
Most traders don’t know how to trade-Level Compounding (and Certainly Do Not Use It)
This is aggressive trading.
This is putting your life on the line.
This compounding happens at the trade-level… something that very few traders even attempt to understand.
Here’s why I think it’s worth it
“Some of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.”
Doug Larson
Many people will tell it’s true. “pipe dream” It’s not a good idea to try and make $99,000 in 300 trades (which is exactly the thing I’m going try to do …)).
I think the naysayers do not have the facts.
True, I wouldn’t trade my sole trading stake in this manner.
It is a good idea to have some risk capital in order to trade hyper.-aggressively.
My trading capital is mainly generated via “normal compounding” (The slow )… it makes no sense to do this with only a small portion-account.
Because risk/reward is the name for trading.
Growing an account quickly will ALWAYS bring down your bank accounts.
It is possible to increase equity peaks (the beautiful parts of your equity curve), without sinking too deeply into terrible equity lows.
Higher Rewards Require higher Rewards
Different types of Risk Management
Below is the equity curve chart:
These trades can be simulated to simulate a 43% win rate strategy with a 2:2 reward-To-risk ratio.
The risk per trade is 5%. This is insane, but it is because every goo is insane.-The roo-trader harps on “risk 2% per trade”)…
After 322 trades this account of $1000 reaches $109 622 – which is incredible.
This is what happens when your trades are o.k. trading system with 5% risk per transaction and compound the account.
The chart below is even more impressive.
This chart shows the exact same trades and exact same system. But instead of compounding the account level, compounding is occurring at the trade level.
This $1000 account is now $900,000 in this simulation even though they are identical trades and have the same sequences of winners or losers.
Everything is the exact same, except for the risk management guidelines.
The Money Is Made During
Losing Streaks
It’s fun to imagine the equity curves and fantasize about the ferraris you could afford once your trading account reaches that level BUT
Most traders give up before they reach the promised land.
It is too bad.
If you don’t trade through the drawdowns you won’t reach the new equity tops.
Trading psychology is an important component of this course.
You must overcome losing streaks in order to grow your account quickly. These are the silent. “trader killers.”
Most traders quit long before they reach sweet equity highs.
Here’s what you’re getting…
This is very different from what you’ve seen in the past. It’s not a magic system. In fact, you can do it with dozens of trading systems.
No “holy grail” or the secret harmonics W.D. Gann passed on to his great-Grandkids… instead, you’ll get the things that matter.
Week 1: Broker Risk
How your broker is ripping off you – and what you can do about it.
This unexpected broker solution may be the best medicine for traders who want to avoid scam brokers. “frozen” Trading platforms
This is why it works so well-respected western country is the *absolute worst* place to look for a broker (even though it’s considered one of the financial centers of the world)
Week 2: The Three Keys
It’s the secret to making your winners more profitable. You can use it in your trading.
You must understand why certain trading rules should be broken in order to achieve lofty goals. Traders who don’t do this will never compound their accounts quickly.
How to survive the worst times. (HINT: Losing streaks are bad, but it’s what happens after you have one)
Week 3: You Decide the Risk/Reward
The Australian “secret” High reward-To-Risk trading (sounds odd, but it is true)
There are three steps to quickly compound an account, even if your trading history isn’t profitable.
This is the tactic that you need to master if your goal is to trade for large profits (and it’s not just ‘trade high risk/reward strategies’).
Week 4: Losing Streaks
How to learn from losses and why most traders fail “learn too much” From losing (HINT – This is also why many traders spin their wheels over years)
Your trading success is directly related to how you view losing streaks. Here are some mental tricks to help you trade happily with losing streaks
Demo account traders are known to smoke live account traders, which is a strange reason (which you can use to your advantage once this is understood).
Week 5: Trading Psychology
Unlucky trades can be a reason for your poor luck-Start trading and you can guarantee your long-term success-Term trading health (so it’s not something you can ignore). “trading fluff” Focus on what makes moolah
These are the secrets to making billionaires by using painful life lessons as motivation and fuel. Every trader needs these tools in their toolbox.
How to learn the “wise trader” Method for literally vaccinating against the number 1 “trader killer” Nearly all traders who don’t know these things will stop trading (but you’ll thrive).
Live Question & Answer Calls
You will get a chance to ask your questions at our monthly Q&A calls.
All of the sessions are recorded and posted to the members area. (If you are unable or unwilling to attend live, we will answer your questions on the call.
There are a lot of practical trading strategies in the Small Account, Big Profits course, BUT….
This is just the tip of an iceberg, as you also get:
Download immediately Walter Peters – Small Account Big Profits Live Trades
Course on Bonus Risk Management Strategy
Profit Bricks is the fastest and most efficient way to make a profit. “add steroids” To a
Trading system.
It’s not complicated, even though people try to make trading profitable.
Here it is:
STEP 1 – Find a trading platform you like
STEP 2: Add some risk management rules
STEP 3: Keep trading and adhere to the system rules.
That’s it.
There is no other secret sauce. It’s simple (note: I didn’t say it was). “easy” It’s simple, however.
Profit Bricks is, without a doubt, the best method I’m aware of for STEP 2 (“the risk management rules”)
I will never understand why every trader or googler is so mad.-roo spends 90% trying to figure out the best trading system for STEP 1. It’s the EASY part.
How can you maximize your system’s win streaks, and minimize losing streaks.
This is the purpose of Profit Bricks.
Profit Bricks System Is Similar To Steroids For Winning Trading Systems
You will also receive the Profit Bricks system (a complete 6 week course) in addition to this 5-week course.-Part courses available at $597
Here’s what Profit Bricks will give you:
Three Steps to Making More Money with Your Trading System (It doesn’t matter which type of trading system you prefer)
How to compound at trade level (AND how this accelerates account growth faster than other methods) “normal compounding”)
How to learn the Profit Bricks formula even if you don’t know much about statistics or math (HINT – it involves spreadsheets).
How to use Profit Bricks to increase your win rate (this is counterintuitive but true).
Accepting a lower win rate is okay (and Profit Bricks will love it and pay you 10 times)
How to find the sweetspot with your risk rules. Take a look at these two things, and you’ll be all set.
What if Profit Bricks friendly brokers could help you increase your returns? (Yes, you can. We’ll show you how in Week 5)
Profit Bricks are the key to accelerated account growth and surviving drawdowns.
Unexpected side effects-Profit Bricks: Can you push your equity higher without affecting your losing streaks?
Don’t let losing trades ruin your profits! This system is so easy to use that you won’t want to stop using it. “normal trading” Again
Profit Bricks can help you improve your trading results. One of these is yours. “go to” Method once you see how easy it is.
Why you should break all the rules “normal” Trading rules when you consider risk to grow an account quickly (and we’ll show you how to do it)-By-Step by step breakdown in this course
How Profit Bricks can improve your trading system without you ever having to risk a cent
Here’s what you should do next
The cost of the Small Account, Big Profits Course cost is $597. Click the button below to get instant access.
Once you have received your login information, you can go inside to view the modules.
You will also receive the Profit Bricks course ($597) – but this is a bonus for signing up now.
Simply click the button below to land on the shopping basket. There you can enter credit card details. You will then receive an email with login details.
Logging in and running through the course instantly will allow you to hit the ground immediately.
Here’s what you should do next
We both know that there are tons of automated trading robots on sale. “secrets of W.D. Gann’s trading” There are many dark corners on the internet… BUT
This isn’t one of those hyped products.- it’s possible to get rich quickly this can be different.
This course will teach you how to use aggressive risk strategies to quickly trade up your account.
As you will see, the trading system DOES NOT MATTTER. It’s as bizarre as it sounds, but it’s true.
Sign up now to receive the Profit Bricks course for a free ($597 value). Small Account, Big Profits Take the course today.
But you’ve gotta keep in mind:
This won’t last long…
This course will close …. soon. You have until now to sign up.
$597 isn’t the right price “right” Price for this course
This is something I know, and you probably do too. After all, if you can turn a $1000 account into $100,000 using this information, how valuable is this skill?
What if you could convert a $1000 bank account into $10,000?
What would it be worth to you?
What if you had a $1000 account that could be converted to $5000?
Would $597 be a worthwhile investment?
It is definitely worth it.
Hence, it is so expensive.
I want you to be able to gain good value, improve your trading skills, and consider working for me in the future.
Yes, I do offer other products and/or services. Once you have had a positive experience with me, I am confident that you will continue to work with us in the future.
(And, selfishly, I get some the best insights and ideas working with traders, so it is definitely a two-way road …)
Oh! Oh!
You also have access to:
All Of My Live Trades
Let’s be real.
Backtested trading results can be a boon. There are many forex trading systems that can produce stunning equity curves. However, robots are known for posting too many.-Optimized
But sometimes, actually, most of the times, the backtested results do not translate into the “real world” Live account trading.
You can relate.
I have also assumed that backtests = real trading results in the past.
It’s not true, and that’s okay.
This is why I will let you watch as I trade the live accounts with these. Small Account, Big Profits techniques
Each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I post two video updates. (One during the Asian session, and one during Europe).
On Mondays, Fridays (not my best trading days) I post one video update (usually during the Asian session).
I want to show you how these techniques work in real-life. Because that’s all that matters.
Traders today pay $159/month for 8 weekly video updates on trades. Because you will see my 300 first trades in this course, it could be 10 months worth of trades. (depending on how many signals and other factors, it could be more or less).
If my math is correct, then 10 months x $159/month = $590
You get an additional $1590 bonus for signing up for the course.
This is in addition the $597 Profit bricks course bonus you’ll also receive today.
This is $2,087 in bonuses that you get just for signing up Small Account, Big Profits.
This Offer Is Very Limited, So Hurry!
Thank you for taking the time and reading my letter. I look to hear from you soon!
P.S. P.S.
You’re getting the Small Account, Big Profits Take this course to learn how to quickly and easily open a trading account.-level compounding.
As a bonus, I am giving you Profit Bricks ($597) as a gift just for signing up. Small Accounts, Big Profits Take the course today.
You will also have access to my trade video updates ($1,590 value), so you can see how these principles are applied in the LIVE MARKETS.
All you have to do is pay a ridiculous $597.
One-Time fee of $597
I believe that the bonus Profit Bricks course alone can change your trading. It is amazing what happens when you view trading from a different perspective.
Once you have seen it, “game” Trading is a complex process that will be made clear to you in the Small Account, Big Profits Everything changes.
This is a limited offer.
This course will also be available at $1997, which is still a great deal, and the same price as my premium courses.
There is no catch.
This is a one.-time fee, no recurring membership in Small Account, Big Profits.
Click here to access the course (as well as the Profit Bricks bonus course, and my live trade updates).
This is going to be a great gift for you.
 Here’s What You Will Get in Walter Peters – Small Account Big Profits Live Trades