Wall Street Prep – Advanced Accounting


Wall Street Prep – The 13 Week Cash Flow Model

Complete 13-Week Cash Flow (TWCF) Training: This course is a step-by-step buildup of a fully integrated 13-week cash flow model in the context of a turnaround and financial restructuring.
Not Just Concepts – Real World Modeling: Using a case study, you will build a fully-integrated model as you would on the job. This is the only course available that teaches complex model mechanics for a 13-week cash flow model while weaving the motivations of the various stakeholders during both in court or out of court turnarounds.

What You’ll Learn In The 13 Week Cash Flow Model?

Integrated 13-Week Cash Flow Modeling
Working Capital & Other Rollforwards
Borrowing Base & Revolver/DIP Modeling
Reconciling EBITDA to the 13-Week Cash Flow
Case Manager and Multiple Scenarios
Converting Monthly to Weekly Forecasts
General Ledger Accounting Mapping Best Practices

Who is The 13 Week Cash Flow Model for?

Turnaround Consultants & Advisors
Restructuring Investment Banking Professionals
Distressed Debt Investors
FP&A and Corporate Finance
Private Equity Professionals