Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading – Wayne Gorman‎


DESCRIPTIONThe Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading is an in-depth, easy-to-use guide to trading the financial markets with the Elliott Wave Principle.In many ways this book picks up where Frost & Prechter’s classic Elliott Wave Principle: Key to Market Behavior left off, which makes it “required reading” if you want to build a solid foundation in Elliott wave analysis. Co-authored by two of Elliott Wave International’s most trusted analysts — Wayne Gorman and Jeffrey Kennedy — their trading insights offer a perfect blend of traditional textbook and real-world application.Join Kennedy and Gorman as they provide step-by-step instruction in how to trade with Elliott. They include scores of real market charts that depict the Elliott wave patterns, which will help you measure the strength of trends, forecast market turning points, plus identify trading opportunities. What’s more, this illustrated guide also explains how to use supporting technical indicators that can build confidence in your Elliott wave analysis.Gorman and Kennedy know that “simple” does not mean “easy.” Their combined expertise will help you build confidence in your analysis, create an effective trading plan, and better manage your trades. Whether your trading style is conservative or aggressive, their charts and techniques can help identify high-confidence opportunities.Each chapter includes key points & smart investor tips, such as how to “Prepare yourself to take advantage of opportunities even when your preferred count does not materialize,” and “Let the market commit to you before you commit to the market.”Elliott wave analysis recognizes that in financial markets, mass psychology swings from pessimism to optimism and back in a natural sequence. Use this book to recognize those wave patterns, and anticipate market moves that most traders never see coming.The Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading is the new criterion for any serious technical trader. Get Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading – Wayne Gorman‎, Only Price $32TABLE OF CONTENTSHow to Use This Book viiForeword ixAcknowledgments xiIntroduction xiiiDisclaimer xvPart I: Trade Setups 1Chapter 1: The Anatomy of Elliott Wave Trading 3Jeffrey KennedyPart II: Trading Examples 19Chapter 2: How Zigzags and Flats Set Up a Trade for the Next Impulse Wave 21Jeffrey Kennedy on CAT, TECH, and the Australian dollarWayne Gorman on silver and robusta coffeeChapter 3: How a Triangle Positions You for the Next Move 77Jeffrey Kennedy on GCAWayne Gorman on DELLChapter 4: Riding Wave C in a Zigzag 99Wayne Gorman on S&P futures and T-bond futuresChapter 5: Using Ending Diagonals to Trade Swift and Sharp Reversals 125Jeffrey Kennedy on DJIA, BSFT, SLW, and TCK Wayne Gorman on the euroPart III: Going Beyond Elliott Wave Patterns 155Chapter 6: Applying Technical Indicators 157Jeffrey Kennedy on CREE, WMT, and WYNNChapter 7: A Basic Options Trade 185Wayne Gorman on the euroChapter 8: More Advanced Options Trades 195Wayne Gorman on heating oil and soybeansChapter 9: Parting Thoughts 223Appendix A: Introduction to the Wave Principle, by Wayne Gorman 229Appendix B: Bloomberg Functionality Cheat Sheet 247Glossary of Elliott Wave Terms 249Educational Resources 253About the Authors 255Index 257Get Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading – Wayne Gorman‎, Only Price $32Tag: Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading – Wayne Gorman‎ Review. Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading – Wayne Gorman‎ download. Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading – Wayne Gorman‎ discount.