Visitor Logic Pro – Visitor Logic Pro


In 10 Minutes Or Less…You’ll Have Your Website Reacting To Your Visitors And Creating a DRASTIC INCREASE In Customer Engagement, Sales, And Revenue!Visitor Logic Pro will INCREASE Your Sales by allowing you to Customize Your Messaging based on the Actions Your VISITORS take.How Do We That?Watch The Video To Learn More:Visitor Logic Pro is designed to increase visitor engagement, time on site, and conversions by speaking directly to their wants and needs based on pages they visit or actions they take.How Do We That?Watch The Video To Learn MoreVisitor Logic Pro is designed toincrease visitor engagement, time on site, and conversions by speaking directly to their wants and needs based on pages they visit or actions they takeChange ANYTHING and EVERYTHING inside your WordPress Website with DYNAMIC BEHAVORIAL MESSAGING.Want to See it in Action?Click on ANY of These Examples:Create new headlines, content, images, videos, banners, or messages on any page, based on a whether a visitor has viewed page A or B.Use the power of Visitor Logic Pro to change messaging, swap videos, hide one time offers, and much more BASED on the number of visits to your site, or visits to a certain page.Use keystrings and url lines to craft custom messaging to a specific audience, visitor, or advertising channel with ease.… And that’s just the START of what Visitor Logic Pro can do for you…What else can you do with Visitor Logic Pro?Display Promos or any content within a CERTAIN date range (Automated Real Date Scarcity)Create Real Scarcity Based on Number of Visits for LIFESkyrocket conversions by changing your marketing message after a certain number of visits (if they haven’t bought isn’t it time to angle it differently?)Create unique content for headlines, introductions, or niche based questions from a URL keyword for specific PromotionsDisplay unique content for members logged in vs. logged outDisplay unique content For Active, Inactive, Expired Wishlist members and upsell those who are NOT in the next membership levelUse your CRM or Autoresponder to track their place in your funnel! If they’ve opted in it’s time to take them to your next product – NOT ask them to opt-in again!Display specific content on specific pages, posts, categories, or author pages!Optimize your Website to the FULLEST and See HUGE boosts to your search optimization with Logically optimized sidebars.PLUS Track Your Visitors Across All Your Sites, Funnels, and Opt-ins to track Prospect movement through the funnel and display the correct content on your Money Site.And so much more…Create Logic Blocks within 10 Seconds.(And Use Shortcodes to Never Need to TOUCH Code Again)Simple Copy/Paste ShortcodesStack Logic to Show The PERFECT Message at the RIGHT Time Without Messing with Multiple Lines of Code or LogicPLUS, Add Logic To Widgets InstantlyOR use Our Widget Area to Stack LogicSTOP wasting your time, energy, and money on traffic that is slipping through your fingers by not optimizing your marketing message.You’re here at my website today for a reason and that’s because you’re determined to:Dramatically increase your sales numbers for your website while developing customers for life…-And-Deep down inside you sincerely want to be a leader in your marketplace which I totally support you on!Here’s the deal though:None of this can happen by burying your head in the sand…YOU GOTTA Take ACTION!…And if you really want to take action and see dramatic success you must follow the success foot prints that others before you have left for you.Just hoping for change isn’t enough!It never has been an option, and it never will be and option, which leaves you with the following two scenarios…Scenario A)You can keep doing what you’re doing now, and consistently see the same old sales numbers/results you’re already getting and will continue to get day after day, month after month, and year after year (If you even stay in business that long) for the rest of your online career…-or-Scenario B)You can follow the simple steps that successful Virtual Logic Pro customers like Devin Zander, Nishant Bhardwaj, Sean Vosler, and Jeff Cavalier did and be our next success story by making the smart decision to invest in Vistor Logic Pro today.Remember this — Life is all about choices and today you have -2- of them!One choice can help you make money and save you time……The other choice can make you dream you did!At the end of the day though, the choice is up to you and you’re the one who has to live with it!I’ve done my part, now do your’s by making the smart decision to invest in Visitor Logic Pro today at the link above.You’ll be glad you did…I GUARANTEE IT!Get Visitor Logic Pro – Visitor Logic Pro, Only Price 25$Tag: Visitor Logic Pro – Visitor Logic Pro Review. Visitor Logic Pro – Visitor Logic Pro download. Visitor Logic Pro – Visitor Logic Pro discount.