Viral Facebook Ads PPC – Dave Espino


Viral Facebook Ads PPCCreate Facebook Ad campaigns that easily get 7¢ clicks AND 11% Click-Through Rates AND Viral Likes, Comments & Shares.ACTUAL STUDENT RESULTS:”Hi Dave. I made it! I am getting a 10.377% CTR and $0.08 clicks!” 😀Stefanos”Dave, just got a whopping 6.736% CTR on the first try. Thanks so much!”Frans Van Agthoven”WOW … this really works!!! I’m getting clicks for 7c with 4.78% CTR … Crazy!!”SkekeuIf you are interested in using Facebook Ads for your business (or any business) then this brief, 45-minute Udemy course is for you!In this course, I reveal a sneaky, yet simple way (white hat) to get incredibly cheap traffic from Facebook Ads – one of the world’s best ad networks.Not only will you learn the simple strategy for getting 5¢ clicks on Facebook, but these clicks also come with several bonuses!Because not only are these extremely low-cost clicks, but they are also extremely effective – you will also be getting Clickthrough Rates (CTRs) as high as 11%!And that’s not all!Because when you implement this strategy, you will ALSO get high engagement on your ads.Your “Likes”, “Comments” and “Shares” will be through the roof!Powerful benefits of creating Facebook Ad campaigns with this strategy:Low Cost Per Click – as low as 5¢High CTR – As high as 11% or moreHigh engagement – Viral Likes, Comments and SharesAll these are yours in this one, little-known, yet easy-to-do strategy!You will be blown away as you see how powerful this one strategy is for generating extremely low-cost traffic – even before you add your own targeting!Let’s face it, all the big dogs are using Facebook Ads to generate tons of targeted traffic to their websites, offers and more.But Facebook Ads have gotten very expensive as a result.This course will show you how to “level the playing field” and grab your share of dirt-cheap, high-return Facebook traffic!You will also discover how to build a massive email list for pennies and then a variety of ways to monetize that list.Also revealed: A killer way to sell access to your massive email list to businesses who need instant sales. You will literally be able to turn businesses around with this one simple strategy.Get Viral Facebook Ads PPC – Dave Espino , Only Price $37Course CurriculumIntroduction To Facebook Ads HackIntroductions To Facebook Ads Hack (1:12)An Amazing Discovery In Facebook Ads StrategyHow I Discovered This Strategy – Real-World Examples (6:53)How To Set This UpHow To Get Similar Results – Step-By-Step (1:13)How To Refine Your Target To The One You Need (1:04)How To Get And Use A Hosted Landing Page (2:14)The Secret To Low Cost Clicks With High CTRsHow You Get Low Cost Clicks With High CTRs (1:32)Real-World Screen Shot Of My Top-Performing Ad (1:46)The Secret To Getting The “Viral Effect”How The Viral Effect Is Created – Super Simple! (0:44)The Psychology Behind “Why” They Like, Comment and Share Your Ads (0:51)Why Your Images Are Critical To This Strategymages To Use In Your Ads For Maximum Effect (2:05)How To Get These Powerful Images, Quickly & Easily (2:43)Due Diligence When Running Facebook AdsDue Diligence TipsTricks And Tips To Turbocharge Your ResultsFinding A Great Offer To Promote (3:27)Where To Get A Simple Video For Your Landing Page (1:09)How To Increase Your Subscriber ConversionsHow To Increase Your Subscriber Conversions (2:38)How To Increase Your Subscriber Conversions – Part 2 (1:40)How To Scale This Strategy For Growth (0:43)Monetization Strategies – Let’s Make Money!The Ninja Publisher Strategy (0:38)Monetizing Through CPA Offers To Your List (0:46)Monetizing By Offering Your Own Products (0:30)Monetizing By Offering PLR Products To Your List (1:24)Monetizing By Offering Affiliate Products To Your List (0:38)The Slam-Dunk Offline Business ApproachThe Slam-Dunk Amazing Offline Approach (2:51)Launching Niche-Specific Newsletters (3:42)SummarySummary Of This Amazing Strategy (1:15)ConclusionConclusion (1:45)BONUS – Viral Facebook Ads Hack PDF ReportViral Facebook Ads Hack Report (Download)BONUS RESOURCES – Download The Homebased Businessowner Newsletter HereJanuary 2015 Homebased Businessowner Newsletter – Debut Issue – Download It Here Get Viral Facebook Ads PPC – Dave Espino , Only Price $37Tag: Viral Facebook Ads PPC – Dave Espino  Review. Viral Facebook Ads PPC – Dave Espino  download. Viral Facebook Ads PPC – Dave Espino  discount.