Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero


How 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Structure Video In Their Business To Build a Dedicated Audience and Profitable ROIYou’re About To Discover:The Systems and Workflows That Give Your 6-12 Months of Content In 2-3 Days of TimeHow You Can Create Impactful Content That Creates Demand For Your ProductsOur Marketing Strategy That Allows You To Have The Right Messages To The Right Person at The Right Time, Synergistically.How To Make This Hands-Off For You, The Entrepreneur!The Video 4x Effect Course is currently in BETA. Our final, full course will launch in November. Get it while it’s half the price ($997) and receive:11+ Modules going over the Video 4x Effect in 1 hour recorded Zoom Calls presented by Brandon Lucero.Brandon’s Powerpoint PDFs, and applicable step-by-step documents that go along with each presentation.A chance to be on the last couple of LIVE group calls with Brandon and other entrepreneurs.The FULL Video 4x Effect Course for FREE that will launch in NovemberGet Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero, Only Price $89 11+ Modules To Break Down Our Methodology We are currently still going through the course, get a chance to be on one of the last few LIVE calls with Brandon the rest of the Beta Group!Module 1: Determining The Video Types For Brand GrowthFind out which video two video types you need to focus on in your business to connect with your audience and bring them the most value in your content, that way when you make a sales offer they trust you and are ready to buy.Module 2: Video Branding And ElementsUse our easy, step by step checklist to establish your essential branding elements so your videos are consistent and are recognizable on all platforms.Module 3: Mapping Out 3 Months Of ContentStop making a single video a week, or a month, or whatever it is you are doing right now. It’s not sustainable, and you probably know that already. Learn how to batch your content and generate intentional topics with our workflows. Set aside 2 days to bust out all your content for the next 3 monthsModule 4: High-Converting ScriptingScript out your videos in advance so you aren’t a dear in headlights once you get in front of the camera. Learn how to script content that has an actual intention behind it, so you can stop posting content for the sake of posting. This section will teach you how to write out content that delivers, sells, and actually stands for something.Module 5: Hiring Your Team & Workflow ProcessMaster our video production workflow, which will make the entire creation process hands off for you, the entrepreneur. And learn how to out-source the video editing within any budget with our hiring process and editing style guides.Module 6: Filming & Editing StylesDetermine a standard style of your entire brand and implement that into your videos so they look professional with minimal effort. This module offers tips and tricks that are easy to learn but make your videos have a nice flow and a great aesthetic.Module 7: Marketing Strategy For Email & Audience GrowthCraft a strategy that is broken down into 3 phases, so each video has a clear purpose and focuses on email and audience growth. This module is all about showing the right piece of content to the right person, with the right message, at the right time.Module 8: Posting Plan To Be EverywhereAchieve the goal of “being everywhere,” and get a clear, concise breakdown of an optimal posting schedule that will work with Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Learn how to best optimize your methods of organic reach and paid traffic to generate more sales.Module 9: Running For Video Views & EngagementLearn how to set up your Facebook Ad campaigns for video views and for engagement. This module will explain how to get these campaigns to be inexpensive, as low as 0.05 cent per view, but hyper-focused on audience growth. This method will build a massive re-marketing audience that is ready to buy. This is where the synergistic strategy really starts to come into play.Module 10: Optimizing The Videos On FB For Reach & EngagementThis module will show you how to constantly improve your campaigns so you can build stronger audiences, lower your cost, and know how to measure to see what is working best.Module 11: Influence & PersuasionThis is the bread and butter of your marketing content. Mastering ethical influence and persuasion allows you to properly communicate what your product or service does or solves in a way that the human mind understands on a subconscious level.RESULTSNearly 1,000 Optins Per Video: Carrie Green’s StoryBefore working with Brandon, Carrie was doing most of her videos herself with little results. It felt like her videos were all over the place with no intention or strategy. After working with Brandon, her video process is now hands-off and has an intentional strategy that’s building her email list and remarketing audiences on Facebook. She is averaging just under 1,000 email optins per YouTube video, gained over 500,000 views, blew past 27,000 subscribers, and has a prepped and primed remarketing audience on Facebook ready for her next launch.Jame Wedmore Did His First $1,000,000+ Launch With Brandon’s Video Influence and PersuasionYour message and video are only as effective as your scripting and influence. If it’s not dialed in it may be why your videos aren’t getting the shares, reactions, views, and results you wanted. Even though James’s last video series did over $800k in a single launch, he hired Brandon to re-script and help write his entire video series so he could properly use influence, ethical persuasion, scripting, and communication based on how the brain processes info to create demand for program Business By Design. These frameworks, methods, and scripts are used inside our clients and students videos and marketing.Over 160,000 Subscribers and 10+ Million ViewsWhen we started working with Ron he was getting 4-5 subscribers a day on YouTube and about 200-300 views a day. Within 8 months he was at 400+ subscribers a day and 5000-6000+ views a day. He is now over 160,000+ subscribers and 10 million views and pulling #1 and page 1 rankings for some of the hardest keywords in his niche. He is currently getting 20-40% of people who see his CTA to take action on it with our formula. The best part is that his videos are still up there and performing every day even after we did them.Rick Mulready – 100,000 People In an Engagement Audience in 3 weeks!I have known Rick for a while now, and had the pleasure of helping him out with his mini video series for an up coming launch just a few months ago. After only a few days of running his videos that we helped him create, Rick saw amazing results, building an engagement audience of over 100,000 people and had over 1,000 new members join his Facebook Group. The Sold With Video team was able to achieve these results with Rick because of the Video 4x Effect, scripting effective content based on his Avatar, having a quick (and fun) shoot with Rick and his team, and then taking the videos through our production workflow process.Andrea Maxim, Naturopathic Doctor and Health Care Consultant Andrea is a current BETA member of the Video 4x Effect Course. She joined because she too wants to disrupt the online space she is in and change the way she markets to her audience. Our BETA course has helped Andrea rebrand her entire business and put together amazing content so she can have more views and attract the audience that actually will want to buy from her. Andrea also notes that the closed BETA Facebook group has proven to be very helpful to her. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year will bring Andrea in terms of video and business!Marcus Rideout, Video Production Business Owner and Did 52 Videos in 3 Days!Since joining the Video 4x Effect BETA Course, Marcus has been able to map out 52 videos (enough to post 1 video a week for 1 year). While Marcus was mapping out his content and creating his videos, the Video 4x Effect helped him create a “compass” for his content creation. The framework provided in the course has given Marcus an understanding of the foundations he needs to have in his business (or as we like to call them here, the four pillars) to really create an impactful message and get it out there effectively.Get Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero, Only Price $89 Video 4x Effect BETA CourseLevel Up Effect Coaching ProgramLearn our high-level marketing strategiesLearn our efficient scripting and content generation methodsLearn our streamlined video production workflow processJoin the Level Up Effect Facebook GroupGet up to FOUR one-on-one coaching sessions with an expert on our team ($2,000 Value)Have a more in depth training process that you can send someone on your team to learn, making it even MORE hands-off for you.Have a SWV team member set up your video production workflow process in Asana for youHave a SWV team member set up your Facebook Ad Campaigns for youLearn our high-level marketing strategiesLearn our efficient scripting and content generation methodsLearn our streamlined video production workflow processJoin the 4x Effect Facebook GroupGet up to FOUR one-on-one coaching sessions with an expert on our team ($1,000 Value)Have a more in depth training process that you can send someone on your team to learn, making it even MORE hands-off for you.Have a SWV team member set up your video production workflow process in Asana for youHave a SWV team member set up your Facebook Ad Campaigns for youWhat You Will Get In The FULL Course Launching In NovemberIf you purchase the BETA Course, you will receive the FULL-COMPLETE VERSION FOR FREE when we launch in November. You will also receive any updated versions for free forever.4 Units broken down into 12+ modules that break down the Video 4x Effect methodology into granular, digestible levels.Additional surveys, questionnaires, checklists, and worksheets that will help you define your revenue and impact goals, fine tune your production workflow process, get valuable feedback from your audience, and more.A refined, more in-depth version of the BETA program that will go into several other elements you can master to perfect your marketing.If You Choose To Purchase AFTER It’s In BETA The Price DOUBLESWho Is The Video 4x Effect Course For?The Video 4x Effect is designed for the entrepreneur with an online business who already knows video is a required part of growing a business in today’s world. If you think it’s my job to convince you that video is the answer then the Video 4x Effect is NOT for you. So, who is it for…1) You are an entrepreneur at heart, who wants to create an impact with your message and your product/service. You know that you have something that can transform a corner of someone’s life by either motivating them, alleviating pain points, solving problems, inspiring them, or all four.AND/OR2) You are familiar with online marketing, social media platforms, organic growth, paid traffic, etc. but you are looking to streamline your process. You want your marketing plan and output to be strategic and intentional.AND/OR3) You want to be seen as a thought leader in your niche, providing insights and tools that are actually going to help your audience. As a thought leader, you wan to connect and engage with your audience and not just have high a number of disconnected followers on your platforms.AND/OR4) You want to get out of the day to day weeds of content creation, video editing and production, and live posting. Instead, you want a process and strategy that will make your marketing easy, structured, and effective so you can start spending time on higher level business ideas and concepts.By the end of the Video 4x Effect you will:Have a video process in your business that is hands-off, so that you have the time and energy to focus on your vision and growth-focused tasks.Grow your email list, audiences, following and business on multiple platforms including YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.Use video with intention so it works towards your impact and revenue goals, gets your audience connected to your impactful message, works within a synergistic strategy, removes you from the process and keeps you in front of your audience everytime their online.Have a system that other entrepreneurs have used to build hundreds of thousands of leads, millions of views, millions in sales, and make an impact that only the next-level entrepreneurs can make.Get Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero, Only Price $89 Tag: Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero Review. Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero download. Video 4x Effect – Brandon Lucero discount.