Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery


One of the most powerful tools in your PUA arsenal is the interactive value demonstration: you telling a story which requires the girl’s participation, that demonstrates value while giving you the opportunity to display your personality.Get Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery, Only Price $32These can take many forms. Most simple magic tricks will work. Learning a couple of slight-of-hand tricks or a good card trick can work wonders, and is definitely worth the effort it will take to master. (Expect to spend 2-3 hours in front of a mirror, at least, to get a good slight-of-hand trick to work).But interactive value demonstrations can take many different forms. Here are some examples:Tarot cards work great. It may take several hours to get comfortable enough with the deck to be able to deliver, but being able to have the girl ask a question and pick a single card can make for a great quick demonstration of value. You’re also setting up a great D2: “Why don’t we get together so I can give you a full reading?” The so-called Rider-Waite deck is often easiest for beginners to learn. “The Tarot Bible” by Sarah Bartlett is a good first book on Tarot; Rachel Pollack’s “Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom” is good if you want to dive deeper and make this one of your primary tools.Aura readings are another useful pickup tool. Lots of mystical stuff works, but you really shouldn’t try to fake it – get a good book on auras so you know what you’re experiencing, and lead her through it. Girls tend to really enjoy that kind of stuff, but they will sense if you are faking.Learning to play an instrument is great. Get her to participate by singing along. (Give her a harmony part so you can tease her if she misses a note – but generally praise her. People are very self-conscious about their singing). Obviously you can’t take a guitar to a club, but if you’re in a place with a piano and know how to play, that’s gold!The Cube is a great value demonstration. The basics of the cube are simple. You tell the girl to envision a cube, and describe it. Have her describe the space the cube is in. Then have her add a ladder to the mental image, and describe it. Now have her add flowers. How many are there, and where are they? Have her add and describe a horse. Lastly, have her add a storm – where is it, what does it look like.Now you walk her through the interpretation. The cube represents her vision of herself. Is it big or small? That’s her self image. Transparent or opaque? That’s how guarded she is. Make further connections between these qualities and her view of herself and her personality – there are too many possibilities to list them all. Use the cold-reading techniques to find areas where she says yes.Get Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery, Only Price $32The ladder represents her aspirations for her career. Is it big? Close to the cube or distant? Stable or dangerous? The flowers represent her friends – are they abundant and close, few and far away, etc? The horse is her ideal partner. (One good joke here is to mention that someone else you did it for come up with a unicorn: that is, her real partner was a fantasy creature.). And the storm represents her challenges and problems and how they affect her. Does she keep them distant? Are they constant all around her? Are they overwhelming or rather small and pleasant? Like with any cold read, focus on the positive.Much of the cube is in the delivery. Style is a master of this routine, and I encourage you to google to find a video of style delivering it (there’s at least one excellent example on youtube of him delivering and teaching it) and notice how he connects with his target, and how he teases the target and keeps it playful. Remember that the purpose of a routine like the cube or a tarot reading isn’t so much the read itself as it is the connection and vibe you create while delivering it. Think of these as cover to keep the girl entertained while showing off your personality, and, yeah, being accurate will give you a nice extra bit of value, too.Another great routine of this kind is called “eliciting values.” This is another excellent one from Style. It consists of three questions. The first is “What is one thing you want to have in your life that makes life worthwhile.” She’ll give you an answer. You then ask her, repeating her exact words, “When you have in your life, what does that allow you to do?” Then you ask a third question, “When you have in your life, and it enables you to do ,” (again, use her words as closely as you can) “how does that make you feel inside?”When she processes the third question, she’ll usually smile, and then struggle to articulate the feeling she has. Point out that core feeling of absolute happiness is her real goal, and show how she doesn’t need what she thought he needed for it, she already has it inside her. (Style will often tease his target here, saying “we just achieved your life goal in five minutes.”)Don’t be shy about these. Say, “So I have this little personality test I like to do. It’s a really fun way to get to know someone. Would you like to give it a try?” If you’ve got any sort of positive vibe going, she’ll say yes. As added bonus, you’ll always learn a tremendous amount about the target while doing these. They work really well once you’ve spent 10-15 minutes with a target, and she’s interested in getting to know you better.It’s also worthwhile to have a couple of silly or fun interactive value demonstrations. Two easy ones involve a ballpoint pen. The first is the “Pen 15” club. When a girl does something clever, you reward her by telling her that she just entered the “Pen 15” club, and you write “Pen 15” on her hand with a ballpoint pen. Then you wait to see how long it takes for her to realize you just wrote something that basically looks like “Penis” on her hand.Another fun one is the “mouse race.” You say, “there are three mice, and they had a race. One was blind, one was dumb, and one was deaf. They’re going to go until you say stop.” So then you draw a dot on her arm, “This is the blind mouse, say stop,” so then you start drawing a line down her arm until she says stop. Then you repeat this with the dumb mouse. Lastly, you repeat it a third time with the deaf mouse … but when she says “stop”, you keep going. And she’ll say “stop, stop, stop!” and finally you’ll look at her funny, and point out that this mouse is deaf.These last two are very silly, but they convey a lot of value because you’re demonstrating how you’re not afraid of offending her, you have a lot of confidence, and, oh yeah, you’re getting some basic kino in, too.As a rule of thumb you want to have one fun/silly interactive value demonstration in your arsenal, and one more serious/deep one. If you have too many, not only will you choke up figuring out what to apply, but you run the risk of falling into dancing monkey syndrome: you’re being a clown, an entertainer, and while women may like clowns, they don’t sleep with them. I would never do both the mouse race and the “pen 15” club because at a certain point it’s just juvenile – but one is silly and fun. Similarly, eliciting values and the cube may overlap too much. It’s okay to do one on D1 and one on D2, but don’t do them both in the same night. Once you get these down, though, you’ll be tempted to, because they’re very powerful.Put some of these tools in your routine stack, and watch what happens to your results.COURSE CONTENTGet Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery, Only Price $32Tag: Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery Review. Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery download. Venusian Arts VIP: DHV Spikes & Story Telling – Mystery discount.