V.A. – The Children’s & Teen Summit


This course is available now – Download it nowCourse : Learn how best to foster what comes naturally to our children: vitality, happiness and whole health. And, be the best parent or caregiver you can be!All will be sent via email after you sign up.Purchase V.A. – The Children’s & Teen Summit courses at here with PRICE $97 $31V.A. – The Children’s & Teen SummitWith 25 experts sharing information about fostering, enhancing and understanding our kids, you can do something to improve the health, well being and lives of your children.Learn how best to foster what comes naturally to our children: vitality, happiness and whole health. And, be the best parent or caregiver you can be!Understand elimination diets and how to do them with your familiesDiscover how brain development impacts issues like time management and sensory disordersGet to the root of what is making your kids sickLearn how to remedy common childhood illness at home, naturallyBe healthy: mental health, emotional health, addictions, diet, epigenetics, the list goes on…Find out what you can do to help your girls express themselvesAnd so much more!With 25 expert presentations, the Children’s & Teen Health Summit is a wealth of knowledge you do not want to miss! This invaluable resource is intended for parents, children and teens everywhere!$500 value, from $97Buy NowDigital Access25 video slideshow presentations ($269 value, mp4 format or watch online)25 audio presentations ($134 value, mp3 format)Hundreds of pages of interview transcripts ($69 value, PDF format)25 PowerPoint presentation files ($29 value, PDF format)All for a amazing price!$97 CDN Online Access OnlyBuy NowOur Amazing Presenters:Alison Smith, BA Psych, BEd, Life Coach, Gentle Parenting Specialist. Allison Smith takes us through the concepts of gentle parenting and how employing these concepts and practices can and does encourage more harmony, cooperation, and understanding in the home.Cooperative Kids, Happy Parents: The Gentle Parenting SecretHandling meltdowns and tantrumsSetting limits and empathyWhen gentle parenting is hardBeing gentle on yourselfAmber Brooks, DC, CACCP, RN, BSN. Amber Brooks describes for us an integrative approach she uses with sensitive children including craniosacral therapy, chiropractic, and nutrition.Testing and Healing the Sensitive ChildWhat is craniosacral therapy and how it can help your child healWhy chiropractic care is an essential part of self-careWhat tests to do when you need to find the root of your child’s illnessADD, Autism, allergies, genetics…Anne-Sophie Dumetz, Game-changing Mama. Anne-Sophie Dumetz challenges parents to be the best they can be, to make change, inspire, and be inspired so their children can do the same in their own way and in their own lives.Being a Game-Changing ParentTop gems learned from the most inspiring game-changing parentsHow being a game-changing parent improves the health of our childrenParenting as a verbBrenda Wollenberg, Nutritionist, Specialist in Natural Wellness for Children. Brenda Wollenberg gives us the skinny on childhood obesity: its causes and roots, effects on our children (mind and body), and the solutions.Childhood ObesityThe top things that are making our children have such challenges with their weightWhat effects can weight issues have on our childrenThree ways for us parents to take actionThe one thing we can take out of our children’s environment that can help them to maintain a healthy weight (and it isn’t junk food)Bruce Lipton, PhD. Bruce Lipton introduces us to the revolutionary science of epigenetics, the fact that it is not their genes that determine how healthy our children are, but the choices we help them to make regarding lifestyle and belief.Epigenetics – Empower Your KidsDo our genes determine our health? How our genes are turned on and offHow belief plays a major role in the status of our healthThe major causes of ill healthThe future of our health and epigeneticsCarla Atherton, MA, FDN. Certified Yoga Instructor. As a mother of a daughter with some big health challenges, Carla Atherton frankly and honestly shares her insight about how to handle these challenges, become a health advocate for her children, and stay sane and healthy, yourself, in the process.Parenting Children With Big Health ChallengesDiscussion about the challenges parents of health challenged children faceWhere to find supportWhy support is vitally importantTips on how to take care of the caregiver (you!)Daniel Kalish, DC. Dan Kalish explains how toxins in our environment and food supply affect the brains and bodies of our children.Childhood Illness and Our Toxic BurdenHow toxins cause hormonal disruption and affect the brainWhat are the sources of these toxinsHow we can protect our childrenHow we repair the toxic brainDonna Jackson Nakazawa, WRITER and LECTURER. Donna Jackson Nakazawa explores how adverse experiences we encounter in childhood directly and profoundly affects our health when we become adults.Childhood Disrupted: How the trauma we experience as children affects our physical and emotional health as adults.What are ACEsHow do ACEs affect our health as adultsWhat can we do to healHow can we parents prevent and/or heal ACEs in our childrenEmily Roberts, MA, LCP. Emily Roberts gives some guidance on how to encourage and inspire our girls to assertively express themselves, handle the pressures of social media and peers, and improve low self esteem.Helping our Girls Express ThemselvesFriends and frenemiesCommunicating with confidenceBecoming the director of your own life, who am I?Building family bondsJacqui Fleury, Naturopathic Doctor (ND) Jacqui Fleury, ND, gives us the lowdown on how important it is to fully educate ourselves and our girls about the usage of the pill and explains the pros and cons.Girls, Hormones, and the PillWhy girls are put on the pillReasons why our children have abnormal issues with sexual development such as early menses and pubertyWhat we should know about the pill (side effects, changes to physiology, long-term effects)What we can do when the pill is not the best choiceJames Maskell, Healthcare (R)evolutionary, one of the founders of the Functional Forum, and CEO of the Evolution of Medicine. James Maskell stops by, again, to discuss why our healthcare system is failing us and what we need to do to build a new model of care for our families.Let’s Fix Our Healthcare System (not just a problem in the USA).Update on our current evolution of family careWhy our system needs to be rebuilt rather than re-formedThe power of community and peer supportNavigating the current systemJennifer Wiessner, LCSW, AASECT, Sex Therapist. A frank and open discussion with Jennifer Wiessner about how we can shatter myths and taboos around talking about sex and sexuality with our children in order to enable them to be sexually healthy.Raising Sexually Healthy ChildrenWhy being sexually healthy is an integral part of our overall healthWhat ages should you talk sex with your kids and what do you tell themWhat do you say? Having age-appropriate conversationsHow examining our own sexual health is essential to teaching healthy sexuality to our childrenKaayla Daniel, PhD, CCN. Kaayla Daniel tells us why soy may not be the beneficial food so many believe it to be and why a traditional diet may be the most healthful way to feed our families.The Whole Soy StoryWhat is wrong with soyWhere soy is hidden in our dietsTraditional diets and their health benefitsIs the cod liver oil you are taking helping or harming you?Kelly Brogan, PhD. Kelly Brogan draws from her extensive knowledge about psychiatry and human health to tell us how we can deal with, treat, and overcome mood and mental health issues like depression using a functional approach to the body and without drugs.The Functional Model and Mental HealthWhat causes postpartum depression and what to do about itThe real root causes of mental and mood disordersWhat is wrong with the current treatment of depressionHow to heal naturally from mental and mood disorders without drugsMarc David, MA, Founder of The Institute for the Psychology of Eating. Marc David shares his own childhood story of ill health, how he regained it through nutrition, He explores the many ways we can view eating and how we can enlighten both ourselves and our children about why we eat and how we can view eating to encourage a healthy relationship to food and our bodies.Promoting a Healthy Psychology Around Eating In Our ChildrenThe main food issues that can impact our children, in particularHealth issues that can crop up when children have an unhealthy relationship with foodHow our children can have a healthy relationship with what they put into their bodiesMarydee Sklar, Time Management Expert, Executive Functioning Success. Marydee Sklar helps us to become the master of our own time through giving life-changing tips and insight about time management and how understanding our brains is key.Stretching TimeThe chaos and disharmony that can occur when we cannot manage or timeHow understanding our brains can make or break the functionality of a family, performance in school and work, and overall happinessActionable steps to take to make life easier, fuller, and with time to do everything we need and desireMaureen Towns, RN, BScN, MA. Maureen Towns frankly shares her experiences and insights as a mother of four, two of whom battled with addictions in their adolescence.Getting Your Child Through AddictionsWhy children and teens use drugs and alcoholDetecting the warning signs that something is wrongWhat to do if your child has an addictionHow parents can stay sane and centredPam Killeen, Writer, Independent Researcher, Health and Wellness Coach. Pam Killeen frankly discusses the epidemic of addictions and fertility problems rampant in our youth and gives us the reasons for what is happening, what might happen if we don’t change our practices, and how we can secure the future of our species.Youth, Addictions, and the The Demise of Our FertilityWhat causes addictions and what can we do nutritionally to overcome addictionHow to prevent future addictsThe top reasons why our fertility is on the declineWhat we can do to stop this declineRoger L Price, Respiratory Physiologist and Integrative Health Educator. Roger L. Price explains how, without proper breathing, nothing else works properly for our children including cognition, physiological processes, even emotional stability and gives us tips on how we can help our children to “just breathe.”The Impact of Our Breath and BreathingHow issues like posture, mouth breathing, and stress affect our children’s health -what is proper breathingWhy we don’t already know how to breathe properlyWhat we can do to asses and fix issues caused by improper breathing such as asthma, digestive disorders, bedwetting, etcSarah Ballantyne, PhD. Sarah Ballantyne explains autoimmunity, its prevalence in our young population, and how we can potentially halt the autoimmune process.Autoimmunity and the AIP DietAn in-depth explanation of the immune system and the onset of autoimmunity – when our bodies start to attack themselvesWhat causes autoimmunityWhat we can do to halt the autoimmune responseHow to be a mom while battling our own health issuesSayer Ji, Author, Researcher, Activist, and Thought-leader. Sayer Ji outlines the debate over vaccines including the dangers of the current schedule of immunizations, the current threat to our rights as parents to be informed and to make choices, and what we need to know to make the best choices for our families.Our Right to Know, Our Right to Choose: A Frank Look at VaccinesWhat is pro-vaccine vs. pro-choiceWhat is it about the current schedule of vaccines that is endangering our childrenWhat is a vaccine injuryAlternatives to vaccinationWhat parents need to know to protect their childrenSonia Story, Rhythm Movement Training Specialist. Sonia Story introduces us to the concepts around neurodevelopmental movement therapy and how it works on the brain’s development to rectify a myriad of health and developmental problems in children using simple but targeted movements.Optimal Brain and Sensory Processing with Neurodevelopmental MovementHow early movement and reflexes affect health in childhood and beyondSimple techniques to integrate reflexes$31Reviews There are no reviews yet.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.