Using Elasticsearch and Kibana – Loonycorn


Using Elasticsearch and KibanaScalable Search and Analytics for Document DataElasticsearch wears two hats: It is both a powerful search engine built atop Apache Lucene, as well as a serious data warehousing/BI technology.This course will help you use the power of ES in both contextsES as search engine technology:How search works, and the role that inverted indices and relevance scoring playThe tf-idf algorithm and the intuition behind term frequency, inverse document frequency and field lengthHorizontal scaling using sharding and replicationPowerful querying functionality including a query-DSLUsing REST APIs – from browser as well as from cURLES as data warehouse/OLAP technology:Kibana for exploring data and finding insightsSupport for CRUD operations – Create, Retrieve, Update and DeleteAggregations – metrics, bucketing and nested aggsPython client usageGet Using Elasticsearch and Kibana – Loonycorn, Only Price $11Course CurriculumYou, This Course, and UsYou, This Course, and Us (2:23)Introducing ElasticsearchCourse Outline (3:00)Course MaterialsA Brief History of Search (7:51)Steps in Search (8:14)Inverted Index (6:12)Using the Inverted Index (5:19)Lucene (7:20)Elasticsearch Introduced (5:37)Installing ES (8:43)Clusters and Nodes (5:43)Indices and Documents (8:26)Cluster Health (7:00)CRUD Operations in ElasticsearchCurl (7:20)Create Index (8:15)Create Document (8:20)Retrieve Documents (5:23)Update Documents (8:18)Script Elements (4:40)Delete (4:34)mGet (4:39)The Bulk API (9:06)Bulk Loading (9:05)The Query DSL (Domain-Specific Language)Search Recap (4:21)Random Data Gen (5:19)Contexts (5:52)Contexts (5:56)Query Params (7:15)Request Body (9:03)Source Filtering (8:32)Full Text Search_Match (4:10)Full Text Search_MatchPhrasePrefix (7:14)tRelevance (8:10)TfIdf (6:06)Common Terms (6:17)Boolean Compound Queries (6:42)Term Queries Boosting Terms (4:42)Filters (6:01)Wildcards (6:09)AggregationsTypes Of Aggregations (3:59)Metric Aggregations (7:12)Cardinality Aggregations (9:07)Bucketing Aggregations (5:31)Bucketing Aggregations_2 (6:09)Multilevel Nested Aggregations (5:13)FilterBucketAggs (6:43)Elasticsearch and PythonPythonsetup (8:32)Create Index (4:58)Documents (5:07)Search_Count (4:40)KibanaKibana_elk (4:26)Kibana_Install (2:48)tMapping (7:51)Loading Logs (6:37)Discovery (6:49)Visualize (7:00)Timelion (8:01)Dashboard (3:50)Anaconda and Pip (9:00)Get Using Elasticsearch and Kibana – Loonycorn, Only Price $11Tag: Using Elasticsearch and Kibana – Loonycorn  Review. Using Elasticsearch and Kibana – Loonycorn  download. Using Elasticsearch and Kibana – Loonycorn  discount.