Unlimited Fan Page Profits


Course “Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Tanya Aliza” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Facebook is the hottest place to build your business (if you do it right), but if you’re not getting the results you’re looking for yet, I’m here to help.Wouldn’t it be cool to learn how to set up your Brand and your Business on Facebook where people message you every day and ask you more about your products, services or business?Or what if you could stop spending countless hours in front of your computer instant messaging people… who the heck has time for this? Oh AND not to mention, it’s super annoying and unprofessional.WHY ARE YOU FAILING In Your Social Media Efforts?If you’re anything like I was back in the day of starting my Social Media journey, you probably didn’t suck as bad as I did….In fact, I was scared to learn Social Media because I thought it wasA Waste of TimeNot DuplicableOnly for Techy PeopleI also didn’t want to be posting pictures of my food or weird stuff like that….All I knew was that I needed to get more exposure for my business and I needed to be talking to people that were sharp and interested in what I had to offer.Despite my initial reserves about building my Business on Social Media, I knew I had to learn it, otherwise I’d be left in the dust.And since building my Business primarily online and using Social Media, I’ve become the Top Recruiter and Sales Rep in my company while working less than 10 hours a week.My sole passion is now teaching YOU how to make this all possible in YOUR Business.AND THAT IS WHAT I’m going to help you with today!So even if you think that you’re a bit behind on the Social Media Tidal Wave……that the opportunity has come and passed……that Social Media is overcrowded and saturated…(And you wouldn’t be ENTIRELY wrong on any of these fronts, either.)There’s Still A Lot of Room On This Wave For You To Impact A Lot Of People With Your Products, Services & BusinessBuild a highly-engaged Facebook Fan/Business Page that people share and loveConstruct a Sales Funnel that works for you 24/7 and brings you leads and sales for your business (it’s all about keeping that funnel full of interested prospects)Free up your Time & focus more on real income producing activities and stop instant messaging strangers that don’t care about being pitched and botheredLearn how to architect your posts so people reach out to YOU and want what you’re sellingIF YOU’RE JUST LEARNING HOW TO MASTER THE SOCIAL MEDIA GAME and you think it’s too late…Just think about where your business will be if you wait another year… eeek!!! That might be a scary thought right?I love meeting Entrepreneurs that come my way and tell me that they’re just getting started with Social Media, this shows me that they’re smart enough to know that times aren’t going back to the old way of doing business.I remember the first time my company talked about Social Media etiquette…They had a presentation in this seminar that showed us how to present our products on Facebook… I laugh today at what they taught, but back then I had no ideaThey told us to post our company replicated website links on our personal profile with text that said “Hey this is awesome…”Okay, maybe it wasn’t THAT basic, it was back in 2010 so I can’t remember the exact wording, but it was bad and it didn’t work…It also turned all my Facebook friends off and it turned my profile into a massive sales pitch (very embarrassing)…They also never told us that we shouldn’t promote anything through our personal profiles on Facebook… they actually encouraged it… AND if you read Facebook terms and conditions it clearly states that they don’t allow promotions of any kind through a personal profile….This is why Facebook has Business/Fan Pages.As a business owner who wants to promote and do business on Facebook, you need to do this through your Business/Fan Page.I wish someone would have taught me this WAY earlier in my business!Just Imagine…AND IF YOU CAN MASTER SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FOR YOUR BUSINESS, YOU’RE DAILY PROSPECTING PROCESSES WILL LOOK A WHOLE LOT BETTERYou’ll hop out of bed each morning with a funnel full of interested people to connect with that WANT to hear more about your business.You’ll have higher quality conversations with people that are less skeptical and more open to taking action with youYou’ll save a ton of time getting dressed up and having to attend stuffy, boring networking eventsYou’ll finally have an automated prospecting strategy that you can teach your team, so they stay in the game longer and never quit… because they’re getting confidence boosting results.You’ll be building a Global Team in your pajamas all from your smart phone or Laptop (clothing optional lol)And your time and resources are leveraged to focusing on Team Building, working with the Key Players in your team, and yes…even take that much-needed vacation that you promised your family you would take…all while your automated Social Media Sales Process pulls in the leads and sales.It’s a Business Owners Dream…. And it can become a quick reality!When I FINALLY got past my initial skepticism about Social Media and learned how to do things the right way – my business shifted overnight.It started with my first Social Media Recruit…A lady by the name of Tina…She lived in Texas, and at the time, I was in Costa Rica taking a 3- month vacation….She sent me a Facebook message and wanted to know more about working with me.We set up a time to talk over Skype and I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.She asked me 2 questions and joined my team right on the spot! No Skepticism, No silly reservations, just signed up and was excited and grateful to have the opportunity to work with me!At that moment…. I knew this was how I wanted to continue building my business.But what would it mean to you and your business if the next time you posted on Social Media you had dozens of people engaging and wanting more information about your products, services or business?Well, that’s a very realistic image I want to put in your head right now.Go ahead… picture that happening the next time you post on Social Media…Because I KNOW that as long as you have a strong product to sell, the ONLY thing standing in the way of you achieving this, is the right strategy and step-by-step guidance to nail it with confidence.Because with the right set up and step-by-step training, you’ll be able to:How to setup your brand properly on FacebookHow to be the leader that leaders seek to join – Even if you’re brad new & haven’t created any results yetHow to stand out and look uniqueHow to determine WHO your target audience is and what they want. Plus – My Avatar exercise that will double your results immediatelyHow to use your prodcut benefits to find people that are already looking for what you haveSOCIAL MEDIA HAS KEPT ME ALIVE IN MY BUSINESS.If it wasn’t for the Internet and Social Media, I’m not sure if I would still be in the game…And it’s bridged the gap between embarrassing failures and complete freedom that I want to confidently help you understand in the coming weeks.But you might be wondering, who am I to teach you this?I JUST STARTED SHARING THIS PUBLICLY BEYOND MY TEAMI’ve always been very nervous about teaching Facebook strategies because Facebook always changes and the one thing that works today, might stop working tomorrow (it’s why I steer clear of gimmicky marketing)However, over the years, my students, clients, and team have witnessed the crazy results I’ve been getting through my Facebook Fan Page and I couldn’t keep quiet anymore.Facebook is currently my main traffic source for finding high-quality prospects, and with Billions of people on Facebook, there’s plenty of people there to share this knowledge with.I also wanted to share my professional strategies to help clean up all the garbage that people are posting that are hurting our profession (this will help all of us).FOR YEARS, I WAS KNOWN AS THE “GO-TO” BRANDING AND BLOGGING NETWORK MARKETING EXPERT, BEING FEATURED IN SUCH BOOKS AS THE MIRACLE MORNING FOR NETWORK MARKETERS AND THE NETWORKING REVOLUTIONBUT NOTHING CAN COMPARE TO BEING WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE ARE ONLINE… & ALL THE PEOPLE ARE ON FACEBOOK.I had many emails and messages from people asking where I marketed my blog and how I got in front of so many people with my business… and my main goldmine was always Facebook.BUT… I didn’t do Facebook like most people do Facebook…The way that most people do Facebook leaves you with:Hours of instant messaging people that are NOT interested in what you haveEmpty comment threads when you post (crickets)Awkward embarrassing conversations where you feel like you’re selling Ghost town message inboxesI had many of my students and clients ask me to create a training that would show them how to build a well Branded Facebook Page, but I didn’t want to JUST create that…You don’t just want a well Branded Facebook Page, do you?You want a Facebook Page that’s set up to work for you and build up your business results, right?And that’s why, it took me some time to put this training together for you. I’m not JUST showing you how to build a well Branded Facebook Page…I’m showing you how to Build Your Business on Facebook so you can create the results in SALES that you’re looking for.And today, I’m proud to say…the wait for this type of training is OVERBut before I share what I’ve put together for you, it’s important we do some important mind cleansing and prepare the ground for your success.4 UNTRUE MYTHS  THAT HOLD MOST PEOPLE BACK ON SOCIAL MEDIAMYTH #1: I DON’T HAVE A BIG SUCCESS STORY TO BRAG ABOUT YET (WHY WOULD PEOPLE LISTEN TO ME)This one is BIG and it tends to hold most people back on Social Media.Did you know that Big Success can actually turn people OFF on Social Media and it’s actually better not to brag about your success and hype things up?Some of the most successful posts and Ads I’ve used have had nothing to do with my success story. I’ve even had my most successful posts be about my journey before any big results even happened.SO… if you haven’t created a big success story to brag about yet, it’s actually a GOOD thing and I can show you how to construct your posts to take people on your JOURNEY with you… this is a very powerful post and tribe building strategy that I’m excited to share with you.MYTH #2: SOCIAL MEDIA IS COMPLICATED AND TIME-CONSUMINGTrue. Only if you don’t have a Social Media Sales Funnel and daily process in place to keep you focused on the money-making activities.If you’re logging into Social Media without a DMO (Daily method of operation) then, of course, it can be a waste of time.However, if you have a step-by-step proven DMO you aren’t going to be wasting a ton of time doing the things that don’t work.My Social Media DMO is one of the biggest strategies that I’m proud of because I see so many people glued to their phones and computers when they don’t have to be.I’ll share with you my 10 min Social Media DMO that will bring you more leads and sales than all the other people spending hours on Social Media spinning their wheels in the sand.MYTH #3 – I HAVE TO SPEND A GAZILLION DOLLARS ON ADS TO GET NOTICEDWhat if you could spend as little as $5/day on Facebook Ads and get crazy awesome results like Elizabeth?The truth is, YES you can lose your shirt quickly on FB Ads if you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re blindly putting up a Facebook Ad or Boosted post…However, once you have a high converting Social Media Sales Funnel put together and you want to throw a little gas on the fire with a Facebook Ad (I show you how) you can have some very magical things happen for super cheap.MYTH #4 – I’M AFRAID PEOPLE WILL JUDGE ME AND THINK I’M SALESY AND WEIRDDid you know that the Best Sales people never sell? At least their customers will never FEEL sold.What if you could put a Post up and have people thanking you for the information and asking you about taking the next step with you?This doesn’t happen when you post salesy weird crap on your Newsfeed… and it positions you as a person of value.Yes, there’s definitely a Right and Wrong way to post on Social Media and most people are doing it all wrong… that’s why when you learn how to do it right it works so well…. people are blown away.I never want you to look salesy or weird and I especially don’t want you to lose any of your good friends on Social Media.so, ARE YOU READY TO LEARN MORE?A Social Media prospecting and recruiting plan that makes you look like a professional even if:You have no idea what you should be doing on Social Media right nowYou’ve wrongly exposed your business to all your friends on Social MediaYour confidence disappears when someone comments on your stuff because you have no idea how to easily move the connection into a saleYou’ve never signed up a single customer or teammate in your bizYou only have 20 mins a day to spareSO, IF YOU’VE MADE IT THIS FAR, THEN I’M EXCITED TO PULL BACK THE CURTAINAND INTRODUCE YOU TO…The complete A-Z Plan for Building your Expert Branded Facebook Page, Your High Converting Social Media Sales Funnel, Your posting and engagement schedule , Your Facebook Ad and Conversion Strategy… So you can Automate your prospecting and sales processes in your business.I’VE SPENT OVER 7 YEARS BUILDING MY BUSINESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA SO WHAT I TEACH IN THIS TRAINING FLAT OUT WORKS.The result is 6 CORE MODULES, checklists, cheat sheets and templates that hold your hand through every step needed to achieve your well executed Facebook Page and Marketing Plan …and then put it on autopilot.Your first sale on Social Media completely changes everything and that’s my goal with you over the next 7 days…. let’s open those flood gatesAs many people as I now enroll through Social Media, it starts with that 1 to show you how exciting and possible this is… and then our goal is to automate that process so it works for you 24/7 even while your sleeping.When you learn how to put this plan in place, you become a sought-after leader that people WANT to join and learn from…So not only will this help your personal business, it will UP your skills to attract other leaders that want to work with you because you can help them put this plan in place for them!You have leverage…you have momentum…and you finally have confidence that your business can work on Social Media.UNLIMITED FAN PAGE PROFITS IS THE VERY FIRST TRAINING OF ITS KIND THAT:Walks you through building your Facebook Business Page, AND also helps you implement a plan to get people to become raving fans of yoursWalks you through building your Social Media Sales Funnel so you can Automate your prospecting and recruiting while building your email list (huge asset in your business)Walks you through finding your perfect customers and prospects so you can save time and embarrassment talking to people that aren’t interestedWalks you through the perfect Posting Schedule so you’ll never wonder what to post again to create engagement and interestWalks you through setting up some simple Facebook Ad campaigns to open the flood gates to your new Social Media Sales FunnelWalks you through converting your leads, comments, and messages into raving customers and new teammates (my scripts work like magic)ALL YOU GET IN UNLIMITED FAN PAGE PROFITS 6 CORE MODULES, 26 VIDEO LESSONS & 6 POWER BONUSES ($2,804 Value)Here’s How It All Breaks DownMODULE 1:How To Get Facebook To Work For Your Business ($147 Value)How to setup your brand properly on FacebookHow to be the leader that leaders seek to join – Even if you’re brad new & haven’t created any results yetHow to stand out and look uniqueHow to determine WHO your target audience is and what they want. Plus – My Avatar exercise that will double your results immediatelyHow to use your prodcut benefits to find people that are already looking for what you haveMODULE 2:Build Your Facebook Fan/Business Page ($399 Value)A complete Stey-By-Step Walkthrough – No Tech Skills NeededHow to setup your bio and profile for maximum results and leadsThings you want to avoid that could get your account shut downYour first 5 most important posts to buils trust and credibility with your audienceYour Leads Post for Profits and Leads!!MODULE 3:Building Your Social Media Leads & Sales Funnel ($899 Value)How to Automate your business so you can generate Leads & Sales while you sleep!Complete Step-By-Step Walkthrough of creating the Offer, linking it to the Lead Page, and installing it on your Fan PageDiscover the perfect Value Offer Giveaway for your businessHow to construct your Value Offer in less than 60 minutes and have it generating your Leads & Sales for LifeSetting up your Email Follow Up System so you can Automate your BusinessMODULE 4:Getting Your First 100 Likes ($47 Value)How to Attract Prospects to you and build your community base for FREEHow to Re-Engage your burnt-out list wth your new Value Offer and have them view you as a credible figureHow to write your ‘Lead Post’ to attract Leads for your PageGo Viral! – How to get your New Fans to share your page with their friendsHow to keep Fans Engaged and interested in YouMODULE 5:Attract A Community Of Raving Fans & Prospects ($97 Value)The perfect posting formula/ratio for Engagement & SalesHow to Automate your posting schedule without sacrificing your reachHow to inject the right Call-To-Actions so you can make a ton of sales without coming across as salesyHow to make Multiple Streams of Income sharing your favorite books and toolsWhere to get content to share that your audience will love – Perfect if you’re not that creative yet!MODULE 6:Boost Your Audience & Leads With A Successful ‘Like’ Campaign ($197 Value)My $10/day ‘Like’ Campaign that attracted 15K Fans in less than 12 monthsMy Proved Ad Scripts & Templates that you can copy and useMy Ad Creation Checklist to keep you in the clear with a good standing Ad AccountStep-By-Step Walkthrough of Creating the Ad16-48 cent Leads WHAT!?So what would it be worth to you and your business if..You didn’t have to spend dozens of hours instant messaging the wrong people on Social Media in hopes that one sale may trickle in here or thereYou could learn how to set up, execute, and maximize your Social Media marketing plan all from a single step-by-step program, instead of jumping between multiple overpriced trainings that give you only a single piece of the puzzle and leave you with NO IDEA on how to complete the picture.Your Brand and Facebook Page was finally set up to attract high profile customers and prospects that viewed you as a credible source and took you seriouslyYou could wake up each morning to a list of people that want to hear more about your products, services or business (they’re basically saying… I want to buy from you, just tell me what you got)Get Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Tanya Aliza, Only Price 97$Tag: Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Tanya Aliza Review. Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Tanya Aliza download. Unlimited Fan Page Profits – Tanya Aliza discount.