Ultimate Kks Bundle Copywriting


STEAL My Training!A-List Copywriter Kim Krause Schwalm Makes an Extraordinary Offer… Get Her No-Holds-Barred Copywriting Boot Camp…Her Highly-Profitable Course on Negotiating 4- and 5-Figure Royalty and Retainer Deals…Her “Buy ‘em All” Swipe File of Her Most Successful Million-Dollar Controls…and Much More, for a Mere Fraction of the Value Her Training Can Give You!Dear Copywriter, Marketer, or Business Owner, A few years ago, after nearly two decades in the trenches as one of the top A-list copywriters in the country……after creating dozens of successful controls for the biggest direct marketing companies like Boardroom, Soundview, Agora, Healthy Directions, National Geographic, and many others……and after beating legendary copywriters like Parris Lampropoulus and the late Jim Rutz (and many other top copywriters whose names you’ve likely heard before) ……I decided to do something my fellow A-listers thought was crazy.I decided to start teaching…sharing…and revealing ALL of my smokin’ hot copywriting secrets, strategies, and systems for cranking out million-dollar control after million-dollar control.In fact, it was two years ago to this day that I held my first-ever live copywriting boot camp, in a beachfront hotel right outside sunny Los Angeles, California. I kept it to just 10 attendees for this in-depth intensive—and let one more in the door at the last minute.During that time, I shared copywriting insights it’d taken me 19 years to learn and use on my own…but by noon that day my attendees were now able to master and profit richly from.We spent the afternoon doing Hot Seats and copy critiques. And then we capped things off with a visit to the nearby office of the greatest living marketing expert in the world—Jay Abraham—to pick his brain (and sip champagne!)At the very last minute, I decided to capture everything I taught these boot camp attendees on video. And while you can’t get the same private meeting with Jay that I provided those lucky folks…You can get every nugget of copywriting “gold” I shared with them, including the SAME 60-page Guidebook packed with promo examples and my 5-point-system each attendee received, video recordings of my entire presentation, and a word-for-word transcript for easy reference.You get all of this in my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive, which I invite you to “steal” as part of this extraordinary ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE deal. It’s a $249 value just on its own (people like Ben Settle, Shane Hunter, and Lauren Hazel tell me it’s worth at LEAST $1,000 just for that Guidebook alone).But that’s not all.Keep in mind I’m still a working copywriter. I still take on clients. And I’ve become an expert (in some cases, learning from the “school of hard knocks”), on steadfastly and confidently negotiating the most lucrative royalty and retainer arrangements—and avoiding common and costly pitfalls.In fact, I’ve used these skills, along with my copywriting prowess, to rake in several streams of passive or recurring income over the past few decades…and generate at least six-figures in royalties alone every year for the past 18 years straight.This is money that shows up in my mailbox or bank account whether I’m vacationing in Italy and drinking Aperol spritzes…running my kids to gymnastics class or soccer practice (like I did ALL the time when they were younger)…or simply wrapping up my work week with a Friday afternoon massage or pedicure, something I like to do whenever I can!I pinch myself sometimes when I think about how fortunate I’ve been to be able to do these things and live the life I live—like taking vacations abroad, working only when my kids were in school, funding their college education, and allowing my hubby to quit his stressful tech job and retire early.Much of this has been due to bringing in the royalty “bacon” while I’m off doing other things. That’s why I decided I wanted to share my royalty and recurring revenue secrets in a program I put together with email copywriter Chris Orzechowski—which is also included in your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE.It’s called the 3R’s: Royalties, Retainers, and Recurring Revenue Complete Virtual Program. And it’s designed to show you EVERYTHING you need to know about negotiating these profitable deals that can bring in 4- and even 5-figure rock-steady income month after month.Of course, I can’t make a specific income claim or guarantee your results, because I don’t know your personal situation. All I can say is that in this program, Chris and I don’t hold back on anything.We share the same strategies we’ve used to negotiate these kinds of deals…show you the potential problems to avoid…and reveal where (and how) to find the best clients to do these deals with. We cover all of this and more in over 10 hours of recorded training, plus the complete transcripts and detailed slides.This program even includes an invaluable Tool Kit. In it you get templates for retainer and royalty proposals that help you seal the deal, ironclad contracts that cover your butt, exact emails and demand letters that make late-paying clients sweat bullets and pony up quick, a client-getting exercise to help you identify your top prospects, and much more.As you can see, this Tool Kit could well be worth thousands of dollars just on its own!Do these strategies really work? You bet they do. Chris’ retainer arrangements with folks like Jeff Walker (the creator of Product Launch Formula) and many others have helped him bring in cushy monthly income, and allowed him to leave his teaching job 5 years ago.And my lucrative retainer arrangement with a supplement company 20 years ago let me walk away from my then $100k-a-year job after I got “mommy-tracked” and go on to freelance success.Retainers can be a great vehicle for you, too…as can royalty and other recurring revenue arrangements. But you need to know all the ins and outs. For you to learn these invaluable negotiating and recurring revenue secrets from not one, but two successful copywriters is one thing.But on top of that you’re getting my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive that lets you discover copywriting sucess secrets from a control-beating, actively working A-list copywriter. So they’re tactics and strategies that are working now…and that YOU can easily adapt and apply.Our 3R’s: Royalties, Retainers, and Recurring Revenue Complete Virtual Program normally sells for $397 (Chris and I are charging way too little). Add that to the $249 value of my Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive and you’ll see how much you’d normally have to shell out just for these two incredibly valuable—if not game-changing—training programs.You get BOTH of these programs in your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE. But I didn’t stop there. You also get my “Buy ‘em All” Complete KKS Swipe File included in this incredible bundle deal.That means you get full PDF promo copies (some with multiple versions included) of nearly 3 dozen million-dollar control promos I’ve written for clients over the past few decades. They’re for nutritional supplements, skin care, health books, alternative health newsletters, financial advisories, fitness, and more. Each one is a proven, successful control you can study and glean new insights from.What’s more, any time I add more past and current controls to this swipe file (I have more I plan to add, and there are new promos in the hopper right now), you’ll get them for free sent to your email address automatically! You won’t have to pay another penny and there’s nothing you need to do.Get Ultimate Kks Bundle Copywriting – Kim Krause Schwalm  only Price $127 Typically, each one of these PDFs sells for $39.95 or as much as $59.95 apiece. But you get ALL of the control promotions in my “Buy ‘em All” swipe file in your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE. Here’s a complete list of what’s included:1. Tax Hotline newsletter —Boardroom (this beat Parris Lampropoulus’s “unbeatable” 7-year control and made me the first female copywriter to get a Boardroom control!) 2. CircO2 circulation supplement (2 versions)—Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals (hot current direct mail control) 3. Superfoods Rx book promotion—Boardroom (a 10+-year control!) 4. Bladder Control Advantage supplement promotion–Healthy Directions 5. Ultimate Bone Support supplement promotion–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals 6. Advanced Memory Formula supplement promotion–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals 7. Pectasol detox supplement promotion–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals 8. Complete Survival Manual book promoton–National Geographic 9. Women’s Health Letter newsletter promotion (Rodale-type copy/design)–Soundview 10. Women’s Health Letter newsletter promotion (issuelog copy/design)–Soundview 11. The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies book promotion–Boardroom 12. Personal Finance newsletter promotion–KCI Communications (the one that beat Jim Rutz!) 13. Advanced Cholesterol Formula promotion–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals 14. Prostera prostate supplement promotion–Uniscience 15. Advanced Resveratrol Formula promotion–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals 16. Regenetrol joint supplement promotion–Nature Trade Center 17. OPC Miracle Joint Complex supplement promotion–Nature Trade Center (a 10-year control!) 18. Advanced Sleep Formula supplement promotion–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals 19. Plavinol blood sugar supplement promotion–Nexus Formulas (3 different versions/formats) 20. Prescription for Natural Cures book promotion–Bottom Line (formerly known as Boardroom) 21. Mega-Nutrition Organic Superfood promotion–Quantum Wellness Botanic Institute 22. Trilane skin care oil promotion–Healthy Directions 23. Systeme 41 night cream promotion–Soundview 24. Bottom Line Retirement newsletter promotion–Boardroom 25. Pectasol detox supplement–Soundview/Advanced Bionutritionals (launch promotion) 26. Power Plate exercise equipment promotion–Soundview (still being used 8 years later!) 27. SetraVida anti-aging supplement video sales letter–Agora/New Market Health 28. Second Opinion newsletter promotion–Soundview 29. Shapeshifter Yoga online sales page–Shapeshifter Media 30. My Sinus Miracle supplement online sales page–Green Valley Natural Solutions 31. Triple Joint Relief supplement online sales page–Green Valley Natural Solutions 32. Vital Force anti-aging supplement online sales page–Green Valley Natural Solutions 33. Maximum Memory Support online sales page–Green Valley Natural SolutionsYou can learn a TON from studying these swipes (that’s one of the biggest ways I learned when I was starting out, and I still collect other promos and read them even now. ALL the best copywriters do this!) Most of them are long-form direct mail promotions like magalogs or bookalogs, but several are full PDFs of online sales pages or video sales letter transcripts.Unlike getting yourself “seeded” on mailing lists where you don’t know what you’re receiving is a proven control or a one-time test that ultimately bombed, every single promo included in my “Buy ‘em All” swipe file is a promotion that was successful…in some cases for as long as 10 years or more!The value of this swipe file right now (not counting any new promos I add to it in the future) is $1,338.35. I’ve been selling it for $499 to select groups of copywriters and other folks. That’s a steal right there–a savings of $839.35 on its own…not even counting the value of future additions.But you’ll get this incredible swipe file in your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE, as part of this limited-time offer. You’d be hard-pressed to find a collection of proven swipes like this anywhere else!But that’s STILL not all…You’ll also get your very own copy of my collection of 2018 issues of my popular weekly e-letter, Copy Insiders. It’s called Copy Insiders 2018: The Complete Collection.If you weren’t on my list during all of last year, you’d be out of luck…as these past issues aren’t available anywhere else—and never will be. You’ll only find them in this e-book you’ll want to read cover to cover as soon as you get your hands on it, and refer back to again and again.This invaluable, eye-opening collection includes 46 packed issues…260 content-rich pages…24 “What’s in Kim’s Mailbox?” promo breakdowns…5 copy critiques of reader-submitted promos…and much more, with every page “dripping with copywriting gold” as one reader put it. (Also often described as “effing awesome” and “absolutely magical”). You’ll discover valuable insights like…How to use “velvet rope” exclusivity in your sales copy—and make your prospect ache to be part of that inner circle. (Study this highly-successful anti-aging promo to see how it’s done.) Page 11The #1 secret to getting paid more. Plus the one thing you can do right now to instantly elevate yourself in the eyes of your prospective clients. Page 138How to amplify the selling power of your offer…and make it almost impossible for your prospect to say “no”! See these copy and graphic design examples on page 38 of sidebars that dimensionalize your offer and guarantee.Two little words that give whatever you say next instant credibility. Plus the 4-word phrase that helps win your prospect over. See page 123.The one client “red flag” you must NEVER ignore. Use the screening technique on page 222 to weed these potential nightmare clients out.Renoir’s secret to editing your copy like an artist. Plus when you should NEVER turn in your draft to a client. Answer revealed on page 15.Simple technique lets you beat the blank page blues. Do this one thing as soon as you finish your research or discovery call. Helps you write sizzling copy much faster! Page 21How to add ironclad credibility and authority to your promo…and make your sales skyrocket. (See this print ad example on page 23 for ideas.)Why your prospect doesn’t want what you think he wants. Dan Kennedy’s secret to really getting inside your prospect’s head and understanding his true motivations. Page 100The dirty, ugly truth about freelance copywriting—and how to get really really good. Plus the career-killing mistake to avoid if you take an in-house position. See page 167.Secret to grabbing your prospect by the eyeballs. Make sure your promo looks like this. Real-life promo demonstrates how doing so can get your product or service “head-turning” results. Page 31The offer-killing mistake that paralyzes your prospect from taking action. Plus four more common mistakes that can drag your promo results down (they can all be fixed with the right copy and positioning strategies.) Page 37How to make it EASY for your customers to buy from you. Pay attention to these Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to presenting your offer. Plus the secret to effective up-selling and cross-selling. Page 247Where to find FREE copy inspiration that’s worth a fortune. Surprising place to look to discover brilliant copy ideas for headlines, email subject lines, lead magnet or premium titles, and more! Page 67Why taking big risks can lead to huge winners—and build entire businesses. Plus a breakdown of the late Jim Rutz’s legendary “Read This or Die” promo that added more than 100,000 subscribers to a health newsletter. Page 78Best way to prove what you’re saying in your copy and demonstrate your product or service. Plus 8 more tried-and-true techniques that make your copy more believable! Page 194Are you insulting your prospect? Two examples of promos that landed in Kim’s mailbox that risk offending their prospective buyers—and what they could have done differently. See pages 87 and 95.The one character trait you MUST have to make it as a copywriter. (No, it’s not resilience!) Plus why you probably don’t want to play Kim in pool. Page 211.Never do THIS when talking to a prospective client the first time. Makes them run in the opposite direction or drops your negotiating power exponentially. Page 230Three common copy mistakes that trip up your reader. Easily corrected when you know how to spot them. You must do so in order to avoid losing your prospect or diluting the power of your copy. See page 214 for details.When negativity works in copy. Try this twist on “future pacing” to motivate your prospect to take action. Actual copy example from Kim’s long-running financial promo control that beat Jim Rutz—twice. Page 108How to make your subheads more effective at getting people to buy from you. Utilize this Dr. Robert Cialdini “pre-suasion” secret. Real-life examples from a successful control promotion. Page 54And so much more! You’ll want to read, highlight, and refer to every page again and again. There’s even a handy table of contents at the beginning that lists specific topics and promos in each issue. So it’s easy to find whatever you’re looking for.You’ll also get an audio link to an exclusive interview I did with “the world’s greatest copywriting coach” David Garfinkel where I broke down one of my controls!Normally I make this 260+ page, value-packed e-book available for $79. That’s a steal, I know. But I’m throwing it in with your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE. But that’s STILL not all…I came across an exclusive interview I did a few years back with internet marketing legend Ken McCarthy. It was for his Systems Club members’ ears only—a privilege they happily pay Ken hundreds, even thousands of dollars a year for.But when Ken heard I was putting this incredible bundle of training together, he told me he’d be delighted for me to include it here. So you’ll get the full audio recording of this nearly one-hour interview with your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE, too.In this interview, I spilled all about my biggest marketing and business-building secrets I learned when I worked for one of the world’s largest direct marketing companies.It’s where I launched and ran a nutritional supplement subsidiary and grew it to more than $23 million in sales (that’s nearly $39 million in today’s dollars) within the first 3 years—all by going to just one list.(Oh, and Ken and I couldn’t help but “geek out” on some powerful copywriting strategies you’ll want to hear about, too.)I’m only making this audio recording available to a select few—and even then, I’m charging $99 for access to it. But you’ll get your own exclusive copy with your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE. To recap, here’s everything you get in this incredible soup-to-nuts virtual training that will accelerate your copywriting skillset, give you successful promos to study, and may even show you how to add multiple zeros to your income month after month!Your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE includes:  #1: Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive—the virtual version of my complete program, including 3+ hours of training videos, 60-page Guidebook, and complete word-for-word transcript (Value: $249.00)  #2: 3R’s: Royalties, Retainers, and Recurring Revenue Complete Virtual Program—contains 10+ hours of downloadable recorded training, detailed slides, word-for-word transcripts, and 22-item Tool Kit (Value: $397.00)  #3: Buy ‘em All Complete KKS Swipe File—33+ PDFs of my proven, most successful control promos (some with multiple versions), with free automatic updates whenever I add more (Value: $1,338.35)#4: Copy Insiders 2018: The Complete Collection—260+ page e-book packed with copywriting and marketing wisdom, along with freelance secrets to help make you more successful (Value: $79.00)  #5: My exclusive Systems Club Interview with Ken McCarthy—nearly one full hour recording of incredible marketing, copywriting, business-building, and paradigm-shifting insights you’ll want to listen to and absorb again and again (Value: $99.00 Priceless!)The total value of everything you get in your ULTIMATE KKS BUNDLE is $2,162.35…at the very least. Many would say I’m already giving away this invaluable training (my life’s work) for far too little.But you can “steal” it now at a mere fraction of the value it could bring you thanks to this limited-time offer.All of the exclusive, hard-to-find copywriting and business-building wisdom and all of those control-beating swipes I just told you about are included in this bundle deal for just $997. That’s a savings of more than $1,165.35 right there!You won’t find a deal like this again. So don’t let it pass you by! Please take advantage of this not-to-be-missed opportunity today. Yours for smarter marketing, KimGet Ultimate Kks Bundle Copywriting – Kim Krause Schwalm  only Price $127 Tag: Ultimate Kks Bundle Copywriting – Kim Krause Schwalm  Review. Ultimate Kks Bundle Copywriting – Kim Krause Schwalm  download. Ultimate Kks Bundle Copywriting – Kim Krause Schwalm  discount.