Ultimate Guide to Mastering FB Ads – Jason Hornung


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We will process and send the link directly to your email”Join Me . . .  And I Will Personally Guide You To Turning $1 Spent On Facebook Ads Into $2+ Of Revenue, Day In & Day Out, Within The Next 30 Days…”Dear Fellow Marketer,The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Facebook Ads is a program……a brand new, exclusive online training.It’s my own step-by-step system which walks you through my exact process for turning $1 in ad spend into $2 in revenue, like clockwork, day in an day out…This is the most complete, done-for-you facebook ad system you’ll ever find…You’ll really, really want this…These are the exact tactics, strategies, and secrets that me and my team use create 5 and 6-figure campaigns using facebook, for any business out there…Whether you’re a small business where it’s just you or you and a couple of people – or a multi-million dollar business…Essentially, this is my baby…My secret sauce…Facebook Advertising On Steroids…The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Facebook Ads is an online course, a program that has four modules – which can all be accessed online in our private members area.Each module covers one week of activity.And again, it’s all accessed online in a private members area, and so you can go completey at your own pace so that you can do it whenever it’s convenient for you.I know we’re all busy.Module number one is called 7-figure research.It’s all about how to build your customer avatar and discover the hidden profit opportunities in your market.We’re going to get a deep understanding of your market, and then figure out exactly where your opportunities are so that we can take advantage of them with facebook ads.This research that we do is that foundation for everything.We have to get it right – and clients pay us $5,000 or more just to have us perform this 7-figure research plan for them.It’s 13 hours long.It’s our secret sauce.But it’s also an easy to execute, step by step process.Anyone can do it as long as they have access to our plan.If you have a computer.You can perform this step by step process.And so in module 1, you’re going to perform the 7-figure research process for your business so that your facebook ad campaign is setup to succeed and be profitable really quickly.And remember, that really cool document that has the entire process laid out step by step?Well who would here would like that document – that process – that clients pay us $5,000 for?Wouldn’t it be cool to have that proprietary document that we use in-house?Well in this module you’re going to get that document.You’re also going to get videos, each one with me explaining every step of the 7-figure research process.And guys, this entire module can be done in one day.And then you’re ready to rock and roll.You need to get this right.But don’t worry, we’ve done it all for you already.You will be following a proven process so that you barely even have to think.Which will bring us to Module 2.In module 2 I’m going to give you our four bulletproof ad formulas so that you can create facebook ads that generate a TON of sales of your product or your service.We have four proven frameworks that we use for creating ads.We have four bulletproof formulas that we use to create ads to generate sales.And one of those formulas is going to be the best one for you to use – and it depends on what type of offer you have.What you sell.For coaching for instance, there’s one of the four ad formulas is perfect.For physical products or consulting.Another one of those formulas is perfect.In Module 2, we’re going to make sure that you use the proven ad creating formula that’s best for your specific product or service that you’re selling.This way, you’ll be able to get results much faster.It’s almost like a shortcut.Now, there’s more – we’ve generated over $3.5 million dollars in sales from our facebook ads in more than 15 different markets.So we know exactly what to put in your ads to get them to generate sales.And so we have this big file with all of our best performing ads.In this module, I’m going to give you unlimited access to this file – so you’ll be able to go in there and find a proven ad that’s generated a ton of sales.This way, you can just kind of copy and model them so that you get really fast results.Who here would like to have an unfair advantage like that and be able to model our facebook ads that have generated over $3.5 million dollars in sales?Well you’ll get that in this module.Then we’re going to jump into module 3.Module 3 is our exact calendar, our step-by-step process for setting up and optimizing your first profitable campaign.We’re calling it “30 Easy Days to Your 6-Figure Campaign”.And everyone, let me tell you – this is exactly what we do for our clients.Step by step.This is the exact module that I give my team to use.And all they have to do is follow the directions.It’s super easy.And that’s all you’ll have to do too.This is our EXACT 30-Day Execution Plan for setting up and optimizing a profitable campaign.Anyone can use it.Who here would like to be able to setup a 6-figure campaign for their business in the next 30 daysusing our step-by-step, proven execution plan?Absolutely.Well that’s what you’re going to get in this module.It’s going to blow you away.You’re going to learn how to take $1 and turn it into $2.You’re also going to get to see this in the context of a behind-the-scenes case study.Module 4 is called “How To Scale – Building On Your First Winning Campaign & Growing Fast!”.In this series, you’re going to discover how to SAFELY grow your sales PROFITABLY…You’ll get access to my step by step execution plan.This is how we grow a campaign from $5/day in ad spend all the way to $2,500/day or more…Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Inside The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Facebook Ads…How to create highly profitable facebook ad campaigns for your business that turns $1 in ad spend into $2 or $4 or even $10 in revenue…How to use Facebook to attract as many new customers or clients as you’ll ever need…How to add ten thousand to fifty thousand dollars per month in income to your business…How to get highly qualified leads that convert into $5,000+ buyers on the phone..How to generate consistent opt ins for your lead magnets at $0.93 each…The step by step process to creating images that pre-frame your traffic so they convert into buyers at 3x the normal rate…And much, much more!Get Ultimate Guide to Mastering FB Ads – Jason Hornung, only price $142Tag: Ultimate Guide to Mastering FB Ads – Jason Hornung Review. 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