Ultimate E-Commerce Starter Kit


Ultimate E-Commerce Starter KitWhat is the Ultimate E-Commerce Starter Kit?A Proven System That Teaches You How To Maximize Revenue For Your Effort.You’ll get our tried and true methods for web design, social media marketing, and leveraging your email list!We Build a Store With YOU: We set up a store from scratch and run a “21 day bootcamp” to “copy” our proven money making methods!A Video-By-Video Guide: How To Set Up a Converting Website & Create Optimal Ad Campaign’s For Maximum ResultHow Is The Course Structured?The 21 day bootcamp is structured through personalized individual portals. The member portal will contain 6 modules with multiple video lessons in each module. Plus lifetime access to the private Facebook group, and a FREE website audit!Here is a breakdown of each module and the key learning pointsProduct/Niche Selection: Picking a product/niche that will allow for long term brand development and success. Also adding supplementary products to increase basket size. (up sells,cross sells,down sellsWebsite Design: Choose a winning theme, specific to your niche, and confidently design a highly converting website. Adding MUST HAVE apps that perform crucial functions to aid in website conversion and function.Implement Tracking Pixels: Understand where Facebook, Google and any other tracking pixel is placed in your website, and what each tracking pixel does.     Optimize Website SEO: Get your site highly ranked on Google. Includes implementing Meta-Tags, Alt-Tags, Keywords, Key Phrases, plus much more!Cross Platform Compatibility:  Ensure your website is aesthetically sound across mobile, desktop, and tablet. As well as the ability to perform the same functions and load speeds across each platform.Enhance Website Speed: Altering various aspects of the site to ensure the highest load times. An Amazon study concluded a 1 second delay in load = 1% decrease in salesSetup Back End Platforms: Sign up for the platforms that will be used to advertise on Facebook, Instagram and Google.Develop Engaging Ad Copy: Learn the best methods on designing highly engaging ad copy that creates organic traction through virality.Where and When to Launch Ads: How to decide what platform will best suit your specific niche and when to schedule your ads.Launch Ads to Gain Data: Release initial ads with the intention of gaining valuable data and tweaking several aspects to generate maximized returns Interpreting Data: Be able to format and interpret your advertising data to confidently make changes to your ads that will increase your ROI.How and When to Scale Ads: Once your ads are performing, it is time to start scaling them. This step will teach you the best methods that effectively use your ad spend in the most profitable way.Implement Retargeting Campaigns: Once you have received ample traffic, it is time to target the people who visited your site but didn’t purchase. Learn the most effective ways to recapture these lost customers across all platforms.Learn the Platform Basics: To effectively and efficiently implement a winning email marketing campaign, you will have to understand all the aspects of the platform you will use.Create Various Email Campaigns: Learn the best methods behind creating winning email campaigns. Learn highly converting subject lines, email layouts, body content, from email addresses,  plus much more!Automated Email Services: Recapture thousands of $$ in sales through automated email campaigns. “Steal” highly converting methods of abandoned cart, new customer follow-up, plus many more campaigns!  Convert Drop ship to Private Label:  Develop a long term business plan to eventually exit the drop shipping and  move over to private labelling to increase branding and company longevity and value.Future E-Commerce Outlook: Evaluate and understand profitable markets to enter into. Whether that be specific geographically regions, or expanding niches that can aid in cross selling or up selling.Outsourcing: We will provide great contacts for various areas of expertise to outsource work if need be. From Virtual assistance, html web developer, plus great 3PL fulfillment companies. Cut down tedious tasks and focus on marketing and selling!Tag : ecommerce guide pdf. oberlo introduction. launch ecommerce store. oberlo product ideas. oberlo free marketing. e commerce site in wordpress. download ecommerce. vw ecommerce shop.