Ultimate Course Formula – Iman Aghay


Here is a Break Down of The Entire Program:Ultimate Course Formula is a proven specific  step by step system used by hundreds of successful entrepreneurs to build profitable online courses.The program consists of 8 steps that put you on your way to create a successful online course.By the end of this program you will be able to:  Create the right course that is aligned with your business model, life style ,and your customer demands. A course your customers want to invest in on a daily basis  Put together your membership area and course content in as little time as possible by following our click by click training ,and using proven easy to use technology that anyone can use. If you can use MS-Word, you are more than qualified to put together your membership area in as little as 60 minutes  Take your course to international level and get some of the most influential people in your target market to help you promote your course and refer clients to you on a regular basisThe Course CurriculumComponent #1: The 8 Steps to Create and  Sell Your Online Course ($1,997 Value)Week 1: Business ModelPlan how to utilize online courses properly and profitably in your harmonized business modelDefine the financially viable niche market that you are also passionate to work withDiscover how to prioritize your online courses to make the biggest impact in other people’s lives while growing your business successfullyWeek 2: Irresistible OfferDo a specific market research to define the most in-demand courses for your target market that people will be excited to invest in right awayStart to build connections with influential people in your industryWeek 3: Content Structure    Plan your content structure with your customers’ feedback     Create different levels of packages to help customers achieve results and at the same time have a variety of low priced offers to premium priced packages    Recruit content experts in case you need more content than your own knowledgeWeek 4: Course Guideline    Put together your first course offer before recording the content to make sure your customers are willing to invest in your newly built packages    Recruit your beta users (also known as Launch Group Users) to generate initial income as well as proving your course concept    Adjust your package to make it an irresistible offerWeek 5: Recording Content    Start recording your content with your beta user group. You can plan to record only one piece of content per week or every other week ,or record your content more quickly if you wish    Get feedback on your content from your beta users and improve the training as you go if needed    Continue building relationship with influential people in the market and get their feedback on your coursesWeek 6: Membership Platform    Build your membership platform in minutes by following Ultimate Course Formula step by step training    Drag and drop your videos, PowerPoints, audio files and documents as you build your content; the easiest way to have your training site with no technical issues    Setup your payment system to get paid online when you launch your program publiclyWeek 7: Sales Funnel    Use Ultimate Course Formula pre-written sales page and landing page templates to build your sales funnel    Prepare your promotional emails by using Ultimate Course Formula tested email series to invite people to your landing pages and sales pages    Build your affiliate recruitment page to sign up affiliates, including influential people, to join your team of promotional partnersWeek 8: Traffic     Send the traffic from connections built on week 2 and 5 with influential people to your sales funnel (built in week 7)    Enjoy building your large mailing list and being positioned as the “Go To Expert”    Serve your clients with excellence and make a big impact in this world and in your clients’ lives Component #2: 8 Weekly Live Training ($3,997 value)Get weekly training and homework for 8 weeks to create and successfully launch your online course.In each class you will learn one important aspect of building a successful online course and by the end of the class you will get a simple homework.Each homework should take about 2 to 4 hours to complete during the week.You will submit your homework to Ultimate Course Formula support group for feedback and to make sure that you are on the right track.You will be on your way to create your successful online course instantly.You will also get access to the recording of the live classes in case you can’t attend live classes or missed any of the classes.Component #3: Life-Time Access to Boot Camp Support Group ($997 Value)Beside education, Ultimate Course Formula is all about being part of a success minded community.Building your business without the right support group is hard, but there is no reason for you to be on your own.You deserve to be part of a success minded group of entrepreneurs who believe in serving their customers with excellence while they are building a successful business for themselves.You will need to get feedback on your market research, landing pages, sales pages, emails that you send to build relationships with influential people and more.We are here for you!As soon as you join Ultimate Course Formula, you will be added to our exclusive secret Facebook community to connect with your fellow course builder friends and mentors who will help you build your course successfully.Component #4: Access to Email Templates to Promote Your Courses Through Affiliates ($497 Value)You will get access to high converting tested emails that can be used by you or your affiliates to promote your course.You will also get access to email and social media communication templates on how to reach out to influential people and build relationships.As part of these templates you will also get access to promotional emails which allow you and your affiliates to invite people to your webinars and landing pages to get access to your free promotional material; and enable you to build lists and promote your course.Component #5: High Converting Sales Page Templates ($997 Value)If you have always wondered how you can put together high converting sales pages for your business to get your potential clients to take action and invest in your program, you are going to love these high converting sales page templates.For other tools, we will give you a sales page template to say the right thing at the right place.These templates include stand-alone high converting sales pages, as well as sales page templates that include a Video Sales Letter.You will also get a step by step guide on everything you need to include in a Video Sales Letter script to get amazing results from short or descriptive videos.What’s more, you will get access to a transcript for delivering high converting webinars and a template for your potential clients to use to sign up with after the webinar.Component #6: Post Purchase Email Templates ($297 Value)When it comes to building online courses, it’s not just about selling your course.It’s also about getting your students engaged in your course with the right follow up email series, to build relationships with them, and to give them a step by step action plan to get the best result from studying your content.With these templates  you will be able to engage your students and encourage them to consume your content.When your customers get results, they will refer clients to you on a regular basis.Component #7: Ultimate Platform Guide ($1,997 value)Did you ever dream of a detailed step by step and click by click guide on tools that you need to use in your business?Ultimate Platform Guide is designed for anyone who wants to create their website, membership sites and sales funnel based on Word Press, Click Funnels, LeadPages or Thinkific.You’ll also get access to step by step guides on how to use Aweber and Active Campaign for your email marketing needsIn fact if you use ClickFunnels, we will give you our own marketing funnels to use in your system within few seconds.Who is this program for?You Want To Help Others Live a Better LifeYou Want To Be The “Go To Expert” In Your FieldYou Want Your Life To Be A Lot EasierUltimate Course Formula is for You if You Want to…Position yourself as the “Go To Expert” in your fieldCreate an automated stream of income in your businessAttract higher paying clients to your businessGet referral clients from influential people in your industryFollow a proven system and have the sincerity that you are on the right trackAnd if You Are Just Getting Started… With Ultimate Course Formula you will learn how to build meaningful relationships with influential people in your industry. As a result you can get their support to promote your courses, position yourself as the go to expert ,and build a large mailing list.In fact most people who create their courses for the first time most likely:    Don’t have a mailing list    Don’t have a membership area    Are not sure about the course content structureAnd So Much More…    Don’t know how to create an in-demand course    And are afraid of technologyThat’s why Ultimate course Formula is the best investment to help you share your knowledge and message with a bigger audience through the proven step by step system to create and sell your online courses.What’s Included In The ProgramI understand that I’m getting access to a one time offer worth over $12,500 of training for a very low investment. This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute as soon as the next class is full.I also understand that as part of Ultimate Course Formula, I will receive:Instant access to the entire course material as soon as I register so I can get started right away, today! ($1,997 Value)8 X Weekly Live Training Sessions With Iman, every Wednesday at 10AM (PST)/1PM (EST) ($3,997 value)Life-time access to Ultimate Course Formula Support Group to ask my questions and get feedback and support to create and sell my online courses successfully ($997 value)Access to Email Templates to Promote Your Courses Through Affiliates ($497 Value)High Converting Sales Page Templates ($997 Value)Post Purchase Email Templates ($297 Value)Access to advanced detailed step by step technology training ($1,997 value)Bonus #1: Lights, Camera, Cash-In course ($997 Value)Bonus #2: Online Course Marketing Secrets ($997 Value)Fast Action Bonus: Marketing Mastery Summit Training Series ($997 Value)What Ultimate Course Formula is Actually Worth?Imagine you finally have the power to share your knowledge and message with hundreds of thousands of people. You are able to build your tribe while helping them live a better life.You have the right tools, resources and technologies all ready in your business to play at the world class levelYou are positioned as the “Go To Expert” in your field You have highly qualified clients who contact you to work with you personally, because they have studied your content online. They know, like and trust you. More importantly you have the power to choose whether or not you are interested to work with any specific clients.You have location, time and financial freedom because your income is generated through your online courses.You can be wherever you want, do whatever you wish while your online courses are educating your customers and generating passive income for you.The real value of Ultimate Course Formula is in the world of opportunities that open up to you when you learn how to create and sell profitable in-demand online courses by following a step by step system that will get you results.The success at your finger tips is only limited by the power of your imagination.Online courses are one of the most powerful marketing tools that you can add to your business. Tag: “Ultimate Course Formula – Iman Aghay” Review. “Ultimate Course Formula – Iman Aghay” download. “Ultimate Course Formula – Iman Aghay” discount.