
ULTIMATE CLEARING PROTOCOL – Christof MelchizedekAre you ready to experience greater flow, ease and grace in your life?Do you feel you are vibrating in resonance with your Soul Purpose?Are your personal abundance codes blocked?Do you desire to break free and live an abundant life?Wherever you are at this point in your life, by removing your limited programming you can always move to another level of reality. A reality that will be the greatest gift to yourself!The Ultimate Clearing Program will support you in ……..Remapping your consciousness, energy and vibration into your highest energy holding potential!Expanding Your Consciousness!Unlocking your abundance codes!Aligning with Your Soul Purpose!Raising Your Vibration!Learning about the relationship between your bio-energy field, DNA, and consciousness!Changing and transforming Your Life!I have witnessed the impossible with his healing“In my home he is known affectionately as the Spiritual Jedi. Christof connects ancient knowledge with modern technique to yield a truly divine spiritual experience. I have personally witnessed the impossible with his healing and training. From broken ancestral contracts with addiction to relief from chronic pain that failed me for decades, this man has healed me and my family. He is a gift to humanity.” ~ Will Lehr​I experienced healing on such deep levels“The Ultimate Clearing Protocol Training is nothing short of amazing. Getting so much healing on such deep levels. In Heart now and had some big huge core wounds heal up. This is some of the most powerful energy healing I’ve experienced. After I get through this, I feel the need to be helping other people the same way I’ve been helped.” ~ Brandon​The teachings you shared with us are so much more in depth than I ever imagined“I would like to thank you once again for taking the time today to guide me in processing through my shadows. I so appreciate the kindness, compassion, and the time you take to listen to each and every one of us as we express our inner most challenges and also share our client processes with the group. The teachings that you are sharing with us are so much more in depth than I could have ever imagined. You are truly a teacher and leader of the heart, and I am so honored to have been chosen for this training.Wishing you and your family a wonderful evening.” ~ JaneThe Ultimate Clearing Protocol is the culmination of 20 years of research and exploration into human potential and consciousness. After thousands of hours of client interaction, higher realm exploration, and direct downloads these are the highest priority clearings needed to get someone bulletproofed to overcome the human conditioning and get on with their Soul Mission with the highest alignments and most expanded consciousness.It is a 12 week journey and exploration of remapping your consciousness, energy and vibration into your highest energy holding potential.This is the protocol I’ve developed to get you CLEAR, ALIGNED, and ACTIVATED into your conscious goals and dreams. You see what you probably know on some level it’s not just about having a great business plan, or life plan. Having the right strategy is of course important to go big with your mission. However this needs to be aligned with the right internal programming to be a vibrational match with the objectives you are trying to achieve.The most important thing to realize is that you CAN change and transform your reality, and it starts by raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness. This is the ONLY way to create lasting change and to help you to transcend your current timeline into your highest preferred reality.It honestly gets so exciting when you begin to uncover how it all works because you can literally feel yourself transforming and changing. This is exactly what happened to me. When I found out about energy and vibration and felt the shifts that we happening to me as a consequence of doing clearings. I became obsessed with raising my vibration.The effect of that was I totally changed my life to a degree that I do not even recognise it now compared to when I began. It took me around 10 years to work out all the shadows, traps and hacks to be able to get myself really living and breathing at a level I always knew in my heart I was destined for, but could never reach.What I would like to do is share with you that process, of all the things you need to consider clearing so you can get aligned with who you are at the Soul level and get on with what you came to do here on Earth without stress or overwhelm. So you can live in flow and abundance.THE FULL CLEARING PROTOCOLBelow is a bulleted summary of the clearing protocol in sequence. It gives a snapshot of what the clearings actually are as you move through the protocol, it also includes a detailed overview of what each of these focuses does, so that your consciousness can continue to evolve with your vibration. You will go on a journey of learning at a deeper level with clarity and precision all about the relationship between your bio-energy field, DNA, and consciousness. Each week each clearing is proceeded with an in-depth explanation of what you will be receiving.1. Hara Healing – Repair Splits in Hara LineStrengthen and heal hara dimensionActivate meridians and circuitry system2. 1st Energy Centre Root ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to safety, survival, security, feel safe in uncertaintyRestructure first chakra, connect cords into Earth chakra, get grounded and rootedRelease all poverty, victim and un-deservingness consciousness, Release all money malware programming (limiting beliefs regarding money)Restructure first level of bio-energy – field etheric body3. 2nd Energy Centre Sacral ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to relationship, sexuality, relationships with parents, siblings, partners, childrenRestructure second chakraRemove all tangled cords of past relationships embedded into second chakra, and bring into 100% flowClean emotional bodyClear auric field of attachments, entities, discarnate demonsClear highest priority addictionsClear Victim – Victimizer programmingClear second level of bio-energy field – emotional body4. 3rd Energy Centre Solar Plexus ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to personal power, self esteem, self concept, need for approval, patriarchal imprintingRestructure third chakra and bring into 100% flowBalance will and emotional centres and move into flowRestructure third level of bio-energy field – mental body5. 4th Energy Centre Heart ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to emotional neediness, love is outside you, not worthy or deserving of love, codependency programsRestructure 4th chakra, Remove all tangled cords of past relationships embedded into 4th chakra, and bring into 100% flowExpectation – Disappoint – Blame complexRemove shielding and chest plates covering the heartActivate 9 pairs of internal chakras inside the heartActivate the high heart chakra (8th chakra)Clear fourth level of bio-energy field – astral body6. 5th Energy Centre Throat ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to expressing and speaking your truth, being seen, trusting the divine, trusting guidance and intuition,Restructure 5th chakraRemove all tangled cords of and bring into 100% flowActivate causal body, connect to spiritual guides, initiate soul absorption and monadic integration for those that area ready.Spiritual surgery with healing guidesRestructure fifth level of bio-energy field – causal body7. 6th Energy Centre Third Eye ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to manifesting vision, blockages to goals and dreams, false ceilingsRestructure 6th chakra, Remove all tangled cords of and bring into 100% flowBrain balance between left and right hemispheresHeart and Mind fields balance and mergeAngelic healing infusionClear six level of bio-energy field – celestial body8. 7th Energy Centre Crown ChakraCleanse imprinted programs relating to connection to Source, False God ideologies beliefs, Christ saviour model of redemption, armageddon software, false power energeticsRestructure 7th chakra, Remove all tangled cords of and bring into 100% flowRemove any false light matricesRestructure seventh level of bio-energy field – spirit body9. Karma Clearing Ancestral Templates Clean UpClean highest priority ancestral karma paternal lineClean highest priority ancestral karma maternal line10. Karma Clearing Quantum Life Clean UpClean highest priority past / quantum life karma11. Soul Level ClearingClean unnecessary soul contracts, healing, protection, soul matesClear negative unjustified KarmaSource of consequences of all choices not in alignment with soul missionSoul level fears and imprintsGalactic life trauma and memoriesMemory distortions12. Unnatural Seal RemovalRemove unnatural seals locking DNA7 J – SealsCrucifixion ImplantsTemplar SealsMetatronic ImplantsZeta SealsAlien / Inorganic implantCrown of ThornsTower of Babel SealsHere is what the upgrade will do for your life:You will move into a greater flow, ease, and grace. It will help you to become in greater alignment with your Soul Purpose, and walk effortlessly down your life path without stress or overwhelm since you will be vibrating in resonance with your Soul Purpose.It will help unlock your own abundance codes by removing much of the limiting programming setting up a faulty relationship with money and finances. It will allow you to have a greater attractor field for the sort of opportunities that will help fulfil your life task and life projects.The key piece here to realise though is that abundance is not what you have it is who you are. This training and transmission protocols will help you embody this energy and bring it to every area of your life.So if you are stuck in an area of your life be it a relationship, work/career, finances, life alignment, this is the protocol that will help you move past your current friction point and allow you to go further than you can imagine.It is a systematic and sequential frequency clean up that is going to remove limiting programming keeping you capped at your current level of reality and massively raise your vibration.No matter what level you are playing at in life there is always another level of reality you can burst through into. The Ultimate Clearing Protocol is a very thorough cleaning of all the imprints, wounds, limiting beliefs that keep you stopped, locked and blocked from achieving and experiencing the highest levels of life that you know in your Soul you are capable of.Your internal reality shapes and creates your external reality. So by moving through this protocol, you will be projecting out into the world a different broadcasting frequency that will change your reality.Package Includes:12 Powerful Energy Transmissions~ Hara Healing – Repair Splits in Hara Line~ 1st Energy Centre Root Chakra~ 2nd Energy Centre Sacral Chakra~ 3rd Energy Centre Solar Plexus Chakra~ 4th Energy Centre Heart Chakra~ 5th Energy Centre Throat Chakra~ 6th Energy Centre Third Eye Chakra~ 7th Energy Centre Crown Chakra~ Karma Clearing Ancestral Templates Clean Up~ Karma Clearing Quantum Life Clean Up~ Soul Level Clearing~ Unnatural Seal RemovalBuy Now!Shopping Information– We provide digital products. Most of products will come to you immediately. But for Pre-Order product, we need 3-7 days to order it for you. – After you order, the system will create your account and send it to your email. And after your payment, you will receive the download link at the account or directly via your email. If you have any problems with your order, you can contact: . – If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Let’s get things started! We will go with you!