Typography Masters course – alexunder hess


Typography Masters course – alexunder hessJust imagine,How it would feel like after this Typography Course:To be proud of your designs that everyone loves tooYour colleagues ask you how you upgraded your skills so quicklyYou know how to start any design projectYou have a structure that will help you significantly cut the time you currently spend on completing your design projects. This means you can take on more projects and earn more or just have more free time for travelling or your family and friendsYou forget what revisions are because your designs are accepted from the first timeYou look more professional as you can clearly explain your typography decisions to clients or bossYou are confident in your decisions and finally don’t feel like an imposterYou have more job opportunities and client requeststypography-masters-course-award-2021You will get it all after the Typography Masters™ courseThis course gives you a clear structure and step-by-step guidance on creating professional-looking websites or apps from scratch using just typography. And how to make money from it.Want to impress your CEO and colleagues?Need a clear structure of the design process?Afraid to explain your design decisions to clients?Want your designs to look professional to charge more $$$?Get Your Confidence!After this course, you’ll NEVER have problems with typography again.Does it sound like you?You start working with typography for every project from scratch every time because you don’t have a clear structure on how to achieve the best results fast and efficientlyYou like designs created by others but when you try to create your design, you think your work doesn’t look professionalYou spend too much time choosing fonts and font pairs and in the end, you still don’t like or not sure in the resultYou can’t properly explain your font choice to clients and colleagues, so you feel like an imposterYou always keep asking yourself and others if you have chosen the right font, space, sizing, hierarchyWhen you create designs using only typography, they look too empty or like draftsYou feel so discouraged hearing ‘You need to work on typography’ from your peers, followers or colleaguesAll the typography resources you researched are missing depth, are too generic and don’t give you any practical solutions or examples of how exactly to implement the typography rules in real designs.As a result, you start thinking:“I’m not good enough”“What will others think about my designs?”“I won’t find a good job or be paid well as I don’t have a design degree”“I won’t “make it” as a designer”“I am not qualified enough to land a good job in this career”“I have not learnt enough that I can earn from that”“I feel like an imposter”“I won’t find clients who are willing to invest in design”….especially when you need to have the design experience to find a good job. But how can you get experience if you can’t find a job?!…or when you work with clients, you must explain and prove all your typography choices and present your works to sell them and avoid numerous revisions!Typography doesn’t need to be so hard and confusingYou don’t have to spend hours working with typography, choosing fonts, sizes, and creating style guides.You don’t have to suffer from imposter syndrome which prevents you from success and being paid what you’re worth.You don’t have to learn everything in design before you become qualified enough to work on real projects and earn from them.You don’t have to be confused on how to make your works look professional so that you can charge more money for them or get a good job or promotion.Introducing the Typography Course for UX/UI DesignersYour clear structure and step-by-step guidance on how to create a professionally looking website or app from scratch using just typography. And how to make money from it.—This Typography course is designed to bring you from “Where do I start” to “Omg, I love my design and I created it 3 times faster than usual and charged even more for it!”And all this without wasting time on reading 100500 books, articles and watching YouTube videos but still not having a clear structure.This practical Typography Course will change your design approach foreverBefore this Typography Course 🙁You spend hours choosing fonts and in the end, you’re still not sure if you’ve made the right choice.You’re not confident in your skills and knowledge, and this imposter syndrome is trying to convince you that you’re not good enough.You often think that works by other designers are much better than your designs.You don’t know where you need to start with the design process.You work with typography intuitively and can’t explain your choices to clients or colleagues so you start feeling that ‘you’re not enough’.You think you are not qualified enough to land a good UX/UI design job or get paying clients who see value in design.You don’t know how to make side income in addition to your freelance and a full-time job.After this Typography Course 🙂You know exactly which fonts to choose for your project, and it takes you less than 5 minutesYou’re confident in your typography decisions, design process and results and you know the worth of your work.You’re proud of your works and everybody loves them tooYou know exactly what steps to follow from start to finish in your design processYour typography choices are backed up by real knowledge and you can clearly explain them to clients and colleagues with confidenceYou have enough knowledge and skills supported by practice so that you’re seen as an expert and clients are happy to pay you.You know 20+ ways to make money knowing typographyIt will work for you if you want to:✦ Start your freelancing journey✦ Land a UX/UI job in a great company✦ Become a better freelancer✦ Start a company or an agency✦ Work 100% independent✦ Get a better job or promotion✦ Get better-paying clients✦ Earn a side income from design✦ Build a great portfolio to attract better opportunities✦ Work more efficiently, spend less time and be confident in your typography choices✦ Create better experiences for people who use your products/appsWhy Typography is the KEY element95% of the web is typographyIt means that when you know typography, you can design 95% of projects.Also, research is a necessary part of any website or app design. The research consists of the questions you ask users and clients. When you know what typography REALLY is, you know exactly what questions to ask because the answers to these questions will be the foundation of your design.So you should start learning typography and it should be your first step if you are just starting in design.An Airbnb website without typography.What you get inside of this Typography Course for UX/UI DesignersMain course w/ 9 modulesIncluding 137 bite-sized high-quality lessons that will guide you from plain text to the final professional-looking project and to the tips on how to present and sell it.A handy platformWith a personal account so that you can see your progress and can get back to the videos if you want to re-watch them later.Powerful bonusesTemplates, files and kits to save your time and make your design process super-efficient:– 6 Templates– 5 swipe-files– 6 guides– 3 cheat sheets– 1 checklistSlack channelA community of like-minded people so you can discuss your project and typography decisions with your peers, get guidance or help other people.Live mastermind callsWhere you can ask your questions and get clear guidance on how to solve your typography problems. It’s like having 4 coaching sessions w/ me.Knowledge baseThe library of the step-by-step guides, books, articles, videos, files and other materials so you can dive deeper into typography.6 powerful templatesThat will make your design process 10x faster and more efficient. As simple as drag-n-drop.Homeworkin different categories so you will be able to practice your skills: Homepage/Landing pages, Mobile apps, Restaurant eMenus, Checklists, eBooks, Social media posts, Presentations9 Modules137 VideosAre you interested in? Typography Masters course – alexunder hess Download, typography masters, reading typography masters, minion masters best masters, typography salary, typography point size.Purchasing Typography Masters course – alexunder hesscourse now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.