TTC Video – Origin of Civilization


Every single day of your life is spent within a civilization—an elaborate system composed of governing bodies, detailed laws, dense urban centers, elaborate trade networks, visual and written cultures, class structures, militaries, and more.Purchase TTC Video – Origin of Civilization courses at here with PRICE $439.95 $57TTC Video – Origin of CivilizationEvery single day of your life is spent within a civilization—an elaborate system composed of governing bodies, detailed laws, dense urban centers, elaborate trade networks, visual and written cultures, class structures, militaries, and more.Show Full 48 lectures|  Average 30 minutes each1Ancient States and Civilizations2The History of Archaeological Research3Studying the Origins of States4Archaeological Interpretation—Çatalhöyük5Stepping Stones to Civilization6Trajectories of Cultural Development7When Is a State a State?8A Complex Neolithic—Halafian and Samarran9Hierarchy and Urbanism—’Ubaid Mesopotamia10The Uruk World System11Sumer and Afterward12Civilization and Pastoralism in Mesopotamia13The Development of Writing in Mesopotamia14The Gift of the Nile15The Egyptian Predynastic Period16The Unification of Upper and Lower EgyptUnpack the mysteries of the so-called Palette of Narmer, a carved stone tablet that has provided archaeologists with insight into the unification of the upper and lower kingdoms of ancient Egypt. This momentous event, which occurred around 3100 B.C., resulted in the creation of an Egyptian territorial state.Get TTC Video – Origin of Civilization download17Divinity and Display in Dynastic Egypt18Why So Different? Mesopotamia and the Nile19Borders and Territories of Ancient States20The Levantine Copper and Early Bronze Ages21Hierarchy and Society in the Aegean22Early Minoan and Mycenaean Civilizations23Palace and Countryside on Crete24How Things Fall Apart—The Greek Dark Ages25First Farmers in the Indus Valley26Cities along the Indus27Seeing What We Expect—Power and Display28Sedentism and Agriculture in Early China29State Formation in Ancient China30Origins of the Chinese Writing System31From Human Sacrifice to the Tao of Politics32Spread of States in Mainland Southeast Asia33Axumite Civilization in Ethiopia34Inland Niger Delta—Hierarchy and Heterarchy35Lake Chad Basin—Settlement and Complexity36Great Zimbabwe and Its Successors37Sedentism and Agriculture in Mesoamerica38The Olmec of Lowland Mexico39Teotihuacán—The First American City40Beginnings of States in Lowland Mesoamerica41The Great Maya City-States42Epigraphy—Changing Views of the Maya43Was There a Maya Collapse?44Adaptations in Pacific South America45Pyramids and Precocity in Coastal Peru46Andean Civilization—Chav’n to Chimú47The Florescence of the Inka Empire48Ancient States—Unity and Diversity?Purchase TTC Video – Origin of Civilization courses at here with PRICE $439.95 $57