TTC – Classical Mythology


This course is available immediately for delivery Classical Mythology This is a brief introduction to the principal characters and most important stories in classical Greek and Roman mythology. The accounts of creation in Hesiod’s Theogony as well as Ovid’s Metamorphoses are two of the many you will be studying.

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TTC – Classical Mythology

The stories and characters of classical mythology, from Athena to Zeus have been unforgettable and profoundly influential. They have influenced everything, from great literature and art to our ideas about sexuality and gender roles to the themes and characters of popular movies and TV shows.Classical Mythology This book is an introduction to the most important stories and characters of classical Greek and Roman mysticism. You will also learn about the creation of the universe in Hesiod’s. Theogony Ovid’s Metamorphoses; the gods Zeus and Apollo, Persephone and Hermes; the Greek Heroes and Theseus; and the Trojan War, the most famous of all the classical myths.
What Should We Study? Mythology?Professor Elizabeth Vandiver anchors the presentation with some basics. What is a myth? What myths are used by which societies? What are some of these problems? She also discusses some of the most influential 19th-, and 20th-century theories.-You consider the relationship between mythology, culture, and psychological theories such as Jung and Freud. What are the implications of the myth of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades—as recounted in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter—for the Greek view of life and death, marriage and gender roles?What are the origins of classical mythology? Professor Vandiver examines the similarities between the Theogony Mesopotamian creation stories and discusses the possible influence of the prehistoric Greek cultures (the Minoans and Mycenaeans) on classical mythology. She also warns against the dangers associated with searching for distant origins. There is no evidence, however, that a prehistoric Mesopotamian civilization existed. “mother goddess” mythology lies at its heart. This notion may simply be wishful thinking—a modern myth about ancient myth.In addition, Professor Vandiver explores the challenges we face in studying mythology—which is rooted in oral tradition and pre-literate society—through the literary works that recount them. How do we separate the original myth and its depiction in Aeschylus’s? The Oresteia, or Sophocles’s Oedipus, the King? The more well-known an author is, the more difficult this task will be.
From the “Truth” Ovid’s Impact on Shakespeare: The Minotaur and OvidProfessor Vandiver’s unique approach to classical mythology makes it fresh, absorbing, often surprising, and often a source of inspiration. These are just a few of the many topics you’ll be considering:

One of the best things about Joseph Campbell’s work is the fact that most scholars see significant flaws.-These are the most prominent mythologists. They believe he makes a variety of assumptions—that myth has a spiritual meaning, or that certain narrative elements are the same in all cultures—that he fails to support, or that are highly questionable.
There are differences between the classical idea of gods and what we think of God. The ancient gods were not the ones who created the universe and the earth. They were not omniscient, omnipotent, or good. They also didn’t care about humanity.
A well is not enough-In Greek mythology and religion, belief in the afterlife was defined as belief in the afterlife. It was, in general, the opposite of what we believe. It was less important and less enjoyable than this life.
The tiny kernel of truth, as shown in the “bull-leaping” fresco of Knossos that may lie at heart of the myth about the Minotaur, half-Half bull, half man-like monster.
Mythology’s chronological inconsistencies. In the story of Theseus, for example, characters interact with each other who in other stories didn’t even live at the same moment.
The way various mythological depictions of females—the Amazons, the myth of Medea, and such monsters as Medusa and Scyllare—present Greek males’ anxiety about women’s power, particularly their sexual power. Medea, which is both feminine and masculine, embodies this theme. “genitals” And “clever plans.”
The Romans are close to wholesale “borrowing” In the context of their ambivalent views of Greek culture, they considered Greek mythology to be a part of their ambivalent view. They believed the Greeks were better poets, artists, and rhetoricians than them, but also considered them to be decadent. “soft,” It is treacherous.
Ovid’s vast influence Metamorphoses William Shakespeare. Ovid’s influence on English literature has been incalculable because of this relationship.

 Professor Vandiver’s final lecture examines aspects of the immense influence that classical mythology had on Western Civilization. She shares her views on why this is so. She also shows that the ancient gods and heroes, as well as monsters and heroes, are still active in modern beliefs about UFOs and extraterrestrial visits, and popular entertainment like Star Trek Films like the Road Warrior The Terminatorseries.
Popular and Top-Teacher who has won an award“Professor Vandiver is an outstanding teacher with a clear mastery of her subject,” Barbara Brumbaugh, Auburn, Alabama customer of Teaching Company, writes. “She examines the subject in impressive depth, yet keeps the lectures interesting and accessible to non-specialists.”
Professor Vandiver is the 1998 American Philological Association Excellence in Teaching Award winner, the highest award given to American classicists. She also teaches the related Teaching Company courses The Iliad Homer, The Odyssey of Homer, and Virgil’s Aeneid.

24 lectures
  |  Average of 30 minutes per session


2What is Myth?

3Why is Myth So Popular?

4“First Was Chaos”

5The Reign Of The Olympians

6Immortals & Mortals

7Demeter, Persephone and the Conquest of Death

8 The Eleusinian Mysteries & the Afterlife

9Apollo & Artemis

Dionysos, 10Hermes

11Laughter-Loving Aphrodite

12Culture and Prehistory. “Great Goddess”

13Humans, Heroes and Half-Gods

14Theseus, and the “Test-and-Quest” Myth
This lecture focuses upon the Athenian Theseus. He saved the youth in his city by entering the Labyrinth, killing the monstrous Minotaur and destroying its center. His story is a wonderful example of those myths where the hero must overcome difficulties and face dangers in pursuit of a worthy goal.

15From Myth to History, and Back Again

16The Greatest Hero Of All

17The Trojan War

18The Terrible House of Atreus

19Blood Vengeance: Justice and the Furies

20The Tragedies Of King Oedipus

21Monstrous Females, Female Monsters

22Roman Founders, Roman Fables

23“Gods Are Useful”

24From Ovid to The Stars

Here’s what you can expect in the new book TTC – Classical Mythology