Trouble-Shooting Common Breastfeeding Problems – Cheryl Scott


This session is a MUST for all Health care professionals working with breastfeeding mothers in the hospital and first two weeks after birth.Join Dr Scott as she teaches you how to improve managing common breastfeeding problems.  You will increase your knowledge of normal infant behavior that may impact infant feeding practices.  You will learn evidence based strategies to support breastfeeding families to successfully nourish their babies.OUTLINEPrevention and relief of engorgementCesarean BirthsNight Time FeedingsTwinsSleepy newbornsTransient HypoglycemiaJaundiceLate Preterm Infant OBJECTIVESCite 3 clinically evidenced based methods for prevention and relief of primary engorgementState 3 supportive measures to support breastfeeding success for the cesarean delivered motherDemonstrate 3 effective methods to stimulate sleepy newborn infants before and during   feedingsTag: Trouble-Shooting Common Breastfeeding Problems – Cheryl Scott Review. Trouble-Shooting Common Breastfeeding Problems – Cheryl Scott download. Trouble-Shooting Common Breastfeeding Problems – Cheryl Scott discount.