Triple Your Business


IT’S THE EXACT EASY-TO-FOLLOW SYSTEM WE APPLIED AT FOUNDR TO GROW BY 300% IN 12 MONTHSA Battle-Tested Framework That Took His Company From $0 To $20,000,000 In Just A Few Years And Works Perfectly For Any Business Currently Not Doing 8 Figures! MORE SALES, MORE REVENUE & MORE PROFITSRemember why you started your business? Most likely it’s because you wanted MORE in your life – more passion, more control, and more freedom.The good news is it’s definitely possible… especially when you get more sales, more revenue and more profits that give you positive cash flow in your business!Cash flow is king and the lifeblood of every business, no matter its size or niche. That’s why it should be treated as a top priority from Day 1, because it could either make or break your business… or help it scale to the moon.THE NUTS & BOLTS OF TRIPLING YOUR REVENUEFrom the very first video, Steve walks you through his proven formula for success, helps you nail down your vision, your strategy, and exactly what you need to focus on and execute in the next 12 months to 3x, 5x, or even 10x your revenue.Steve McLeod isn’t just another business “guru”. Not even close.He got his start as a fireman who ultimately made the transition to entrepreneur as he bootstrapped his own startup ‘Fire & Safety Australia’, which now has over 150 employees and does more than $20M each year in revenue. He’s been listed on Australia’s 30 under 30 and is now the best selling author of the book “Courage For Profit”, in which he outlined the exact formula he uses with his 1-on-1 private clients…… Including businesses ranging from $100K per year in sales with one owner, to businesses approaching $100 million in annual sales with more than 600 employees, across all industries.By the way, it’s also the same methodology he’s used to help us at Foundr 3x our revenue in the last 12 months!That’s why we’re so confident that his system WORKS. Because it worked so well for us just by following his clearly laid out blueprint.And now we’ve produced this course with Steve so that you can do the same. Cut Through The Noise –Doing ONLY What’s Important To Rapidly Grow Your RevenueBefore Steve became a highly sought after business consultant, he was no different from the typical business owner like you and I.While dealing with the day-to-day demands of running a business, he was also distracted by a lot of “noise” when trying to grow the business – so much so that he sometimes just didn’t know what to do!I’m talking about “noise” from cash flow challenges, trying to win new business, trying to keep employees engaged, trying to understand financials and what’s REALLY going to make a difference… Sounds familiar? From his 10 years of experience with ‘Fire & Safety Australia’ as well as many private business clients, Steve knows the power of cutting through the “noise” and doing ONLY what’s important to rapidly grow your revenue. That’s what “Triple Your Business” is all about – Steve will share his business growth framework on how using courageous decisions drives business success. The key takeaway is a solid actionable plan on how to achieve your definition of business success. It will show you what the next 12 months ahead will look like in your business, broken down into smaller chunks so that you can go and execute it with relentless discipline week after week.So if you’re not happy with where your business is, and if you have bigger visions of what success looks like in your business… then this course will help you define where you want to go and exactly how to get there. HERE’S HOW STEVE WILL TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL:“Triple Your Business” contains 4 in-depth video modules focusing specifically on scaling your revenue from wherever you’re at right now to wherever you’d like to be – in as little time as possible.MODULE 1: YOUR VISION & STRATEGYBefore you can move towards success, you must first define what success means to you. In this module you’ll get crystal clear on where you want to go, and the exact steps you need to take in the next 12 months to get there. THE SUCCESS FORMULA FOR BUSINESS GROWTHThe single most important business success formula, without which everything will fail…Evaluate how much time you spend ACTUALLY growing the business versus just being distracted by “noise”Uncover the ONE thing you could be doing more of every single week to dramatically grow your businessDEFINE YOUR COMPELLING VISIONGet crystal clear on what business success means to you, instead of some vague idea that doesn’t spur you on to work hard week-in week-outVisualize the impact you want to make in your business, in the lives of others and in the world Discover simple yet powerful ways to spread your vision to your team, your suppliers, and your customers… getting them all fired up to help you succeedSET S.M.A.R.T. GOALSHow to translate your vision into tangible goals – many business owners say this is way more effective than any other goal-setting activity they had done before  Complete walkthrough of the ideal process to brainstorm ideas and set S.M.A.R.T. goals to grow your business in just 12 months, either by yourself or with your teamThe 16 essential steps to setting an annual strategic plan for yourself, your team, and your businessMODULE 2: RELENTLESS DISCIPLINEJust setting goals is not enough to succeed – if it was, everyone who set New Year resolutions would have achieved them by year end 😉 In this module you’ll get tips and tools derived from Steve’s “strict discipline” fireman days to help you turn your goals into reality. IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN: KPI DASHBOARDGet your hands on Steve’s Weekly KPI Dashboard template, and learn how to customize it to your own businessThe vital link between the KPI Dashboard and your S.M.A.R.T. goals – once established and executed properly, it’ll almost guarantee your successThe secret behind focusing on 3-5 priorities that are really going to move the needle for achieving your business vision… and ignoring everything elseIMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGIC PLAN: WEEKLY MEETING AGENDARed, Yellow & Green – how these three colors can accurately reveal the health of your company in just 20 minutesThe right way to solve problems and fix bottlenecks as a team without unnecessary angst and dramaOne of the easiest and most effective methods to help you determine what needs to be done ASAP and who is accountable for each taskMODULE 3: LEADERSHIP & PEOPLENo matter if you’re in B2C or B2B, we’re all in the H2H (human-to-human) business. In this module you’ll learn everything you need to know about growing a great team for the long haul, and becoming a leader that your employees can all look up to. BUILDING A GREAT TEAM: CORE VALUESWhy it’s important to identify 3-5 core values as the cornerstone of your businessThe subtle yet effective ways to promote the core values every single time you recognize a team member for great performance How to use core values to measure both sides of the coin – reward and recognize good behavior, but also weed out those who don’t fit the culture of the businessTHE PEOPLE TESTOne worksheet that can help you to rate everyone on your team in the most objective and comprehensive way What individual strategies you can leverage on to help your employees improve their performance and alignment to the businessThe “Tough” Test – Steve’s best advice on removing D & F players from your team (as well as encouraging and rewarding A players, and offering training and support to B & C players)BECOMING A LEADER OF INFLUENCEThe Ultimate Cheat Sheet for leaders to assess and improve their level of influenceHow to coach and mentor people in your team to achieve amazing personal and professional successStep-by-step framework for leaders to discover their own blindspots and work on them effectivelyMODULE 3: LEADERSHIP & PEOPLENo matter if you’re in B2C or B2B, we’re all in the H2H (human-to-human) business. In this module you’ll learn everything you need to know about growing a great team for the long haul, and becoming a leader that your employees can all look up to. BUILDING A GREAT TEAM: CORE VALUESWhy it’s important to identify 3-5 core values as the cornerstone of your businessThe subtle yet effective ways to promote the core values every single time you recognize a team member for great performance How to use core values to measure both sides of the coin – reward and recognize good behavior, but also weed out those who don’t fit the culture of the businessTHE PEOPLE TESTOne worksheet that can help you to rate everyone on your team in the most objective and comprehensive way What individual strategies you can leverage on to help your employees improve their performance and alignment to the businessThe “Tough” Test – Steve’s best advice on removing D & F players from your team (as well as encouraging and rewarding A players, and offering training and support to B & C players)BECOMING A LEADER OF INFLUENCEThe Ultimate Cheat Sheet for leaders to assess and improve their level of influenceHow to coach and mentor people in your team to achieve amazing personal and professional successStep-by-step framework for leaders to discover their own blindspots and work on them effectivelyMODULE 4: MARKETING & SALES STRATEGIES TO DRAMATICALLY GROW YOUR BUSINESSNow that you have the right foundations and resources in place, it’s time to turbocharge your business growth. In this module you’ll discover all of Steve’s best strategies to grow your cash flow, your sales, and your business to help you reach your goals ASAP!GROW YOUR CASH FLOW: INCREASING PROFITSHow to get your existing customers to stay and buy from you again and again… because they absolutely love your businessProven methods to maximize the lead flow into your business – not just an increase in quantity, but also QUALITY!The strategic ways to price your product or service to increase profits, no matter with first-time or repeat customersGROW YOUR CASH FLOW: DECREASING COSTSExpert negotiation tips with your suppliers to decrease the cost of goods sold (COGS)Slightly sneaky (but definitely legal!) ways to decrease your overhead expenses How to reduce debt and increase credit to maximize your cash flowTHE QUADRANT OF GROWING YOUR SALESThe 4 main options to make more sales and the best methods to carry out each of themCommon mistakes when choosing a primary and a secondary strategy to focus on… and how to avoid themHow to sell, even if you’re “not a salesperson”YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER & USPKey characteristics you MUST include in your Ideal Strategic Customer Profile in order to attract more of themIndustry trends to keep up with so that you’ll always stay ahead of the competition How to craft a truly unique selling proposition that makes you stand out immediately in a sea of “me-too” companiesThe best supporting materials you can use to gain your customers’ trust (most businesses aren’t using them effectively right now – herein lies your opportunity!)PLUS…ALL THE CUSTOMIZABLE TEMPLATES IN THE ENTIRE FRAMEWORKHOW TO CONDUCT A BUSINESS HEALTH CHECK OVERVIEWSTEVE’S FINAL THOUGHTS HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL GET:4 Easy-To-Follow Training Modules16x Video LessonsOver 2 Hours of In-Depth Business Growth ContentProfessionally Produced Workbook ($100)Foundr Community Facebook GroupGet Triple Your Business – Anonymous , Only Price $59Tag: Triple Your Business  Review. Triple Your Business  download. Triple Your Business  discount.