Triggering The Phenomenon Seminar – Dan Kennedy


Welcome to triggering the phenomenon you’re about to experience highlights of a recording of Dan Kennedy’s live $995 seminar with 13 entrepreneurs revealing different ways they achieved more in the past 12 months than in the past 12 years the experts on these recordings includeDan Kennedy bill Glazer and Lee Milt here Dan Kennedy is internationally recognized as a millionaire maker helping people in just about every category of business turn their idea into fortunes he has been called the professor of harsh reality because he’s provocative irreverent sarcastic and tells it like it is in a humorous but chilling serious fashion that cuts to the core of the issues in a way no other marketing guru does Dan Kennedy’s advice can be moved with remarkable ease from one very different field industry or profession to another with amazing success he is a leading consultant in direct marketing copywriting internet strategies and profit improvement systems in addition Dan Kennedy is the hidden genius behind full-page magazine and tabloid advertisements you’ve undoubtedly seen in such notable publications such as success Inc entrepreneur nations business USA Today and the Wall Street Journal Dan Kennedy’s multi step comprehensive direct mail campaigns he writes for himself as well as his clients have been received by tens of millions of people producing hundreds of millions in revenue although Dan Kennedy rarely speaks anymore except for event sponsored by Glaser Kennedy inside a circle or a few select engagements for private clients he was formerly one of the most popular in-demand speakers marketing related topics for example it was customary than in a single year he would address over 200,000 people sharing the platform with other famous speakers such as Zig Ziglar Tom Hopkins Mark Victor Hansen Joe Sugarman and Ron Legrand and Kennedy is the author of over 11 books including his no BS series the ultimate sales letter and the ultimate marketing plan he is credited with being the originator of what we call the phenomenon which is a collection of strategies and secrets enabling tens of thousands of its users to accomplish their biggest goals to multiply incomes to create hugely successful businesses in just 12 months Bill Glaser is a top marketing guru and is the number one most celebrated marketing advisor specializing in the retail industry he is best known for his outrageously effective direct response advertising both online and offline here’s just a partial list of bills accomplishments in 2000 the industry Journal Mr magazine named Bill and his bgs marketing system to the list of the 100 top people places and things impacting the industry at the Millennium the equivalent of being named to people or Time magazine’s list of the 100 most noteworthy or influential individuals bill and his outside-the-box marketing strategies have often been featured in the most prestigious marketing magazines in the world for example DM News which is the newspaper of record for direct marketers ran a full story on Bill’s outrageous marketing strategies that are outrageously effective he won the prestigious RAC award at the 2002 retail advertising conference this honor is equivalent in advertising as the Oscars are to the movies and the Emmys to television perhaps the shining jewel of his accomplishments was when Dan Kennedy asked bill to join him in 2004 and deliver the latest marketing advice to their thousands of clients worldwide now Dan could have chosen anyone in the world to partner with but when asked why he chose Bill he replied bill is as astute and able marketer as I am and frankly a more organized business person than I am ly mail tear is our talented and highly respected performance coach with clients that have included NASA Disney FedEx as well as numerous entrepreneurs sales professionals and speakers in short she is a wide and varied background in publicity sales marketing speaking platform selling and coaching in recent years Dan Kennedy has worked closely with Lee on developing his renegade millionaire strategies and programs this day was recorded shortly after Dan Kennedy suffered a serious accident while he was driving one of his numerous harness racehorses although you’ll hear him experiencing some discomfort you’ll find the information to still be cutting-edge and will point you in the direction to trigger the phenomenon in your own life on this recording you’ll hear firsthand from people who have experienced the phenomenon using six of the major phenomenon triggers at first you’ll hear Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer talk about the first phenomenon trigger which is commitment to speed welcome to the renegade millionaire day  for those of you…Get Triggering The Phenomenon Seminar – Dan Kennedy, Only Price $97Tag: Triggering The Phenomenon Seminar – Dan Kennedy Review. Triggering The Phenomenon Seminar – Dan Kennedy download. Triggering The Phenomenon Seminar – Dan Kennedy discount.