Tricktrades – Crystal Ball Vol 1


Financial Modeling Education Collections
Includes: FME+, 13 Week Cash Flow Template, 5 Simple Steps to a 3 Statement Model, Advanced Three Statement Model Template, Financial Modeling for Private Equity
What You’ll Learn In Financial Modeling Education Collections

Complete with Case Studies, Templates, Guides, and all my best Finance Content, FME+ is designed to be place where you can continue to hone your skills.
Open to anyone, but ideal for someone who has bundled the other courses together since we reinforce several concepts.
13 Week Cash Flow Template:

Overly-complicated and unnecessarily opaque, 13 Week Cash Flows have a way of taking on a life of their own.
This course changes that:  In 45 minutes, we’ll walk through the structure of a 13 Week Cash Flow template that starts with your personal life and ends with a business case.
This is the exact format I use with clients.  You can modify it as you see fit for your purposes.
5 Simple Steps to a 3 Statement Model

This is a “warm-up” course (45 mins) that quickly guides you through the fundamentals of building a three statement model (using five primary steps).
Don’t let the simplicity fool you: the methodology laid out here is the exact same model architecture I use to build massive FP&A and Private Equity models.
This is a perfect on-ramp to the more sophisticated courses on the website.
Advanced Three Statement Model Template

This course is a pre-built template of a monthly three statement model.
It’s the exact format I use with FP&A and Private Equity teams to manage portfolio companies.
The videos walk you through the structure and how to use it.  You can edit it as you see fit for your purposes.
Financial Modeling for Private Equity

There’s a reason this course is featured in the Wharton Online Private Equity Certificate Program, Wall Street Prep, and FTI Consulting Training: it’s the real deal.
Starting with a real phone call from our Managing Partner, we are tasked with building an LBO Model (brick-by-brick) to help determine if the deal is financeable and calculate investor returns.
With nearly 13 hours of content, this course will separate you from the pack: it’s a rigorous FP&A and Private Equity education in one.
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