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Wall Street Prep – Private Equity Masterclass

4 of the Top 5 Private Equity firms globally use Wall Street Prep to train their incoming PE Analysts and Associates. Whether you’re preparing for an LBO Modeling test or you want to learn to build an LBO model and become a better PE professional, this course has you covered.
PE Masterclass: Crushing the paper LBO is just the beginning
LBO Modeling & the PE Deal Process

The Private Equity Masterclass teaches trainees how to construct comprehensive LBO models used to support real transactions and gives an insiders walkthrough of the nuances of the private equity deal process and the non-modeling day-to-day responsibilities of a Private Equity professional.

Led by PE Professionals

This course is NOT an academic exercise. It is taught by PE professionals who have been involved in some of the most high-profile private equity deals in the last 10 years.

Learn from the Private Equity’s #1 Trainer

4 of the Top 5 Private Equity firms globally use Wall Street Prep to train their incoming PE Analysts and Associates. Attending this program gives you access to the same virtual training.

What You’ll Learn In Private Equity Masterclass?
The Private Equity Deal Process

Learn how to add value to your deal team through each major phase of the PE deal process.
Understand the day-to-day responsibilities of a Private Equity professional.
Learn the roles and responsibilities of PE team members.
Understand the teaser, NDA, CIM and OM.
Learn to build a 1st Round Bid/IOI “Mini Model”
Understand how due diligence is conducted on a modern PE deal team.
Get an insider’s look at PE deal negotiations.

LBO Modeling

Gain the confidence to ace your private equity interviews
Learn how an LBO/Recapitalization works given today’s benchmarks and credit environment
Develop an “industrial strength” LBO model driven a fully integrated 3 statement model
Add a PIK toggle to various debt tranches
Build the Sources & Uses (S&U) schedule – the correct way
Modeling complex accounting adjustments including deferred taxes, fair value write ups, and goodwill
Attach a DCF valuation to your LBO

Middle Market LBO Modeling

Start with a real phone call with the Managing Partner (who will be unavailable after the call)
Learn how to deal with the common issue of poorly formatted financials
“Creating something from nothing” — a live look at putting together a deal recommendation when the only person you can rely on is yourself.
Build a MONTHLY LBO model from scratch that contains the 3 financial statements, EBITDA & adjusted EBITDA (just like a QofE), working capital and more all with Excel best practices like consistent formatting, circularity breaker and error checking