TRE® WEBINAR – Introduction to Tension, Stress & Trauma Releasin – David Berceli


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $29 $120, TRE® WEBINAR – Introduction to Tension, Stress & Trauma Releasin – David Berceli Course. TRE® WEBINAR – Introduction to Tension, Stress & Trauma Releasing ExercisesLearn TRE® online from the founder of TRE® – Dr David Berceli. Including handouts and 90 min of lecture with Dr Berceli and more than 3 hours of extra material.TRE® – Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing ExercisesTRE® is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.TRE® is based on the fundamental idea, backed by recent research, that stress, tension and trauma is both psychological and physical. TRE®’s reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing. After doing TRE®, many people report feelings of peace and well-being.TRE® emerged out of Dr. David Berceli’s work with large traumatized communities while living in Africa and the Middle East. His observation and exploration led him to understand that this natural shaking/vibrating response appears to be the body’s own built-in system for quieting down the brain and releasing muscular tension as a way of healing itself from chronic stress, tension and trauma.Since this shaking mechanism in the muscles is part of our natural behavior as humans, everyone can benefit from TRE®. This shaking of the muscles, increases the resiliency of the body because it causes deep relaxation that naturally reduces stress levels. It can release emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety whether it is caused by work stress, excessive worry, conflict in relationships, physical stresses or traumas from accidents.Whether you are a parent/spouse who would like more patience with your family, a victim of violence or accident, a soldier suffering with PTSD, an athlete, or simply a person who wants to become more resilient and just feel better about life, you can benefit from TRE®.TRE® has helped many thousands of people globally. Although there are some preliminary research findings on the benefits of TRE® The Berceli Foundation, continually seeks research funding to identify all that is involved in this naturally occurring process.TRE® is a safe and effective stress release technique for most people. The TRE process should not be used as a substitute for trauma recovery procedures of a medical or psychiatric/psychological nature. Individuals who have physical or psychological conditions that require strict regulation, individuals with fragile psychological defenses, a complex history of trauma or restricting physical or medical limitations should consult their medical practitioner or a Certified TRE Provider prior to performing these exercises.Find a TRE® ProviderBy following the instructions and cautions provided in this webinar most people are able to safely activate the shaking mechanisms at home. If you have specific or ongoing medical concerns or issues which require the attention of a medical professional, AND intend to use TRE® as part of your healing process, please find a TRE® Provider that has knowledge and skills in your specific area of need.If you have done TRE® for a while and want to deepen your experience, we also highly recommend you to seek out one of our TRE® providers. The TRE® provider can assist you in modi fying the TRE® process to your unique needs.Course CurriculumBEFORE STARTINGStartIMPORTANT: Disclaimer & Sharing AccountsStartFind a TRE® ProviderStartFeedback & Improvement of the SiteHANDOUTSStartTRE® WEBINAR – PPT HandoutStartTRE® WEBINAR – The TRE® ExercisesINTRODUCTIONStartWhat is TRE®?StartWelcome Note from Dr. Berceli (3 min) (2:58)StartTRE® Self-Regulating (3 min) (2:58)PART 1 – BACKGROUND TO TRE®StartLECTURE: Background to TRE® (2 min) (2:08)StartEXTRA: Explanation of TRE® from Medical History (9 min)StartEXTRA: Research on TRE®StartEXTRA: An Old Interview with Dr David Berceli (9 min)PART 2 – THE STRESS MUSCLESStartLECTURE: The Stress Muscles (6 min) (5:46)StartEXTRA: The Psoas Muscle and TRE® (5 min)PART 3 – THE NEUROGENIC TREMORSStartLECTURE: The Neurogenic Tremors (17 min) (17:23)StartEXTRA: Neurogenic Tremors in Animals and Humans (11 min)StartEXTRA: Dr Melanie Salmon, MD, Talks about TRE® (22 min)StartEXTRA: Various Militaries’ Experiences with TRE® (22 min)PART 4 – THE NEUROLOGICAL DEFENSE MECHANISMSStartLECTURE: The Neurological Defense Mechanisms (Fight/Flight or Freeze) (10 min) (10:14)StartEXTRA: The Fight or Flight Response (6 min)StartEXTRA: The Freeze Response with Dr Frank Oschberg, MD (4 min)StartEXTRA: The Freeze Response in Animals (4 min)StartEXTRA: The Polyvagal Theory and the Triune Autonomic Nervous System (35 min)PART 5 – THE TRIUNE BRAINStartLECTURE: The Triune Brain (10 min) (9:30)StartEXTRA: The Triune Brain with Dr Joe Dispenza (18 min)StartEXTRA: The High and Low Road with Dr Dan Siegel, MD (4 min)PART 6 – THE MYOFASCIAStartLECTURE: The Myofascia (8 min) (8:27)StartEXTRA: The Fuzz Speech by Dr Gil Hedley (5 min)StartEXTRA: Fascia and Structural Integration with Dr Robert Schleip (3 min)StartEXTRA: Strolling Under the Skin by ​Dr Jean-Claude Guimberteau (29 min)PART 7 – CAUTIONSStartLECTURE: Cautions (2 min) (2:23)StartIMPORTANT: ​TRE® Self-Regulation (3 min) (2:58)StartEXTRA: The Physiological Impact of Dissociation with Dr Allan Schore, MD (4 min)PART 8 – DOING THE EXERCISESStartLECTURE: General Information about the TRE® Exercises (2 min) (1:52)StartINSTRUCTIONS: The TRE® Exercises (23 min) (22:47)StartINSTRUCTIONS: The Short Version of the TRE® Exercises (9 min) (9:35)StartSUMMARY: Overview of the TRE® ExercisesPART 9 – BONUS MATERIALStartVIDEO: The Pulsating Human Organism (5 min) (4:37)StartVIDEO: The Tremor Mechanism Activated in a ​Krav Maga Instructor (3 min) (2:52)