Trauma, Addiction and Men: Create Connection, Increase Vulnerability and Improve Treatment Outcomes with the Male Client


Don’t be weak, don’t ask for help, don’t cry, don’t show emotion.These damaging expectations of masculinity are ruining your sessions, causing many male clients to bottle up the shame of past traumas, struggle to be vulnerable and open in therapy, and labor to leave emotion numbing drugs behind.It can make therapeutic progress seem impossible and leave you frustrated, questioning your competence, and feeling powerless when nothing you try seems to work.Treat male clients with trauma and addiction issues more effectively than ever before!No matter your own gender, this essential recording will give you exactly what you need to:Keep male clients from leaving treatmentExperience more productive sessions with men who struggle with “talk” therapyCreate greater openness in sessions with tips to overcome male shame and stigmaAdd value to the clinical techniques you already use for trauma and addiction workExperience new levels of therapeutic success with the guidance and tailored approaches you need to meet the needs of men in therapy!Assess how male roles and stereotypes are formed from society, culture, and family roles.Analyze how self-esteem, self-worth, and self-efficacy are impacted through these roles and lead to maladaptive coping.Determine how stereotyped behaviors drive rigid, addictive tendencies and develop solutions to increase willingness to change while keeping integrity intact.Evaluate the clinical research related to suicide, substance abuse, and gender differences.Integrate skills to help men increase their voice and choice since they are often the ‘forgotten, silent sufferers’ as it pertains to trauma.Utilize reframing interventions, cognitive restructuring, and distress tolerance techniques that cultivate and demonstrate the importance of vulnerability and intimacy in their lives.Get Trauma, Addiction and Men: Create Connection, Increase Vulnerability and Improve Treatment Outcomes with the Male Client – Megan Howard, Only Price $87Male Gender Roles and Stereotypes: Understand What Drives the BehaviorMale gender roles and stereotypesThe meaning/impact of gender rolesACE StudyMale messages and traumaCultural differences among male messagesPrevalence of trauma in menIdentify the Root of Trauma and Addiction in Men: Understand the Research and Effective AssessmentThe addicted family systemChaotic and rigid family rolesSuicide rate among menImpact of opioid epidemicCurrent limitations of successful long term recovery with menBarriers of change in treatment for menOpen Male Clients to Vulnerability and Change: Clinical Interventions to Overcome Male Shame and StigmaHealthy power vs. abuse of powerInterdependence, independence, and codependenceSelf-esteem and emotional sobrietyVulnerability and supporting/validating attempts of opennessCognitive-behavioral techniquesSolution-focused techniquesTherapeutic Adjustments for Men Who Struggle with “Talk Therapy”: 5 Techniques to Get Off on the Right Foot and Keep Men in TreatmentTrauma adaptation in menMTREM and Seeking Safety for Men and other effective treatment approachesBiopsychosocial considerations for the male in treatmentThe “strong man” techniques for connection, courage, and strengthMeaning, redefining values, grounding, and self-regulationOther Treatment Roadblocks: Solutions for Common Concerns When Treating MenAngry clientsBoundary concernsAttachmentIntimacySuicidalityTrust & vulnerabilityGet Trauma, Addiction and Men: Create Connection, Increase Vulnerability and Improve Treatment Outcomes with the Male Client – Megan Howard, Only Price $87Tag: Trauma, Addiction and Men: Create Connection, Increase Vulnerability and Improve Treatment Outcomes with the Male Client – Megan Howard Review. Trauma, Addiction and Men: Create Connection, Increase Vulnerability and Improve Treatment Outcomes with the Male Client – Megan Howard download. Trauma, Addiction and Men: Create Connection, Increase Vulnerability and Improve Treatment Outcomes with the Male Client – Megan Howard discount.