Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews


TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE WITH ManTarA Using Channeled Angelic Light Language to Expand out of Limitations and Align with Your Higher SelfMany people are dissatisfied with their lives and desperately want to improve their situation, whether it be their health, relationships, or financial abundance. Society has trained people to look outside themselves for the answers and to logically try to solve their problems. This external focus is extremely disempowering and the over reliance on the mind has left most people frustrated and feeling stuck in the ever tightening looping nature of the intellect.ManTarA is a collective of high-level Angelic beings, of which my higher Self is a part. Our approach, when helping people transform themselves, is to bring the emphasis back to improving their inner relationship with themselves and then to simply allow their external situations to reflect this new harmonious alignment.Angelic Light Language bypasses the intellectual mind and communicates directly with the Soul, Heart and physical body of the recipient. We work deeply within the Soul contracts, energetic structures and cellular memories to clear out the root causes of limitations.As the individual expands, this language is used to facilitate an energetic invitation to allow the embodiment of Self Love and Joy, and the awakening of Soul wisdom and confidence. This facilitation activates dormant potentials and higher desires, bringing the individual a clear sense of purpose and direction and allows life to flow with ease, freedom, joy and abundance. All issues simply clear themselves as their life stream moves into alignment with their higher Self and Source.This comprehensive package will transform your life from the inside outShaking out and Clearing;Limiting programs and beliefsSelf-sabotaging thought patternsExistence fearsNegative and critical thinkingCellular memories from past traumasPhysical pains and dis-easeEnergetic discordanceTrapped emotional traumas and misbalanceMental tensions and looping thought processesAbundance blocksLow self worth issuesThe energies of wanting, trying, and hopingAligning and balancing;The energy chakras and meridiansThe mental bodyThe physical systems of the biological bodyNervous systemEndocrine systemMetabolic systemDigestive systemCirculatory systemImmune systemThe Emotional and Intuitive bodyRe-Connecting and Re-Enforcing;Authentic Energetic ConfidenceSelf WorthYour Expansive NatureAbundance flowThe energies of Knowing, Accepting, and AllowingSelf LoveJoyful, Supportive, Easy Life StreamSoul WisdomSpiritual GuidanceHigher Self and Unity ConsciousnessGet Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews, Only Price $37Facilitating expansive transformation allows us to fulfill our Purpose and creates the greatest Joy.We look forward to being of service to you.This is your invitation.Here’s what the package includesCHOOSE TO MOVE – Transcend Your Story and Embrace ChangeCLEAR THE FEAR with Ease and ComfortRELEASE PHYSICAL PAINSRELEASE EMOTIONAL TRAUMASUNWIND THE MIND and Find PeaceACCESSING THE QUANTUM FIELD to Release Blocks, Beliefs and Limiting thought patternsBUILDING AUTHENTIC ENERGETIC CONFIDENCEANCHORING INTO THE FLOW OF ABUNDANCECULTIVATING LOVING RELATIONSHIPS Inner and OuterACCESSING SOUL WISDOM Through the Portal of the HeartMANIFEST A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENTEASING ASCENSION SYMPTOMSCLEAR, PURIFY, AND UPLIFTANGEL GREASERENOUNCE YOUR LABELS2 Live Group Channeled Light Language SessionsPackage AITEM 1: CHOOSE TO MOVE – Transcend Your Story and Embrace ChangeFormat: MP3English Introduction – 5:00 minLight Language Session – 23:13 minChoice is such a fundamental aspect of the human experience. It is the first step in manifesting anything. However many people don’t want to own their right to choose, so they choose not to consciously choose, and thus allow their life to be run by unconscious choice.The frequencies in Choose to Move intentionally creates the energetic space where you can clearly feel that you are at choice. You will understand that you have always been at choice, whether consciously or not, and this will start to unlock your deep authentic power, the power to take ownership of your choices, and to consciously make your choices.The frequencies will also gently shake up your stories to help you see them for what they are, just stories. We will then help you to take the power out of the stories, and return that power back to you, so you can make your choice to move forward now, in this moment of the present.ITEM 2: CLEAR THE FEAR with Ease and ComfortFormat: MP3English Introduction – 4:00 minLight Language Session – 20:26 minMental fears are the stories from past events that were not pleasant or are based on what we have been told by others whom we believed. Many of the fears that come to our attention are not ours at all, but rather the fears of others that we take on energetically. Most of the fears that are still stored in our bodies are based on past life experiences, many of them horrendously traumatic, but are no longer relevant in the society and the collective energies of today. They exist within you only because you have not consciously let them go. Now is the time. We all need to lighten our load.This session of Channeled Angelic Light Language will dive in deep and gently shake up and loosen the fears that have been paralysing you. The intention held in the frequencies of this session is to allow you to clear these fears efficiently with ease and comfort.ITEM 3: RELEASE PHYSICAL PAINSFormat: MP3English Introduction – 3:07 minLight Language Session – 21:33 minPhysical pain can be extremely debilitating for so many beautiful people. Whether it is chronic back pain or a random headache, for most of us, that pain just sucks the joy out of our life. Very few people can see the amazing gifts that pain brings when they are suffering the pain.Pain is supposed to be “a call to action” a powerful motivator to make change in our lives, to help us understand that the previous choices we have made have resulted in us becoming out of balance.This session will help you to receive the information that pain is alerting you to, either consciously or not, so that the mission of that pain has been fulfilled, and it can be gracefully released. The frequencies will then support the healing of any damage to your physical body that has occurred, as well as address the underlying energetic misbalance. Allowing your physical body to return to health and balance.ITEM 4: RELEASE EMOTIONAL TRAUMASFormat: MP3English Introduction – 2:54 minLight Language Session – 23:51 minEmotional Traumas underlie many of the misbalance’s that show up in both our physical body and our mental body. Emotional Trauma is created when we cannot emotionally cope with, process, or understand an experience that has occurred in our past. Emotional traumas can be so painful or traumatic that they are deeply suppressed and all possible triggers are actively avoided. Of course the energies will always try to balance out thus resulting in physical and/or mental manifestations.This session is then intended to easily, gently and comfortably release emotional traumas from where they have been locked away in the tissues and energetic structures of the body and support the enlightened processing of the memories of the experiences that caused the trauma. The mind is not capable of processing these events, so we invite your higher self in to energetically explain to the mind what has happened so the memories can be released, and this then allows the emotional energies to dissipate. It is a gentle organic process that will take some time, however the results are definitely worth it.ITEM 5: UNWIND THE MIND and Find PeaceFormat: MP3English Introduction – 3:13 minLight Language Session – 18:11 minIn our society today, with all of the expectations we place on ourselves, mental tension, and the stress it creates, is at an all time high. It seems that as we go about our daily business our minds are becoming busier and busier trying to take account of all that we feel we should manage, and as our mind races around in ever tightening loops it literally winds itself up creating a restriction around the flow of our divine life force.In this session ManTarA’s light language flows into your mental body and simply unwinds the mess of thoughts and impressions thus creating the space required to allow peace and clarity to naturally return. The intention of the session is also to support your physical body to deactivate the stress response and return to balance and harmony, and to encourage your energetic body to relax and allow the life force to flow freely.ITEM 6: ACCESSING THE QUANTUM FIELD to Release Blocks, Beliefs and Limiting thought patterns.Format: MP3English Introduction – 2:42 minLight Language Session – 23:33 minYour mind cannot comprehend the quantum field, beyond time and space, beyond the rules and laws that govern our physical reality, but that does not preclude you from experiencing the quantum. In the quantum field you can change things in your life very easily, changing the energy and then allowing the change to manifest into the physical. To access the quantum you must be willing to go beyond the mind beyond what you can comprehend, and allow yourself to be mentally out of control.ManTarA is always working in the quantum, and in this session creates the conditions for you to easily surpass your mind and the mental control by which you habitually live, so that you can have a transformative experience of the quantum and the realise the power of the quantum field. The intentions imbedded in this experience are to release all that is limiting your experience of yourself.Get Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews, Only Price $37ITEM 7: BUILDING AUTHENTIC ENERGETIC CONFIDENCEFormat: MP3English Introduction – 2:46 minLight Language Session – 21:29 minThe Solar Plexus Chakra, in the upper abdomen, is energy centre for the Self, self worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. When this chakra is energetically strong we have the authentic confidence to hold our own space no matter what is going on around us.Having authentic energetic confidence is essential if you wish to live in this world without being unduly influenced by it. If your energetic confidence is low you become like a sponge, picking up energies from many different sources outside of yourself. These energies include thought forms, fears, anxieties, and entities. The intentions conveyed in the energetic field of this session are to do with clearing, balancing, and strengthening the solar plexus chakra and allowing yourself to feel confident in your very core. We will encourage you to allow this confidence to flow out through your being and into your life around you.Beyond fears and anxieties, confidently allowing your light to shine out and surround you is ultimately not only your best protection but also vital to manifesting abundance in your life.ITEM 8: ANCHORING INTO THE FLOW OF ABUNDANCEFormat: MP3English Introduction – 3:10 minLight Language Session – 21:54 minThe Universe is infinite, and there is an infinite supply of energy for all beings to tap into. Abundance is all around you always and it is only the resonance of your energetic field that is limiting you from experiencing more of it in your daily life.Building on the strength and confidence of the solar plexus, this session focuses on developing a strong sense of self worth, clearing the blocks to abundance, and anchoring into the flow that is there for you.With a strong and healthy sense of self worth we will help you anchor into abundant flows of vitality, love, and money. The frequencies of the session will gracefully encourage these abundance flows to manifest tangibly in your life easily and quickly.ITEM 9: CULTIVATING LOVING RELATIONSHIPS Inner and OuterFormat: MP3English Introduction – 3:29 minLight Language Session – 25:05 minYour outer world will always reflect your inner world. How you relate to yourself, how you habitually think about your self will create the relationships you experience in the world. It is impossible to feel truly loved and supported by another until you choose to truly love and support yourself.This beautiful session is all about Love, developing Self Love and then allowing the universe to mirror that self love in all of your external relationships.ManTarA builds on the strong foundation of the solar plexus to now work with opening and clearing the Heart chakra. Bringing through the frequencies to enhance the feeling of safety that has been developing through these sessions we can now gently and painlessly wash away the protective armor that you have placed around your heart out of fear in the past. Once the heart is exposed we will encourage and support the flow of your Love out from the heart through your whole being, loving yourself from the inside out. As your whole being starts to resonate with the vibration of self love of course you will attract people and situations into your life to compliment that vibration by loving you for who you are very naturally.ITEM 10: ACCESSING SOUL WISDOM Through the Portal of the HeartFormat: MP3English Introduction – 2:37 minLight Language Session – 21:00 minYour Soul contains the wisdom it has gained from every experience it has ever had throughout the countless life times it has incarnated. Your mind in comparison has only the knowledge it has gained in this lifetime, and much of that is second hand, learnt from books or what others have told us.Obviously then, when it comes to making important decisions your Soul is far more better equipped than your mind to choose a path forward that serves you well.Deep in the recesses of the Heart space there is a doorway or portal that links you to your Soul and the wisdom it contains.This session will create an energetic space that is conducive to you falling effortlessly deep into your Heart and connecting intimately with your Soul.We will shake loose all the limiting beliefs you have around achieving communion with your Soul and help you to overcome your egoic minds habit of arguing with the guidance that flows through from your Soul.ITEM 11: MANIFEST A SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENTFormat: MP3English Introduction – 3:04 minLight Language Session – 19:32 minThe vibration of the environment where you spend much of your time affects your vibration. Choosing to spend your time in an uplifting environment is extremely beneficial on the path of ascension.The multilayered frequencies of this session blend together intentions that ultimately result in you spending more time in environments that are supportive for you. This could mean moving to new spaces, home, office, or even car that have a better energetic match for what you require, or it might just mean allowing old spaces to be cleared, rejuvenated and uplifted to come into a supportive resonance.You are the one who will attract into your life what you are putting out. This session empowers you manifest what will serve you, from that deep knowing well beyond the intellectual mind, so you don’t need to put in so much effort trying to figure out what is best and how to make it happen. Let the energy do the work, relax and EnJoy.ITEM 12: EASING ASCENSION SYMPTOMSFormat: MP3English Introduction – 5:44 minLight Language Session – 23:13 minThe path of Ascension, we feel, is mainly a process of purification, you let go of the density, discordance and darkness that is limiting you, and allow the light to flow in empowering you to expand into the awareness of your authentic or higher self. As this purification takes place there may be many sensations that you feel physically, emotions that seem to come from nowhere and thoughts, especially fears, that pop into your awareness to be dealt with. There are of course also many energetic changes that occur along the way that may or may not be accompanied with sensations that can be felt, and some of those sensations may be intense and not so pleasant in nature. The main thing to remember is that all of these symptoms are not wrong or bad. They are indications that you are progressing on your path, progressing with the purification and so you might look at them as being positive signs. What you resist will persist and what you embrace you can let go of. So as long as you make the symptoms of ascension wrong you will resist them and thus they will persist. If you can let go of the story and the judgment you have around these physical sensations, random emotional feelings, limiting thought forms or fears that have surfaced in your awareness, then you can create more space around them and they can more easily dissolve or dissipate. The intention held in the frequencies of this session is to allow you to clear and release these discordant energies efficiently with ease and comfort. It does not have to be an unpleasant process. The more space and freedom we allow this process to have the faster it will progress. It really is our mental stories and resistances that bind and slow the process, causing friction that ultimately results in more suffering. So this session will gently shake out the mental stories and bring more space into your process. We also bring in frequencies to facilitate your empowerment so that you can feel more in charge of the process on a deep level and less in need of mentally trying to micromanaging a process that your mind simply does not understand.ITEM 13: CLEAR, PURIFY AND UPLIFTFormat: MP3English Introduction – 1:20 minLight Language Session – 66:28 minThis Channeled Angelic Light Language Session is brought forth by ManTarA to energetically purify spaces and places.Most of us can feel the energetic resonance or vibration that different spaces hold, for example the feel of the shopping mall, a hospital, a tall forest or the beach. The beings that inhabit a space both contribute to the resonance and are affected by it. Spaces tend to hold the dominant energies that have been expressed in them, for example, fear in the hospital or manic overwhelm in the shopping mall, nature holds very harmonising energies.The language of this session very powerfully shakes out density darkness and discordance from the spaces that it is played in. The intention is to remove all energies (whether residue fragments or living entities) from the space that are not conducive to your highest Joy and happiness. Then to allow the natural balance and harmony to be restored, so the space can support, nurture and uplift you into your higher frequencies.ITEM 14: ANGEL GREASEFormat: MP3English Introduction – 2:31 minLight Language Session – 9:58 minAngel Grease, as we understand it, is an extremely fluid energetic substance that can be applied to an extensive range of situations or processes to reduce friction and allow ease and fluidity.This short activation is intended to empower you with the ability to invoke and use Angel Grease in all sorts of applications in your day to day life, so that things can flow more smoothly and easily for you and those whom you choose to help.We are sure that you will be inspired to use Angel Grease in many imaginative ways to create a more joyous life, but here are some examples to get you started;You can apply Angel Grease to any relationship to reduce friction between parties, (it works wonders on squabbling children)You can apply Angel Grease to a project that you are working on, or a dream or vision that you would like to bring to life.You can apply it to your income streams and abundance flows.You can apply it to physical machines or objects to help them function easily and efficiently, your car, washing machine, door hinge, jar lid.What about parts of your body, knee joint, digestive tract, thought processes, limiting beliefs.There are limitless applications; all you need do is use your intention to apply angel grease to whatever you feel needs it. Your intentions are very powerful, because you are a very powerful being.Have fun with it,EnjoyITEM 15: RENOUNCE YOUR LABELSFormat: MP3Length: 19:58 minEvery label that we take on and identify with comes with a set of conditions that “should be” adhered to if we are to be worthy of owning that label.Of course these conditions vary with personal and societal perceptions, so although the conditions that come with the label “good husband” will be quite well defined in each individual’s mind, when you examine the range of conditions across the entire population of people who have a definition of “good husband” they will be diverse and indeed contradictory.No matter what set of conditions you personally hold associated with any label those conditions limit what you can and can’t do or experience and still own the label.When you take a look at all the labels that you own and then compile a list of conditions that go along with each of those labels it becomes very obvious why most people are stressed. Not only is the total list of conditions, that any one individual is trying to satisfy, exhaustive it is also very likely to contain many opposing beliefs.So this session will invite you to renounce your labels and allow yourself to be free to experience your inherent divine expansive being-ness totally worthy just as you authentically are right now.ITEM 16: 2 Live Group Channeled Light Language SessionsYou will be invited to participate in two live group calls next month, (dates and time to be advised)A 90min Channelled Angelic Light Language call, to address a topic with both practical information to help your intellectual mind to evolve, and ManTarA’s Light Language to work beyond your mind with the underlying energetic causes behind the misbalance you are experiencing.A 120 min Q&A Call to provide additional support for all facilitated by working specifically with individuals to answer questions with both information and potent transformational energies from ManTarA via Light Language and Direct Intent.Package BIncludes everything in Package A Plus60 min Private Session with ManTarAThis is an opportunity to have ManTarA address your personal issues or limitations and have specific energies brought forth to assist you in expanding into your greater potential.The format of this session will be tailored to suit your requirements. As well as working with the Light Language to facilitate expansion on the energetic front we also quite often support the work with coaching style practical steps to empower you in the process. Although we work in an intuitive way we do not do “readings” as such, we are much more interested in facilitating the energies required for you to become empowered enough to know for yourself. The session will be recorded.Get Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews, Only Price $37Tag: Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews Review. Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews download. Transform Your Life With ManTarA – Matt Andrews discount.