Traffic Fusion – Precious Ngwu


Ebook “Traffic Fusion – Precious Ngwu” is available, If no download link, Please wait 24 hours. We will process and send the link directly to your email.Stream Thousands of FREE Targeted Visitors To Anywhere You Want Daily on Auto-Pilot WITHOUT Relying on SEO Rankings or Paid AdsWe’re Changing the Way You Get Traffic in 2015…Like it or not… no matter what you do onlineYou NEED Traffic… “Targeted Traffic” “Buyer Traffic”!You need LOTS of it and you need it FAST…But It’s VERY HARD to get lots of targeted buyer traffic fast.Here’s the problem…If you go the SEO traffic route, you’ll have to build backlinks after backlinks and struggle with writing contents daily (both time and money consuming) only hoping that you MAY rank and get traffic… it’s going to take weeks and sometimes even months to see results, worse… you may never rank after all these work.And if you decide to run paid ads, you need to get ready to spend hundreds of dollars daily on ads never knowing if your campaign will bring in any sales, and all the hectic nonsense that comes with running paid adsYou’ll be struggling knowing fully in your mind that 90% of SEOers always FAIL to rank high for the profitable terms and that 70% paid ad campaigns NEVER turn out a positive ROI.My friend… that’s a very hard position to be in and honestly, I don’t wish to be you in that position right now.Here’s the thing…We knew there was problem… and we needed a solution (not some quick fix) – a REAL SOLUTIONA traffic source that would… …Allow us to generate free targeted traffic of hungry buyers ready to opt-in and buy whatever we’re selling in real time on autopilot…Where we don’t have to wait weeks for Google/Youtube rankingsWhere there’s no ad disapproval or get stuck with metrics & trackingSo we can use to send traffic to anywhere we want at any time we wantWhere every campaign we run returns positive ROI every single time.So, we designed and built TRAFFIC FUSION…The world’s first and most technologically advanced adobe air traffic software that gives uncut & unlimited access to an untapped traffic box to streams hordes of targeted visitors instantly at the push of a button.Here’s the thingYou’re a smart marketer… and right now, you’re probably making good money but you more targeted traffic so you know what can increase your revenueOr probably, you’re not even making enough yet, maybe… it’s more like a “hit and miss” thing for you but you know you have a profitable campaign and if only you could get enough targeted traffic to these campaigns fastRight now, you’re probably sitting on a sales page and squeeze page that’s converts or you have a video/blog that really engages your audience in seconds but you’re not getting leads and sales because you’re NOT getting the enough traffic needed.The reason is because before today, if you wanted targeted traffic, you had only two options:1. Write articles, build backlinks, waste a lot of time waiting and try to rank your sites2. Run paid ads, blow a lot of money, get stuck with metrics and only hope your EPC is even a cent higher than CPCYou’ve probably tried all these and noticed that with these methods, you will spend a lot of time waiting for traffic which may never come or run into negative balance trying to build successful campaignsAnd you may have even thought it to yourself… if only I could instantly drive targeted visitors to my salespages, videos, squeeze pages and blogs fast… then I could grow my business really fast.”Now YOU CAN push a button and send free targeted traffic to anywhere you want in minutes!Think about this…The next time you setup a marketing campaign — your account will be exploding as you lock in THOUSANDS of fresh new leads and real sales by the hours just from plugging Traffic Fusion into the campaign.What You’re Looking at Right Now Is the World’s Most Powerful Push Button Instant Traffic Software That’s Changing The Playing Field and Stacking The Decks in Your Favor Using Top-of-the-Line FeaturesEASY WIZARD SETUP SYSTEM FOR YOUR NEW TRAFFIC MACHINETraffic comes inbuilt with a setup wizard, once you install the software and open it for the first time …the wizard runs and takes you step by step to help you configure the app and get your first campaign in the air – we couldn’t have made it any easier.SETUP “INSTANT TRAFFIC GETTING” CAMPAIGNS IN UNDER 2 MINUTESThis is the port I love the most… each “Traffic-Getting” campaign takes under 120 seconds to setup, you just add links and a little text – literally, copy n’paste stuff… it’s way TOO easy, no confusing and time liquidating technical functions.CREATE & CONNECT “UNLIMITED” ACCOUNTS FOR MASS TRAFFICWe’re going to show you how to create your traffic account and connect UNLIMITED accounts to the Traffic Fusion app. Also, each account can have UNLIMITED communities synced with it for mass traffic distribution.ADD UNLIMITED CONTENTS + FULL SPUN TEXT & SPIN REWRITER INTEGRATIONAdd multiple “1-10 line” sentenced) as contents for your campaign, you con also have them in nested spun format or integrate with platform to do it for you automatically – Traffic Fusion is fully designed to deliver high level content uniqueness in it’s traffic generation campaigns.TOTAL CONTROL OVER THE SPEED, RECALL AND THROTTLING OF CAMPAIGNSYou have the choice to set how fast you want campaign to be completed, setup the speed and throttling of your content distribution, choose how many times you want this campaign to repeat and bring in more traffic and a ton more settings …in fact, everything about the success and delivery of targeted visitors to your sites is in your hands, you have FULL CONTROL!SLEEK DASHBORD FOR CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT & STATISTICS TRACKINGEasily delete, play, restart, pause, edit and manage every aspect of you campaigns from this one fancy dashboard designed for simplicity and clarity. Also know right off the bat the completion status of your campaigns.YOUR TRAFFIC GENERATION HISTORY IN ONE PLACE (JUST CLICK TO VIEW)We make it very easy for you… in 1 click, we’ll show you exactly where Traffic Fusion has distributed your contents/links to generate traffic for you. Even better… you can also click again to view these places and hyperactive communities in your browsers so you see just how hot and super-targeted the traffic we’re sending you is.SEND TRAFFIC TO ANYWHERE AND PROMOTE ANYTHING INSTANTLYThere’s no limitation, you can send traffic to anywhere you want or promote anything you want… heck, you can even use this to promote that your new Kindle book on how to make pumpkin lanterns or that your silly Youtube video of pranking ladies at the beach; all you need to do is select your target niche and push a button… that’s how awesome this software it!CAPTURE PROFITABLE LEADS AND SELL MORE PRODUCTS FASTERWe know how seriously you are about growing your business, we’ve built a serious traffic automation app that will send hordes of targeted visitors who’re seriously interested in your offers so you capture high quality leads and sell lots of your products every single day.WORKS IN ANY NICHE AND TARGET MARKETIt doesn’t matter whether your niche is fishing, cooking dancing scuba diving or if you’re targeting doctors and mechanics… Traffic Fusion is going to drive all these prospects straight to your landing page.WORKS FOR ALL LANGUAGES AND COUNTRIESMarketing to different countries in different languages? Traffic Fusion has absolutely no regional restrictions or language barriers… the world is yours to dominate.All these features combine to create a mass traffic machine that will automatically stream free targeted visitors “ready to buy whatever you’re selling” to your sites every single day…Tag: Traffic Fusion – Precious Ngwu Review. Traffic Fusion – Precious Ngwu download. Traffic Fusion – Precious Ngwu discount.