Trading Tuitions – An Ultimate Guide to Successful Investing


The MMXM Traders Course

ICT Trader | Time Is Fractal | CEO of “The Silver Bullet”
A trade-able approach.
Not just individual concepts thrown out there then “go figure it out yourself.”
A bread & butter income based approach to trading.
No monthly group after because you’ll have the tools you need & YOU WILL.
My goal is to give you independence.

Video Course
A complete Approach
A Puzzle Place Together

This is the most recent course release by MMXM Trader.
What You’ll Learn In The MMXM Traders Course?

MMXM stands for Market Maker X Model the two models that fit in this category are Market Maker Sell Model & Market Maker Buy Model

Core Concepts
Market Maker Models
Top Down Analysis
Models Risk Management

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