Trading Dominion – Portfolio Margin and SPAN Margin Trading Tactics


Sang Lucci – On Demand Options Education
Sang Lucci’s On-Demand Education is for the trader seeking to learn how to aggressively trade large cap stocks and options and find the method that specifically suites his or her personal goals.
What You’ll Learn In On Demand Options Education?
Class 1: Trading Basics

Understanding the Auction Process
Viewing and Analyzing Charts
Adjusting Time frames on Charts to Provide Insight
Profiting from Market Conditions Using Different Types of Trades
Picking Options
Understanding Sentiment
Capitalizing on Supply/Demand Dynamics
Technical Analysis and Indicators
RSI, VWAP, MA, etc.
Lagging Indicators
Building Your Watch List
Breaking Down Sang Lucci’s Watch List

Class 2-3: Options

Why We Trade Options In the First Place
Options 101
Reading an Options Chain
Sanglucci’s Equation for the Pricing Options
Volatility and How to Profit Off of It
Choosing the Underlying Stock
Calls vs. Puts
Picking Your Strike Prices
Traits of In the Money vs. Out of the Money
Expiration Dates
Weekly Options and Advantages Over Monthlies

Class 4: Choosing a Trading Platforms and Broker

Priorities for Choosing Platform (especially for options)
Adjusting Settings to Maximize Performance
Employing Multiple Chart Time frames

Class 5: Trading Psychology

Challenging Your Fears
Taking Losses
Managing Winners
The Value of NOT Trading
The Importance of Building Your Own Trading style and Identity
How to Manage and Even Capitalize on
Headline Risk
Anticipating Moves and Avoiding Setups
Trading Around Earnings