TradeSmart University – Options Made Simple 101


Seems pretty obvious right?

You’ve probably never heard of Eddie Speed in the news before, and some of the richest people in America would like to keep it that way.
In this short letter you’re going to find out why billion dollar hedge funds and even regular Average Joe’s come to Eddie for financial advice.
Now there’s not going to be any hocus pocus miracle pills, but you are going to learn about a legitimate bonafide way to earn tens of thousands of dollars.
If you want to tell your boss to take a hike one day, or you’re thinking about retirement, or if you just want to buy expensive toys, you’re going to love this letter…

You see, note really only comes down to four simple steps:

Find the deals – You have to know who to talk to that sells these deals.
Price the deals – You have to know how to evaluate the deals to see if it’s a good buy.
Source the money – You have to know how to fund the deals.
Close the deal and profit – You have to know what to do with the deal after you bought it and how to make the most on each transaction.

That’s it. Not as complicated as you thought, right? With The Insider Hedge Fund Formula, I get in front of the camera and go into great detail on each one of these steps so you know exactly what you need to do to profit just like the hedge funds.
Part #1 The State of the Industry

Simply put, this video will catch you up on the past 34 years of the industry. You get everything you need to know and nothing that you don’t.
Basically, I want to get you caught up to my level of knowledge as quickly as possible and this letter will set the foundation for you to become an expert as quickly as possible.
This video alone will give you more knowledge than 90% of investors out there.

Part #2 Formula for Finding Deals

This is step one in the framework I showed you above and understanding how to effectively find the deals will be critical to your success as a note investor.
I will show you what kinds of note sellers to look for and how to approach them. I will show you who to work with and, just as important, who NOT to work with. Plus I’ll show you why the overwhelming majority of investors out there are getting this dead wrong.
This letter will put you light-years ahead of your competition.

Part #3 The Perfect Pricing Formula

In this letter, I’m going to tell you exactly how to evaluate any note deal you come across. I’ll show you step by step, how to evaluate the note itself and the underlying collateral (the property).
What’s even better, I’ll show you how you can easily and accurately do it from the comfort of your own home.
The secrets in this letter are what allows my students to buy deals all over the country no matter where they are located.
This is a game changer.

Part #4 Secret Sourcing Strategies

This letter is all about sourcing money. I’m going to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how to fund your deals with the $11.8 Trillion dollars of anxious money that is available in the market today.
I’ll give you the blueprint for how to find people with anxious money, how to approach them and how to position yourself correctly so they want to work with you.
Do this right, and pretty soon you’ll have money chasing you. It’s that powerful.
When you follow the strategies in this letter, you won’t need to worry about how to fund your deals, ever again.

Part #5 The Closers’ Guide to Profits

In this video, I’m going to make you a closer. I’ll show you all the strategies you need to know to maximize your profits on every deal. The simple, step by step process I’ll show you will make the closing process fun and easy.
I’ll show you strategies to make some money quickly, make more money over the long term and even how to cash more than one paycheck on a deal where the average investor only gets one.

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