Topher Morrison – NLP Practitioner Home Study Course


This programme was created by some of the top NLP Trainers in the world including Master Trainer of Hypnosis & ANLP Accredited Trainer of NLP, David Key and has been peer reviewed by many well known NLP Trainers, ANLP & Professor Angus McLeod the visiting Professor & External Supervisor of Applied Coaching Research at the Business School, Birmingham City University.

Topher Morrison – NLP Practitioner Home Study Course

This is a professionally recorded, produced and peer reviewed NLP Home Study series of 16 audio CDs containing over 14 hours of the NLP Practitioner syllabus plus 2 DVDs containing 8 NLP demonstrations and a comprehensive 160 page manual that guides you through the core elements, methodologies and techniques that are essential for your success as a NLP Practitioner.

More information…
This programme was created by some of the top NLP Trainers in the world including Master Trainer of Hypnosis & ANLP Accredited Trainer of NLP, David Key and has been peer reviewed by many well known NLP Trainers, ANLP & Professor Angus McLeod the visiting Professor & External Supervisor of Applied Coaching Research at the Business School, Birmingham City University.
This programme contains models that are NOT available in any other product because the models were created by the trainers who created this material including the NLP Present™ created by David Key.
In this programme you will also learn 2 VERSIONS of the Meta Model. The traditional old world model taught in most schools of NLP and the Compass Model created by NLP Master Trainer, Michael Breen*
This programme is also used globally by many top NLP Trainers as a White Labelled product.  This is a testament to the high quality of this material.
* with permission
On CDs 1 – 8 you will discover and learn:
•    Introduction to NLP

•    Presuppositions of NLP

•    Conscious and Unconscious Mind

•    Sensory Acuity & Rapport

•    Representational Systems & Eye

•    SMART Goal Setting

•    NLP Present ™ Goal Setting

•    Submodalities
On CDs 9 – 16 you will discover and learn:


•    Emotional Freedom with Anchoring

•    Advanced Anchoring

•    Intro to Neurolinguistics & Chunking

•    Milton Model

•    The Meta Model & The Compass Model

•    Strategies & Modelling

•    Fast Phobia Model & Visual Squash

•    Dealing with Difficult People and much more…


On DVDs 1 & 2

In this series you are treated to some excellent examples of the power of NLP, as lead trainer David Key and guest trainer Chris Matson lead clients through a variety of issues using specific techniques to guide them to their preferred  way of being.

Once each client has achieved the result they desire, the trainer then unpacks the techniques used in their demonstration, increasing your learning and understanding.

You will see the following techniques demonstrated:-
• Eye Accessing Cues

• Like to Dislike

• Submodality Belief Change

• SWISH pattern

• Collapse Anchors

• Strategy Elicitation

• Fast Phobia Cure with trance

• Visual Squash – Parts Integration
For both the NLP home studier and the NLP Practitioner pre-certification or post-certification student this unique, compelling and effective training aid will give you the confidence to apply these techniques and develop your skills.
Get Topher Morrison – NLP Practitioner Home Study Course download right now!